Monday, July 19, 2010

new look!

Posted by shonitay at 7/19/2010 04:49:00 PM
hello everyone!
like my blog new look or not?
you better do!
well, i don't know where to source for nice blog headers anymore..
so this time i thought i might just as well try out a new theme..
introducing the 'kiddie blog' theme.... *gasp!! awwwwesomely cute!
thought of getting something pinkish.. but can't find any cute enough for my eyes...
so, finally decided to settle for something plain and cute!

sometimes, i do wonder why am i so childish...
i mean for my age now i should go for some sophisticated and cool designs
but instead, i chose the 'kiddie' theme...
in a few days time, you will witness another prove of my childishness in my selection of something else.
ooops! i guess it is right time for me to change the theme to match my new found love! *bliss

OMG!! mentioning it made me feel so excited!
i'll be able to caress it in a few day's time!! woohoo!!
i have been drooling over it for quite long....
pretended to wanting to buy it for countless times....


y3nnee on July 22, 2010 at 12:23 PM said...

superb childish.. lol

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