Wednesday, August 25, 2010

i'm leaving on a jetplane

Posted by shonitay at 8/25/2010 05:57:00 PM 0 comments
i know.. i know... its not a jet plane....

So kiss me and smile for me,
Tell me that you'll WON'T wait for me,
'Cause I'm leaving on MY WIRA

i'm going to be here......somewhere happy! FOR A WEEEEEEEEKKKKK!!! WEEEHHEEEE!!!

Country Roads take me AWAY
to the place I belong FARAWAY FROM
take me AWAY my country roads

Monday, August 23, 2010

Not enjoying your work is the gateway to HELL!

Posted by shonitay at 8/23/2010 04:16:00 PM 2 comments
Not enjoying your work is a SIN.
(i think i'm going to hell soon enough)
You're going to spend most of your adult life working, might as well have fun with it ;)
Work to me has always been like a close friend. Since i spend so much time with it, I always end up falling in love with it.
I used to be head over heels with my previous job... but one thing led to another and we have now gone our separate ways
Despite no longer 'together', we still maintain good relationship with one another
Kept in touch and still laughed over silly matter and office gossips..oops!

Since i am super emo today, i thought i should share something i wrote once....
titled as 'mushy mushy', i couldn't send it out anytime earlier than the last few seconds being there

Dear bosses!

  1. You guys were the best of the best coolest bosses i know and I am thankful for having the chance to work with you all
  2. Err….other than position and experience wise (read: age is what I meant)… i would love to regards you guys as my friend/buddy/sisters..or.. brothers?! Ahahha
  3. From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank you all for teaching me and guiding me all along..
  4. I learnt really a lot since I know you all… which if I have the chance again, I would love to continue learning from you guys
  5. I'm sorry if I had made lots of mistakes… which I think I did… and a lot
  6. I'm sorry if I had said things that hurts your feelings.. made you sad… or my horrible countless teasing
  7. I'm sorry if my loud voice, laughter or Chinese/Korean ringtones had cause you noise pollution.. which I believe neither of us minded
  8. Last but not the least, I LOVE YOU GUYS and thank you for loving me too!!
  9. I wish you all happiness, joy, success, health and everything else which is good!!!! GOD BLESS!!
  10. BTW, just in case if you miss me, feel assured that I missed you guys too…you know how to contact me! ;)

Signing out for the last time,

Shoni Tay

Project Coordinator

that JOB was my FIRST LOVE (under the work category lah of course)!!!
although i am searching for a new love now... sometimes (like now) i thought of the past...
and i could smile... i felt the warmth and i thank God for this first love.

Friday, August 20, 2010


Posted by shonitay at 8/20/2010 04:40:00 PM 0 comments

if you need to f***, go and look for 'chickens'!
Don't simply rape and dogs or cats you have at home just because they are animals! FYL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the above is a peribahasa i just created! nothing got to do with any real life chickens, dogs, cats, or pigs. wtf
btw, its related to some...i dunno..... u think yourself lah! no mood to explain further liao

need to save energy to wallow in my pool of misery and just lay there and just think of how to eat and shit. WTF!

my life is seriously f***ed up and i cant wait for the 26th to come... so that i can run away and hide from all the lau sai!!


Thursday, August 19, 2010


Posted by shonitay at 8/19/2010 11:38:00 PM 0 comments


sohai bidder

9 bucks far a freaking garlic

plus 12 bucks delivery..


yalah.. then later they removed the shipping fee when we laughed at it


that fker must be a world record fatty and cant move to

shopping mall to buy



damn so hai (my bro so funny right?)

read the shoutbox..

something abt ghost month

the use of garlic



anyway nice garlic pic they have


really joke of the day!

We were talking about this site which is specifically for Wednesdays called superbid.
Every Wednesdays, there will be items auctioned off starting from RM1 comprising of usually electronics, home products and beauty stuff....Last Wednesday on 18aug however, there was this item that caught our attention and i think it was really crazy! marketing gimmick or not, still, it was funny!!

Garlic for bidding?WTF!! there was people bidding for it and there was a shipping charge of RM12 earlier in the day before the company removed it later in the day!
people were talking about it in the Shoutbox as well:

0llooll0: What is this for? U can buy several kilo by the shipping fee inself.What a joke.
NEILISA: what???.. garlic for bid?? with the shipping fee itself i can buy 3kg of garlic
yeyenoctavia: hohoho... interesting!
0llooll0: yytang is in position of paying a kilo of garlic at rm13
PiGgy08: what a joke of that... omg... is there any gold contain in the garlic?? lolx...
superbid: For your infomation, the shipping fee for this item is FREE within Peninsular M'sia.
oriongoh: wow this is interesting never seen this happening before.
TaoG3r: are they trying new stuff??
MonkeyBar: izin this item will protect me from Ghost????
MonkeyBar: if yah i will bid, since now are ghost season xD !!!
Fienamie: free price 8.50

Comment in red is so funny! seriously, joke of the day....
perhaps, good marketing strategy too... now that i am blogging about it!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Posted by shonitay at 8/18/2010 09:22:00 PM 0 comments
This is reporting for Project Hairband specially launched for Minli's wedding.
We did 5 hairbands...we as in yennee, mike and myself!
The big purple bridey style one is obviously for the bride-to-be! pretty huh!
i think i can start taking orders for making hen's night hairband for SALE!!
anyone interested at the moment can contact me! $_$
ITS CUSTOM MADE U KNOW!! price to be discussed privately..
Don't mess with yennee! A gun will look like an ice-cream to her anytime! HAHAHAHAHA
Better hand me all your food, else, you'll be shot at your ass!! wakakakakkakaaa
Fail act with fake gun! WTF!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tea break at Levain Boulangerie Patisserie

Posted by shonitay at 8/17/2010 11:50:00 PM 0 comments
Last Sunday, after going for the measuring session at the tailor for Minli's upcoming wedding..
Yennee, Lee Lee, Mike and yours truly went to Levain for tea break...
We saw many blogs wrote good comments about it and my colleague sang praises for the pastries there..... it was so irresistible that we knew we MUST pay a visit to the place

beautiful entrance....
drinking invisible tea with painting background
enjoying my tea-break....yums yums!
delicious bread and pastries!!! these 5 are our star picks!
Clockwise from top left: Custard Cream Donut (RM 2.80), Raisin Danish (RM 3.60), Mashed Potato Bun (RM3.60), Chicken Curry Donut (RM3.80)
Centre: Crispy Walnut Bread (RM3.80)
super deliciously yummy!!!i want more more more!!! cholesterol is invisible here! haha!
me and mike at the entrance seats...
the warm ambiance of the side patio...

unconditional love

Posted by shonitay at 8/17/2010 11:42:00 AM 1 comments
I got this last Sunday from someone special when i was working at MOFEW fair....
She came all the way to visit me, had lunch with me and gave me this! ♥
Sealed with a big kiss for the most sexy! Muah!!! Thanks dear!! I love it so much!!
It was so so so so sweet... I was caught by surprise and felt like wanted to cry...*shy
But there were too many people around, so i acted cool! :p

I am so lucky to have such wonderful friend that loves me! *shows-off
The effort she took to prepare the gift... ♥And brought it all the way to surprise me!!!
Then i had a guilt attack! Hahahhaha.. Din get her anything for her bd pun...
I think i am a bad friend! Still, deep down, I DO REALLY LOVE YOU SHIN YEE!!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING MY FRIEND!!! And loving me unconditionally! WTF

At MOFEW, I was supposed to W.O.R.K....i did, but i also did shopping as well!
Bought a princessy hairband which the store owner wore and i thought she looked like a princess! And also 3 bracelets for RM20 which i really love!
One of it had a cute kimono girl charm on it... And i thought that it was like a secret box and could be open to hide things in it... BUT when i opened it, it BROKE! FML!! It wasn't supposed to be opened. I DIDN'T KNOW and my heart broke!ahhhhhhh!!! Luckily, without the back portion, little kimono girl still looked cute! :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

'out of office' reply

Posted by shonitay at 8/16/2010 01:52:00 PM 1 comments
i was helping my colleague to design her "out-of-office" reply when i bumped into this site...
damn hilarious lor.. and how i wished if i could have the chance to use any of this!
hahahahhahah!!! my favorite is no.4!! woot woot!!! and i wished i could use no.10 soon enough! HAHAHA!!

1: I am currently out at a job interview and will reply to you if I fail to get the position.

2: I'm not really out of the office. I'm just ignoring you.

3: You are receiving this automatic notification because I am out of the office. If I was in, chances are you wouldn't have received anything at all.

4: Sorry to have missed you but I am at the doctors having my brain removed so that I may be promoted to management

5: I will be unable to delete all the unread, worthless emails you send me until I return from vacation on 4/18. Please be patient and your mail will be deleted in the order it was received.

6: Thank you for your email. Your credit card has been charged $5.99 for the first ten words and $1.99 for each additional word in your message.

7: The e-mail server is unable to verify your server connection and is unable to deliver this message. Please restart your computer and try sending again.'

(The beauty of this is that when you return, you can see how many in-duh-viduals did this over and over).

8: Thank you for your message, which has been added to a queuing system. You are currently in 352nd place, and can expect to receive a reply in approximately 19 weeks.

9: Hi. I'm thinking about what you've just sent me. Please wait by your PC for my response.

10: Hi! I'm busy negotiating the salary for my new job. Don't bother to leave me any messages.

11: I've run away to join a different circus.

12: I will be out of the office for the next 2 weeks for medical reasons. When I return, please refer to me as 'Loretta' instead of 'Steve'

Thursday, August 12, 2010

yeng chai got raped!

Posted by shonitay at 8/12/2010 08:00:00 AM 0 comments
Early Saturday morning, my yeng chai was raped! F-the buglar’s-L!!

Pagi pagi buta 3.20am go break into my car!!! And stole my TAG and touch & go card!!!
MCH!! CCB!!! KNS!!!! TNLM$#^$^&#!!!
I am so furious!!
Disturb my sleep!
Steal my things!
Break my window!
Car wash people also capitalize on my mishap!
Then have to repair window!!
Caused me all the pain, trouble and anger!!!!!
I swear that the person who did this cannot berak, cannot kencing, cannot kentut for as long until I get my money back from my insurance company! FHL!!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

smell and senses

Posted by shonitay at 8/11/2010 10:53:00 AM 0 comments
Last Friday, when I did not manage to see my items from minimaos, I was actually at a fair at Mid Valley for the SME fair… time flew so fast and I realized how much I missed…TALKING! WTF! Hahahaha!! I am serious here… I have this huge problem of not talking at work! FML! I don’t mind not talking when I am down or sad or having those FML moments… but when I am normal and happy, I love…no...I NEED to do some verbal exercise!
Right opposite us was perhaps the most famous booth at the fair. The reason because, they give out FREE FOOD!! There were sotong bakar, otak-otak, popiah, keropok, drinks etc. HOW many Malaysians will resist not visiting the booth??? By all means I had my good share of unlimited food supply there, as well as the ‘good’ smell all day long!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Posted by shonitay at 8/10/2010 10:45:00 AM 1 comments
Remember I mentioned earlier that I was waiting for something to arrive related to Mickey?
The day came and it was last Friday and I wasn’t there to receive it! I only got to see it on Monday…

From minimaos!!!! Hahahahhaha told you its someone related to Mickey dy lor!!!
Inside were two little red boxes…♥
And inside these boxes were….gold! HAHAHHAHHAHAHA @.@
Xiao meh? Gold also use Pos Express!! its actually 18k gold plated on 925 silver nia..
We waited a month for these to arrive… so excited when I see it!
Can see clearly or not???? Oklah.. satu per satu lah….
♥shoni♥with a star
♥yennee♥and a dolphin

Friday, August 6, 2010

sweet pink

Posted by shonitay at 8/06/2010 04:36:00 PM 1 comments
yennee's sister mei yun said...
"perhaps her obsession to pink items is because it sounds like Ping"
the most fong mau reasoning ever!

anyway, i have been in kiddie modes these days...
perhaps i am growing old already = getting childish FML
remember my post about my blog's new look which i mentioned about my new found love?

THIS IS IT! my new love! LG GD580 Lollipop!!
sweet as the name, sweet as the colour ♥♥♥♥♥
the applications inside are all so so so cute!!!!
i cannot resist looking and touching it so that it lights up and makes my day!!

its my birthday present this year from baybee!!!!! ♥kiss ♥kiss

i designed a twin love for the front lightning and make it light up whenever my love calls me!!
so pretty!! the ♥♥ will appear from top to bottom! joining both hearts together...

and while i am so sweetly talking about my love... i need to introduce someone here..this is fatbear.... my beary bank!
Ping bought for me to encourage me to save... such noble intention of him...*touched
aww...look at him... so fat and chubby... how can i resist to add more 'fat' to him!
i know i am a terrible person ignoring this cute fellow.... but i have always not enough to eat myself! KAKAKKKAKAK
fatbear begging me to fill him... but... FHL
I have also played my part... to encourage Ping to save...
Note: we're both kids.. we need physical money banks to keep cash
and he did successfully for so many times until he see fatbear also kesian him...
so just the other day, he filled up this fatbear until overweight already!
hahahaha.. so now fat bear is happy and contented being fat! KAKAKAKKAKA


something irrelevant...
Ping ordered this cup of cappucino from a cafe in IOI...
wah.. so cute! first time i see a drawing in a cup of coffee
i cant draw even this nice on a blank piece of paper FML
dunno what is that but it looks like a cat to me.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

and the winner is...

Posted by shonitay at 8/04/2010 11:59:00 AM 0 comments


And it was not because of LOVE.

It wasn't for thrill and excitement too.

i chose kaya butter toast!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

kaya butter toast

Posted by shonitay at 8/03/2010 05:39:00 PM 1 comments

That is the word for it. That is the reason for it. That is the most evil thing on earth!
It makes you feel like shit. It makes you cannot sleep. It makes you easily irritated.

Earlier, I got pissed of with 'you know who' (not revealing this.. so no need to ask). Then a bloody aunty poured oil into fire by pissing me off further. Making false accusation and trying to cheat my money! Bloody OLD crook!! I don't want to waste my time ranting about both of it here. Waste of space and time. Just a simple note to remind me of 'why i shouldn't be so nice to idiots' it in the future will do.


There's something which is a bigger and more serious thing which is going on in my mind now. When i heard about it, i couldn't sleep the whole of last night! Something really exciting... And i was thrilled to hear about it. Or rather too shocking for the humble me to accept and i needed time to digest to think about it.

I couldn't make a decision on the spot because of....LOVE! HAAHAHAHAH *i am shy to admit it but....I never expected myself to have problem deciding due to LOVE!! OMG! Laugh at me all you want... I don't care. I have always acted for the benefit of myself and this time, I DIDN'T! OMG! What is happening to me? ~the power of love~perhaps?

Many of times, the older generations and more experienced ones have given countless valuable advices and one of it is not to be so stupid to sacrifice for love! However they say it, i don't see it practiced by them! They say it when they regretted their decision. But on a sweeter note, there are also some who sacrificed and it was worth it after all... 50:50 / Big or Small???

I don't know what to choose. I don't know how to choose.

I don't know.

I don't know.

Its like dividing myself to half. ~just like kaya butter toast...
Half of me wants the best for myself NOW! I crave for the excitement and challenge. ~ butter side
Another half of me wants the best for the person i love.. that makes me H.A.P.P.Y.!!!! ~ kaya side
I know, in life, we cannot have the best of both worlds, but life means endless possibilities. ~well, there's kaya butter toast kan??~
Many things in life are not fated. Its a choice we made by taking chances.
Happiness is a choice we make.

I could be wrong. I could be right. I have not decided yet...
Once i made the decision, i guess there'll be no turning back. *thinking *thinking really hard

Life is always a gamble.
You win some, you lose some.
Most importantly, is to enjoy the journey along the way.

Monday, August 2, 2010

mood spoilers

Posted by shonitay at 8/02/2010 06:04:00 PM 1 comments

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