Wednesday, November 11, 2009

ais kacang... ais...ais kacang....

Posted by shonitay at 11/11/2009 01:38:00 PM
bila cuaca panas dan rasa dahaga
singgah digerai ais kacang diminta
susu dan jagung, kacang dan lekong
air gula melaka
campur semua enak rasanya
kegemaran kita semua!!!

remember this song we once used to sing during primary school days?

yeah.. life's like that too... its made up of so many things that makes life complete...
dunno what happen to me today... i feel 'not like usual'
perhaps its the pre-vacation jitter that i will always have...

i heard its cold there... here in KL, i feel the night is so cold...
in Genting, i felt the night was freezing..
i am wondering, will i come back as an ICE Statue...
Will be off for my long awaited break!!! Miss me ya!! ^_^


Vy on November 15, 2009 at 4:32 PM said...

Miss you!
Come back faster!

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