Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Beauty De home

Posted by shonitay at 9/04/2012 12:21:00 PM 0 comments
last year i discovered BestBuy World where i could buy lots of miniature samples
much more cheaper than buying from stores due to lack of funds
well, that condition or rather it's me who has not changed 
i kept buying from them even until now

i like using miniature stuff cos it's cute.. just so hahahaa...
one day, i discovered beauty de home!
it does not have so many brands like BBW but...
all i need is there and it's even CHEAPER!!
plus plus point!
these are the items i received...
i bought those 5 mini bottle clinique serum and that two blue box of eye cream only
the rest are FREE GIFTS!! @.@
i am a sucker for free stuff!! cheappo!!! hahahhaaa

and this is my dustbin!
damn cute kan? 
when i saw it FEW MONTHS ago
and for the next few months after that, i kept thinking of this cute dustbin
and i thought thought thought of it so for long
finally, i decided that i needed a dustbin in my room after all!!
so happy when i bought it!!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Japan Day 5: Universal Studios Japan - Kyoto

Posted by shonitay at 8/31/2012 02:19:00 PM 0 comments
my post on Japan is going to be shorter and shorter...
getting lazy dy.. hahahhaa gonna just put links for self reading! 

early morning, we woke up and 'someone' set off some WWW1 atomic bomb
and this girl ended up like this!hahahhahaha
went to a nearby shop for breakfast
i ate Kitsune Udon, udon with tofu :P
the noodles are so yummy, springy, not too hard, not too soft!
that's the Tsūtenkaku tower behind us
NONE of us wanted to walk there to the tower, so we just took the picture from afar.
the area we stayed was actually deemed and seedy and dangerous which boasts a colourful history and unique identity.. well we didn't know that till our last morning there
if i knew, i would go for the 'porn cinemas' there
i haven't been to such old-school run down cinemas and what more, playing porn!! @_@
USJ day 2!!!
so hard to capture this picture! 
mine didn't work out well :(
see that japan flag on the left? this was the perfect shot we aimed for!
bored while queuing
cute food in USJ that i 'almost' have no heart eating ;)
USJ 'town'

After USJ, we headed over to Kyoto
looked for our Minshuku where we had to walk so so far away
but that was when we witnessed the awesome truth about Japanese people!
they are super super helpful, kind, friendly and awesome

it was already late at night when we reached
and we could not find our Minshuku
and one kind gentleman...
was walking with his wife when we asked him for directions
he asked his wife to go home first and went all the way to guide us 
then our Minshuku lady boss was super nice too!
she guided us to the best sushi stall every my baybee ate!
he ate like so so so much and it was super damn cheap 
i also ate quite a lot actually... with the fact that i dont eat raw food, no sea food except fish
i like the tempura fried salmon sushi the most!!
it was at this shop where we embarrassed ourselves, really..
see the bottom insert in the above picture, where there's a plate of sushi above a bowl?
ok, see the line of sushi in the above picture? we were sitting there picking our food
then we saw sushi on a bowl and we liked it!
we were thinking, wah! why those all on the bowl one so delicious der??
more expensive maybe? dun care lah, just eat!
we dont come all the way to japan and let good food pass you by!
so we took so so many on-the-bowl-sushi
after some time, we realised that there were colour indication on the bowl
OMG! only then we realised that it was to indicate specific orders for a specific table coded by colours!!
so we were like eating all the orders made by our next table!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Japan Day 4: Osaka Castle & Universal Studio (1/2 Day)

Posted by shonitay at 8/29/2012 02:18:00 PM 0 comments
Fourth day in Japan !!!

I had Azuki bean paste with pancake for breakfast! it's actually red bean paste and it's super sweet!

we stayed at Shinseikai area

at Tennoji Zoo entrance..rawwwwr

my best buddy, hippo! 

first time tried feeding sheep! 
those bulu bulu ones dam cute lor when they are fat with fur!
hahhaha but to my disappointment, they didn't felt soft and fluffy!
it was hard and rough.. 

main attraction in osaka
inset are the food we ate at the entrance
Clockwise from Top: Takoyaki, Tamago Senbei (Egg On A Cracker) & Okonomiyaki

Fooling around at Osaka Castle Park

Mr & Mr Smith, massage @ park, group photo 

On top of Osaka Castle & lovebirds portrait! >.<

Universal Studios Japan!!!!! OMG!

Elmo@Magical Starlight Parade, Hello Kitty , with YN in Peter Parker's Office
my first time at a parade!!

Spiderman ride! made me mabuk only
Went back to Dotonbori to have dinner!
Kushikatsu! Famous Osaka-n food! with tonkatsu dipping sauce + fresh cabbage

The Osaka Rule! 
No double dipping of kushikatsu.. no one wants to taste your saliva ok!

This is the shop we went as we saw super long queue the other day... 
so long till they had to start a queue in the middle of the road so that it's not blocking pedestrains!
so we must go back again to try..
for me, it's just so-so only lah.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Surprise for michele!!

Posted by shonitay at 8/27/2012 11:47:00 AM 0 comments
i know.. its more than a month since i updated my blog here...
i am not that busy actually its just that i have no computer at home for me to use,
my ipad is not 'jailbreaked' so cant use free blogging tool and
not so free (not in the mood) to blog from office
excuses, excuse3s.. yadda yadda..

i know my japan post is taking wayyyyy too long for me to complete and its like almost a year already!
anyway, here's a commercial break 

one day, my company tendered for a job from Tan Chong and my colleague was going to submit the tender
and coinccidently, i baked some bread the day before and brought some to office
so at the very last minute, i made my colleague wait for me
and i made this!! and wrapped in a plain brown envelope.
for mike mike!! 

of course i didn't tell her! obvious rite? SURPRISE mah!!
so my colleague left the parcel at the receptionist for her
inside is one hot dog bun :)

this mike mike ah... receive surprise gift also never show of to us heng dais! 
i was waiting for email from her...
expecting her to be damn gan cheong, surprised and show off...
emailed all of us and tell us about it!!
NO! that didnt happen :(

so what to do? i got my collegue to drop her a call..
just to confirm that she received it
he was clever to say that he's calling from a part time courier company
then this girl ah, called back to ask who is it from
(i supposed she started thinking after she confirmed receiving the item)
hahhahaha damn funny lor i tell u!

my collegue said, no idea as he's just a part time despatch!
she went, "oklah like that..."

so later that night i called her....
just to see if she had thrown the bread away..
guess what?
omg!!! how dangerous! dunno who sent it but she just ate it!!

well, she explain that she felt safe to eat
just because....

hahhahahha! i am a good friend! :)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Japan Day 3: Osaka

Posted by shonitay at 7/15/2012 03:51:00 PM 0 comments
Ohiyo Gozaimasu! This was the coldest morning in Japan...2°C
in our dorm before we head up.. fully dressed with long johns...
we utilised our 2 days Osaka Unlimitted Pass that costs us 2,700 yen each and did a de-tour to somewhere special..
we took the Hankyu Takarazuka Line and travelled to Ikeda Station
to The Momofuku Ando Instant Ramen Museum!!! where all Nissin noodle history started
these are our self-designed noodle cup! L-R: Shoni, Pingu, Lee, Yennee
by now we should know each and everone's drawing skills!! hahahhhaa
queuing up to fill up the cups with noodles!!
the garnishing to our noodles! we get so select 4 types each cup! how awesome is that!!
picking up the sealed cup noodle for the next step...
Packing! we need to pump pump pump till that bag is filled with air.. like an airbag to hold and protect the cup!
After the museum, it was raining... we we travelled back to the town.. and went to HEP Five for a decent lunch and took a ride on a big red ferris wheel
they had an iphone dock there...so me and pingu had a romantic ride! :)
after that, it was already evening also most attraction has already closed, or will be closed...
the only available one is.....
another ferris wheel!! hahahhahaaa Tempozan Ferris Wheel!
apparently, the wheel has colored lights that provide a weather forecast for the next day. Orange lights indicate a sunny day, green lights a cloudy day and blue lights indicate rain.
So for us, the next day is a cloudy day! and yeah... it was a cloudy day the next day! so accurate oh! and this info my friend, is what i know only when i am typing this! hahahhahaha
pooh is my ♥
when it was our turn to enter the gondola, i saw pooh in the next one! i was super excited and asked to be in the next gondola and the kind conductor allowed me!! i was super happy and so i hugged pooh the whole journey on the wheel and Pingu was a bit jealous! hahahaha

We went to Minami (namba) Area for dinner, specifically, to Dotonbori in Shinsaibashi. It is Osaka's Food street and there are lots and lots of food there.. and we chose to eat at at sushi restaurant because it is cheap and there is a big hand holding sushi on top of the shop! (just because)
After dinner, while yennee and lee headed back to the hotel, Pingu and i went to Shinsaibashi Shopping Arcade for him to play in the arcade. It has always been his dream to play in the arcades in Japan after he discovered the joy of Hong Kong arcades. However, his feedback was that Japan players are not into the games that he played. HK is still better in terms of arcade.

so that's the end of our day 3.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Japan Day 2: Tokyo - Shinjuku - Osaka

Posted by shonitay at 7/08/2012 02:39:00 PM 0 comments
Day 2 in Tokyo starts with a hearty Japanese breakfast of course!
We went to a small 'japanese fast-food' breakfast shop. The above picture are just "add-ons" to make it feel more breakfast like! We ate rice actually!
i think the japanese cannot live without eating rice! hahahaha
After breakfast, we checked out of our hotel and went to Shinjuku area to purchase our Nozomi Train tickets to Shin-Osaka.
This is the outside of JR Shinjuku Station (obviously!)
and this is the 'key' to our locker! In Japan, there are lockers everywhere in stations!
it's totally convenient and safe lor! especially useful for lazy people like me..and Pingu! hahahaha! we have left our purse, passports, ipad, phones and it's all safe! (not that i encourage keeping valuables in lockers though)
this is the street just outside the Shinjuku station where there's a row of shops called kin-ken-ya selling 'discount tickets'. for further info on this awesome info that i am talking about, please see here. We got our tickets for 12,950yen instead of 14,050yen per person! a savings of 1,100yen per person!! Isn't that awesome??

snacking japanese crepe by the road! yummy!! but it was sooo expensive!! about 500yen!
Udon for lunch that we bought from a vending machine! super yummy and simple food!!

and i went to Tokyu Hands to buy lots of cute stuff also!! forgot to take pictures though..
this is our Tokaido Shinkansen Nozomi train tickets to Shin-Osaka!
we took the fastest of the fastest bullet train in Japan!!

N700 is the series for the fastest of the fastest!!
we reached Osaka from Tokyo in about 2.5 hours!
We then found our way to our hotel for the next few nights which is awesomely cheap!!
We stayed at the dorm of Hotel Chuo Selene that cost us only an average of 2,150yen per night!
it was just 30 seconds from the Exit (1) of Dobutsuen-mae Station, Midosuji Subway Line!
that is why we chose it! hahahhahaaa
We had our dinner at one of the alleys nearby our hotel
along the way, we found this cute statue Billiken that the Japanese believe as God of Fortune and so we touched it body, rubbed its feet, and took picture with it!! i think Pingu looks exactly like the statue lor...right?? right??? hahahha especially the EYES!!!
On our way back to the hotel, we passed by a Takoyaki stall!
These are balled shaped Japanese snacked filled with grilled octopus which originates from Osaka!! dont eat also must eat... just because the stall operators are pretty and fun!
Our meals for the day:
L: Gyudon Beef Rice for breakfast (of course that's not mine!), Udon and Soba noodles for Lunch
R: Kiwi Crepe and Kebab for snack
Dinner at the back alley that we went starving and just pick and point from menu:
Clockwise from L: Kushikatsu dipping sauce & vege, mashed potato & Onigiri & Prawn chicken roll, 'something' with fried egg, Unagi Tamagoyaki, Beef wice and fried chicken keel

that's all for our second day in Japan.. stay tuned for our third day in osaka!

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