Monday, May 25, 2009

I hate the first half of 2009!

Posted by shonitay at 5/25/2009 05:36:00 PM

I am going to decide not to book and arrange for trips with many people liao!!!!
I hate it when they tell me they can’t go.. for whatever reasons!!!
I have no grudge against the person, but I hate to receive such news!!!
I hate it most if the fellas never feel guilty or sorry at all!!!
or even have the basic courtesy to be bothered to INFORM!
The most I hate are the bosses who think only of their bloody fucking business and never considered people already PAID money for it!!!
Annual Leave is for us to use and not for the boss to decide when we use it!
I hate it most because of this..... I am not allowed to go!!!!!
Damn!!! WTF!!!

i pray that the second half of the year will be better... ALL TRIPS jadi!!


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