Tuesday, December 29, 2009

singapore part 2

Posted by shonitay at 12/29/2009 12:37:00 PM
Happy New Year to everyone....here are the remaining pictures from our singapore trip..
Free photoshoot with Santa and Santarina.. but because its free, the lady snapped the photo when my eyes was closed! $#&@&^%%$
Three Rein-girls... Night time panaromic view of Singapore...
At Siloso Beach @Sentosa where yennee tried to show off her butt!
yeah.. this is at Night Safari... luckily the big scary phyton wasn't beneath our legs!
This girl is jealous...of the giraffe's height
GUYS should learn from Peguins to be good Daddies..
Ouch! i banged my head on the window pane.. stupid window
God! why are we so CUTE????!! hmmmmm @_@


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