Monday, July 11, 2011

Ray of light

Posted by shonitay at 7/11/2011 11:47:00 AM
Sorry for the long hiatus again.

My life had turned into a monotonous boring urban living zombie. Going early in the morning to work and coming back home tired in the evenings where all you want to do is just to eat dinner and laze around till you feel guilty for not taking a bath. Then you take a bath and prepare your mind to sleep and rest to face another miserable day ahead at work!

I have never looked forward for weekends as much as I have ever had in my working history. This particular chapter of my life.. my working life to be exact, shall be erased from my history forever! I never hated my life as much as I do in this three months!

so finally, I decided to put an end to my misery. I felt like I am stucked in some underground cave somewhere in Thailand and it's dark and I cannot find any light! and finally after making the decision where I regrettably should have made much earlier, this is what I saw

so I hope and pray that after coming out of the pitch, I could witness this!!

and appreciate life at it's best! God bless me!


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