Monday, July 19, 2010

tales of old and new

Posted by shonitay at 7/19/2010 11:30:00 AM
Edit 2:
Used convetional method with blogger and still failed 2-3 times. I pre-typed this post in Ms Word 2010 and i cant seem to just copy and paste into blogger. Everytime i 'copied' there will be formatting details that tagged along and made me cant post! FTS! make my life so mah fan only!
Had to copy into notepad first before i copied again into blogger! WTF!
FAILED NOT ONCE BUT TWICE.. trying to use yahoo mail to send this post using my newly thought way.
Tried using yahoo mail to directly send a post with pictures, but failed because I don’t know how to! How sad!
But I am brilliant, immediately I thought of a way, and tadah! U are reading this post WITH pictures!! Hahahhaha!

What the hell is that??? Look carefully, study the surrounding, and you would finally realize that it’s a flower vase! That the one on the right and on the left is a small glass… the liquid inside is obviously not vodka!

Few days ago, I went with yennee to my ex-boss’s food tasting of her newly opened café called ‘mBUJI CAFÉ’ at Sunway Giza. It was really a joyous occasion as I see a lot of familiar happy faces and the anticipation of free food! Mmm….. I felt a sudden warm feeling of familiarity.. and that was just about it… As I left, I wasn’t sad or unhappy at all! As I thought I would when I just entered. I was happy to say goodbye and go home to sleep!

A little about the café in case anyone wants to give a little support.. Patrons there go through a coffee adventure as they spend time slurping on good quality coffee imported from Africa… and there’s where the sacred rock called mBUJI is located, hence the name of the café. From what I understand, you would be able to choose from a large variety of different coffee beans and choose how you would like your coffee be made. Just pick what you like and you would get your very own design! There would also be a sandwich bar, just like Subway style and the bread are freshly baked in-house. There will be also an extensive list of menu to choose from anytime of the day. So far, I have not seen any of the above except for the extensive menu because during the tasting period, it was really full house and the food ran out rather quickly! So I shall go back another day and will write a proper review here.

Well, the big vase is my glass of water while others are the usual small size ones! HAHA! The reason why I got such a big one is due to my not-so-soft-volume when I talk! I was complaining that I did not get any of my orders, NOT even my plain water to my ‘table mates’ when the staff there heard me! And he quickly brought me this! HAHAHHA! The wonders of having not-so-soft voice!

Was wondering, would I be the one who would serve people the big vase if I would be still attached with my ex-company?

Last week also I tried to buy things from my company’s site and got myself a ‘dress’. Why in inverted commas? Oh.. when I tried it on, it reached only to my waist! HAHAHHAHA!!! I think I ‘expanded’ the dress horizontally too much that it became short! So I’m gonna sell it off!

Then there is this special Wednesdays go crazy thing on where items are auctioned off starting from RM1. So I ‘made’ Ping to get me this!

Aren’t they lovely? Such a sweet couple.. everytime I see this, now hanging in my room, it reminds me of him and my ‘missing’ him feeling would escalate sky high!

And oh oh… btw…I’m going to see my baybee tonight!!! Yeah yeah!!!!!


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