Sunday, July 8, 2012

Japan Day 2: Tokyo - Shinjuku - Osaka

Posted by shonitay at 7/08/2012 02:39:00 PM
Day 2 in Tokyo starts with a hearty Japanese breakfast of course!
We went to a small 'japanese fast-food' breakfast shop. The above picture are just "add-ons" to make it feel more breakfast like! We ate rice actually!
i think the japanese cannot live without eating rice! hahahaha
After breakfast, we checked out of our hotel and went to Shinjuku area to purchase our Nozomi Train tickets to Shin-Osaka.
This is the outside of JR Shinjuku Station (obviously!)
and this is the 'key' to our locker! In Japan, there are lockers everywhere in stations!
it's totally convenient and safe lor! especially useful for lazy people like me..and Pingu! hahahaha! we have left our purse, passports, ipad, phones and it's all safe! (not that i encourage keeping valuables in lockers though)
this is the street just outside the Shinjuku station where there's a row of shops called kin-ken-ya selling 'discount tickets'. for further info on this awesome info that i am talking about, please see here. We got our tickets for 12,950yen instead of 14,050yen per person! a savings of 1,100yen per person!! Isn't that awesome??

snacking japanese crepe by the road! yummy!! but it was sooo expensive!! about 500yen!
Udon for lunch that we bought from a vending machine! super yummy and simple food!!

and i went to Tokyu Hands to buy lots of cute stuff also!! forgot to take pictures though..
this is our Tokaido Shinkansen Nozomi train tickets to Shin-Osaka!
we took the fastest of the fastest bullet train in Japan!!

N700 is the series for the fastest of the fastest!!
we reached Osaka from Tokyo in about 2.5 hours!
We then found our way to our hotel for the next few nights which is awesomely cheap!!
We stayed at the dorm of Hotel Chuo Selene that cost us only an average of 2,150yen per night!
it was just 30 seconds from the Exit (1) of Dobutsuen-mae Station, Midosuji Subway Line!
that is why we chose it! hahahhahaaa
We had our dinner at one of the alleys nearby our hotel
along the way, we found this cute statue Billiken that the Japanese believe as God of Fortune and so we touched it body, rubbed its feet, and took picture with it!! i think Pingu looks exactly like the statue lor...right?? right??? hahahha especially the EYES!!!
On our way back to the hotel, we passed by a Takoyaki stall!
These are balled shaped Japanese snacked filled with grilled octopus which originates from Osaka!! dont eat also must eat... just because the stall operators are pretty and fun!
Our meals for the day:
L: Gyudon Beef Rice for breakfast (of course that's not mine!), Udon and Soba noodles for Lunch
R: Kiwi Crepe and Kebab for snack
Dinner at the back alley that we went starving and just pick and point from menu:
Clockwise from L: Kushikatsu dipping sauce & vege, mashed potato & Onigiri & Prawn chicken roll, 'something' with fried egg, Unagi Tamagoyaki, Beef wice and fried chicken keel

that's all for our second day in Japan.. stay tuned for our third day in osaka!


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