Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Posted by shonitay at 8/10/2010 10:45:00 AM
Remember I mentioned earlier that I was waiting for something to arrive related to Mickey?
The day came and it was last Friday and I wasn’t there to receive it! I only got to see it on Monday…

From minimaos!!!! Hahahahhaha told you its someone related to Mickey dy lor!!!
Inside were two little red boxes…♥
And inside these boxes were….gold! HAHAHHAHHAHAHA @.@
Xiao meh? Gold also use Pos Express!! its actually 18k gold plated on 925 silver nia..
We waited a month for these to arrive… so excited when I see it!
Can see clearly or not???? Oklah.. satu per satu lah….
♥shoni♥with a star
♥yennee♥and a dolphin


y3nnee on August 10, 2010 at 5:37 PM said...

aiyoo... my name really abit cacat lo..
haih... if got another small hole at the fin of the dolphin then more cun lo..

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