Friday, May 29, 2009

Warehouse sales are girls best friend!

Posted by shonitay at 5/29/2009 02:00:00 PM
I lurveeeee warehouse sales. <3
It’s a place where I can get crazily great bargains….buy quality stuff at very special price.
There are many BENEFITS of warehouse sales. Let me share with you some of it:

1.Feel privilaged
* For being able to own some of the item I would not be able to afford to buy if its at some normal discount.
2. Sense of achievement
*I enjoy the look of disappointment in the other shoppers when they realized that I got the last piece! Wonderful.
3.Ultimate Joy
*I like it after a hard search….voila!!! I found my size… my colour… or the right one!
*A very effective one! When you are in there, all trouble, all worries, all sadness… just magically disappears.
*It teaches you how to focus… and do effective PLANNING.... What time u need to get there? Payment method? What to pick first? Which section to go first? Any accomplice? Back up plan? Whoa… damn lots of work!
6.Good exercise
*It all starts with your heart… it keeps your adrenaline pumping.. makes you feel exited…
*then you warm up be getting yourself to the place… looking for parking (eyes), walking (real fast.. Malaysians all kiasu..), grumbling cause took so long to find parking..(mouth)
*full body workout is when you reach the place.. your whole body works magically together effortlessly when you have to push your way in and grab all you can! Eyes, mouth, ears, arms, fingers, legs… everything… wondering why the ear? Hahaha! To listen to what people say.. there could be potential good pick that you can get…
7. Satisfaction
*After a hard day’s work… at the end of the day… when you look at the bags and bags of purchases you make… you get a sense of satisfaction… and peace all over you… when you suddenly feel like you have completed a cross country marathon.

Side effect: Only will be felt the next day when your happiness have calmed down.. and when you begin to realize the amount of $$$ spent. However, many still find this effect a non hazardous one.


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