Tuesday, July 13, 2010

a night at Kluang

Posted by shonitay at 7/13/2010 04:42:00 PM
last saturday, after being my mom's free labourer again.....
my mom and i went to Kluang, Johor to visit my grandpa who was sick at the
when we reached at the hospital at about 10.30pm, my gong2 was outside his ward
playing with my little cousins..
so cute.. he missed them so much.. kept on wanting them to 'stick' to him..
the next day, when my mom went and brought him some food for breakfast, he was
all ready..to go home!
he said the doctor said that he's alright already and can be discharged.
he packed his own bags and walked out of the ward full of semangat to go home...
leaving my mom, the driver and my grandma clueless at the ward
i almost teared when he told me at home that he was looking for qian2 when he
was sleeping the night before
he said, i missed my grandchildren.....i want to stay at home..
he's is now in kl.. for an appointment with HUKM's doctor...
i pray and hope that his stomach will not cause him anymore trouble...
that he will listen to advice, be a good boy and not simply eat like he's still


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