Saturday, December 28, 2013

Day 362

Posted by shonitay at 12/28/2013 11:23:00 AM

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Good morning lovelies!!

Yeah! I know i am not a girl and i most probably do not have any self respect left after posting this pic! Lololol

I woke up with my fringe standing straight up! Hahahhaaha

Weekend are best spent at home walking around in pjs! So i whipped up a new dish and spent my brunch with Jane, the lawyer. 

Close up of my yummy brunch!

Fresh veggies; butterhead and lettuce, grilled tomatoes with left over roasted chicken cooked with garlic butter!

Surprisingly yummmmy!!

That was yesterday!

Then i paid off some of my debts and some and some and some more...

After using 90% of pay and whatever shit profit-sharing-or-supposed-to-be-bonus amount that i got to pay off 30% of my debts.. I am back to square one. Fml

So i cleared off all those boxes in office to sell it to the recycling center.

Times are bad!
I don't say NO to additional cash.

I am just trying to save the world.


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