Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day 314

Posted by shonitay at 11/10/2013 02:14:00 PM

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Woke up at noon and made this hearty brunch

Also now in trend of grape yogurt drink, just because i bought the concentrate from Jiufen

Bored. I need some entertainment. Best solution. Go SHOPPING!!!

Went to Tesco and bought lots of vege. Am starting my diet again to counter all the stuff i ate at Taiwan without control. Hahaha. But me, being me, i always have a soft spot for 'chap fan'. So end up instead of some salad dinner, i ate chap fan😱

Warm up session. Next week target: 2 times a week 🙏that i will have will power to maintain

Officially launched my new shoes! The colour's is so cool right? Shocking pink + orange 😍


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