Thursday, December 31, 2009

moving into 2010

Posted by shonitay at 12/31/2009 10:18:00 AM 0 comments

I know it's a bit early, but incase I forget or don't have time or don't make it or get hold of you I am just taking this opportunity to thank everyone , I mean EVERYONE , who made 2009 a fabulous year..
Hoping 2010 will be even better.

· For all those I've made promises to and never kept - it was not deliberate but I will "improve" in 2010.

· Those that I owe lunches, movies, night out , etc..., I'll fix that as well, I'll make time .. For sure.

· For those that have supported me and made me smile through all my hardships...I salute you! halaala.

· For those I've disagreed with, argued with and just never got along with......well, I'm Sorry!!!!!!! Let's try again next year.

· Those that I've hurt......unintentionally/intentionally....I've already apologized "I'm Sorry" again...

· For those that stuck a knife in my back, the past is all forgotten.... forgiveness is the best revenge!

· All the true friends that I have: you ROCK!!..Awesome!

· Congratulations to all the new mommies & fathers, newly weds etc..

But all in all, you guys have made 2009 a great year; I wish you and your loved ones prosperity, good health, wealth, happiness, greener pastures, abundant blessings,

· And Oh!! a wonderful festive season.

May 2010 be the year you achieve wonderful things in God's guidance and strength.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

singapore part 2

Posted by shonitay at 12/29/2009 12:37:00 PM 0 comments
Happy New Year to are the remaining pictures from our singapore trip..
Free photoshoot with Santa and Santarina.. but because its free, the lady snapped the photo when my eyes was closed! $#&@&^%%$
Three Rein-girls... Night time panaromic view of Singapore...
At Siloso Beach @Sentosa where yennee tried to show off her butt!
yeah.. this is at Night Safari... luckily the big scary phyton wasn't beneath our legs!
This girl is jealous...of the giraffe's height
GUYS should learn from Peguins to be good Daddies..
Ouch! i banged my head on the window pane.. stupid window
God! why are we so CUTE????!! hmmmmm @_@

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

merry christmas ho ho ho!!

Posted by shonitay at 12/23/2009 01:44:00 PM 0 comments
hi everyone....

i'm back into the world after a series of emotional turmoil and thanks for those who bothered to take time to care! huh! love ya all peeps!! MUAKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

here's an update of my trip to singapore with my girlfriends...its just so so so fun to have time with the girls only... we can do all the girly things we like..(ok.. not girly, but lazy)..sleeping in late... waking up just in time for breakfast, chat till wee hours in bed..snapy beautiful pictures.. etc etc

we wanted to shop but too bad, singapore is too expensive for us... suddenly i had a strong determination to work in singapore.. then i can wrap myself up fully in designer awesome will that be! and now, i am anxiously waiting for our shopping trip to jakarta/bandung! yay!

here are some pictures from angie's camera... mine's still not copied and have't got from yennee yet...

This is me with Chong, our secondary schoolmate who did a fantastic job being our host there! thank you very very very much for being such a WONDERFUL host!!

yennee, angie and mike. we're at some bar nearby our hotel somewhere in ochard having some drinks and the most wonderful cheese+tomato pizza i ever tasted.

oh ya, if you noticed, the picture up there is with night mode on and this is with flash on. though the one with the flash on is very much clearer, but i decided to post mine without flash. why? cause with flash my skin looks so blotchy, ugly and with my dark circles so amazingly clear while Chong's skin was so damn bloody smooth like a baby's ass!!! so there.. let it be blurrrrrrr and everyone will see the pretty me! hah! i like the way i look here.. so pretty... <3>

after a good night's sleep and a hearty breakfast, we headed to the very famous zoo! this picture so nice right? taken by a long hair uncle whom angie thought was some freaking camera thief and she did not want to ask him to take this photo till he volunteered. we found out later that the ugly bag he was carrying was a case to those super big DSLR cameras!
Primate kingdom. how did i fare trying to look like a monkey? hahahhaha
This is where angie suggested us to take a photo each to show our height. She knew she would be the tallest. that is why! L-R tallest to the shortest! hahahahha... sorry mike..
and then we bumped into this sign about one stupid bird! how can it be of same value as a WOMAN!!! total boycott!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
although i did plan to go to australia one day, but not this way!! and not to the zoo lah!!!
after visiting the kanga's we became roos.. hahhaaha yennee so funny!
that night we proceeded for the night safari as well... and i hurt my finger while trying to play some nice music to entertain the people there!
next day we went to sentosa. wanted to watch the 'song of the sea' but the early show was full house and they had zouk out party there that night. so that place was like packed and messy with people... we took a funny picture with us pretending to look like the fish behind.. but i guessed we looked too ugly till angie deleted it! hahahhaaa.. so you can only see the forever well behaved mike here..
edit: actually the said picture was not deleted. sorry angie! it was still intact in yennee's camera. but still, i am not posting it up because we promised only to keep those good memories to ourselves! hahaha!
a picture with merlion to prove that we were there at singapore!
merry christmas!! with santa... got a free photo shoot at a new mall along ochard... noticed angie missing? yeah.. she's sleeping at the hotel..lazy bum bum..

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Posted by shonitay at 12/16/2009 01:06:00 PM 0 comments
beware this is a very emo post. read only if you think you have nothing to do.

these days i feel my life is so messed up. am feeling stressed over so many things... life's like that. full of ups and downs and goods and bads. i think i know why i am feeling particularly like that. basically its two things: family and work. it stresses me out when i think of those two and link myself up with them. how i wished i could just selfishly unplug the connection when i want to and plug it back when i feel like it. i know i am very very very selfish.. but its just what goes through my mind now. i am afraid to know the fact that i will/might have hurt people or will/might have hurt myself. i am scared. i dont want to be pulled back into the past which i have worked very hard to get out of it. i dare not face certain people. i do not want to answer to people for things i dont feel like answering. i dont want to look as if i am a bad person. all i want to do is ESCAPE. i am SCARED. i just want to hide from all the troubles till the time i feel calm and safe to appear... how can i escape? how can i remove myself from entangling futher from all these things that troubles me?

FAMILY is one thing that we cannot change. it is given to us. its a gift to us. i know that. i should be thankful for that. however, a certain set of information had been stored in my memory which i am not able to forget. my attitude, my character, my life is structured in such a way to blend and accustom to the circumstances i was in all the while. some good. some bad. i have learnt to change some of the bad by changing my environment. and due to some incidents, some things changed for the past 6 months because of a person. a person i had been avoiding previously and now. and for the past 6 months, i have been adapting to the new environment and began to love the freedom it allows. now, with just a word from a person, everything is back to before and some drastic change will happen. i cannot forsee how will the effect of the change be, but i definately need lots of time to accept the fact that it's back like before and to get comfortable with it while keep on telling myself that the end result will not hurt someone that i loved. when i see how this change is affecting another one of my family member, i began to feel scared. nothing is positive. i am worried and i want to ESCAPE. i do not have the guts to face it. i know i am a really useless person in matters like that, but i really want to escape. and i have been thinking and planning all sorts of things just to escape. truth is, i dont like this. i dont like to escape. i dont like to run away. and i dont know who can tell me the answer and give the the confidence that nothing bad's gonna happen. it frightens me..

WORK is one of the thing stresses me out. i am a person who loves stability. i do not like challenge. with the current situation, i am trembling at my feet. i feel cold. i feel lost. i dont know what to do. i dont know any single damn shit. i am just like a particle of dust floating here and there with no arah tuju. i have been told something.. and all i have to do is wait. my wait is for something uncertain. at the beginning, i am full of confidence. my confidence level is shaken up. i am beginning to lose them... one by one flying out of the secured bottle.. sometimes, i wondered, whether is it always secured or not? should i take actions by moving on? will i regret? haih... i dont know. i dont know whether am i lying to myself now or am i just being impatient? all i want is just the peace of mind and the happiness to work for someone i love to work with. am i asking too much?

Monday, December 7, 2009

sign of old age

Posted by shonitay at 12/07/2009 05:25:00 PM 0 comments
you forgot your own birthday
~today is my mom's birthday, and she forgot! hahahhahahahaa!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Posted by shonitay at 12/02/2009 10:45:00 AM 0 comments
This is one long overdue post. Hahaha!! i just got it last week, just in time for me to complete baybee's birthday gift. So during Merdeka Celebration, as a pure Malaysia, we celebrated the independence of our country by appreciating mother nature.

On the way to Cameron. Brought baby pooh along for company..
Before you see any other pictures, i must give credits to our beloved photographers of the trip! *applause* take photo till sweating all over...
This is us at the fireplace warming up MY little toes... Ping wore shoes! how clever!HAHAHHAHAH
This is the cosy little pub/bar where we had our dinner and some drinks while chatting away in the cold and warming our little toes
There! our feet!
We went for a half day(ended up as ONE FULL DAY) tour to see the world famous flower; Rafflesia
Me, the tour leader all the way!!! ehem!!! OKAY.. i lied.
There it is... Rafflesia.. it feels like its made of rubber
Me, Vivian and Lisa awwww.. so cute! i like this picture a lot.. baybee, Loys and Kai Meng
I like this picture a lot. Loys's posing so farney!!
Group photo of the 6 of us right in the middle of the jungle at Kelantan border.
Waiting for the 'sumpit' performance
baybee is so proud of his I phone.. he thinks its the same level as DSLR! haha! Adui! and i am like a rabbit
Our home cooked steam boat which is able to feed 30 people! We gobbled up everything... by the next day's breakfast.

The next day we went for a cuppa tea. Everyone who goes to Cameron must drink tea!
Outside our rented house which is damn good, damn comfortable, damn big! Can fit 10 people comfortably. Price also very reasonable.
we look so adorable kan?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Posted by shonitay at 12/01/2009 04:39:00 PM 0 comments
i hate this time of the month... i feel like the whole world hates me..
and keeps on pissing me off on purpose..
i think of stupid nonsense shit..
which end up making myself like a big pile of shit!
why?? why?? why must it be like that??
why is everyone making me angry?????

fml fml fml fml fml fml fml!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
as i am typing this piece of shit, some idiot called me...
public listed! wtf! procedures; MY ASS!!!
laptop-not my company's, there's IT Dept, there's ADMIN dept!
they charge shared services fee each year!!!
fuck the stupid assholes!
when its time for work, Admin push me to IT and IT says NONE of their BUSINESS!!!

i seriously need to consider why am i still stuck with those shitty motherf*ckers!!!!!

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