Monday, April 25, 2011

Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot ...

Posted by shonitay at 4/25/2011 11:10:00 AM 0 comments

It's Monday and i've got Monday Blues~~~~

so must post something to cheer me up first

Ok.. I am going to say it here again…

I can't wait for our girl's retreat before we hit the big 3-0..

Did I mention where we're heading? I guess not but I'm going to keep it as a surprise!

We need to prepare our clothes well for this trip… for maximum attention

because it involves bright sparkly nights and lots and lots of sunshine! =)

so I've got a sexy dress for the night and another sexy dress for casual daytime outing!

The rest of the time will be shorts, spaghetti straps, bikinis, and flip-flops

Summer came early this year and all I can say is we're heading north!! Woot! Woot!

I am so excited and I really can't wait for the time to come!!!

It's an experience of a lifetime too!

I am always overly excited for any of my vacation trips

but in a separate note, deep down I am my heart broken as of now…

My dream trip that I was dreaming and saving up for 2 years

has been swept away by tsunami and eaten alive by the horrible cracks of earthquake

and poisoned to death by radiation! FML!

My heart shattered and my hopes were dashed!

And though I so naively thought I could just plan for another trip as replacement,

it proves too hard for me as I am still badly affected by depression. Haiz…..

Monday, April 18, 2011

dress mania

Posted by shonitay at 4/18/2011 02:12:00 PM 0 comments

It's been ages since I went to Sg. Wang for shopping. To me everything there all about teenage fashion and miniature clothes! I don't wanna make myself feel depressed because of the impossible possible chance that I could fit in any of the clothes there. Since there was a hype of how cheap are the things there these days… like 15-30 for a dress or so, I decided to brave an attempt to make a visit there.

So last Sunday, I went there with yennee and mike and our 'bodyguard'. And to my surprise, it was quite good actually. Be prepared to spend some time there.. going in and out of the many small shops and make sure you need to wear a muka tebal mask as most of the clothes there are still for petite sizes if you are like my size. The clothes there are really cheap but the only problem is that you are not able to test it first before buying. Having received my tax refund from LHDN, I bought quite a few things there. A pair of shoes, a sexy dress (I also cannot believe it), two belts and a cardigan. Lots of cardigan to buy if you are interested. And I think I'm going to go there again to buy some more belts and maybe look out for some more cheap clothes.

After the Sg. Wang spree, our entourage proceeded to Nichii Fashion city. I personally find that the clothes there are quite expensive. Like the blouse yennee bought, it was about rm70! So the kiamsap me, went and look for dresses and they were like rm80 per dress! So much more worth it lor… at least no need to go and think of what to match to wear. And then there was also sale for dresses which was RM70 for two! So I end up buying 4 dresses there! 3 super formal black working dress and one cool tube dress!! Wow!

Why am I buying so many working dresses??? That is because I have to wear more proper corporate wear to work. Because I am new, because of my position, and because I had to. WTF. Now no more excuses say no formal clothes to wear.

Friday, April 15, 2011

hair, shop and ❤

Posted by shonitay at 4/15/2011 09:46:00 AM 0 comments
woooooooooooo hoooooooooooooo!!!

it's the end of second week liao!!! yay! yay!!

try guessing what is the first thing i will buy when i get my pay!

my hair these days are like strands of golden dried hay shit!

and its so unruly and crazy and it curves at the wrong places

i hated it and so i am going to go for a hair makeover this weekend!

hahahahha nowadays a trip to the hair saloon can sound so grand..

hair makeover!! WAHAHAHHAHAA

i am also so happy because.....


♬♬♫♬ONE of my favorite day of the year!♬♬♫♬

it is commonly known that i made it an annual ritual to take annual leave

for me to shop in peace and i will wake up darn early just because i am kiasu..

i will also go one day before to try all the clothes i wanna buy and then get it reserved for me..

but this year, after observing for the past two years... i wont take leave..

i'll just go after work because they have now have it on for TWO days...

so the crowd is less and i will help ❤baybee ❤ to buy me a present!!! yay!!!

and OMG it's so cute!

i found some cute symbol to type for ♡baybee♡ and for ♡me♡

or should be the other way round?

but i think this is ok as baybee's one is FAT and mine is THIN!


edit: i checked. rupa-rupanya, it the opposite way.. and i was wrong...

it wasn't referring to being fat or thin... that symbol was wearing a skirt!

so it means 웃 is for baybee and 유 is for me...

another one also ♂ for boy and ♀ for girl and for evil girl!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Posted by shonitay at 4/13/2011 09:14:00 PM 0 comments
this is my queen bed
guess where i sleep?
no present for guessing right though ;)
oh i am so shamelessly cute sometimes!!
good night!!

~~~and i am so excited about the outing with my girls!!!!~~~

Saturday, April 9, 2011

new work = new friends = $$$

Posted by shonitay at 4/09/2011 09:09:00 PM 0 comments
as u all already know, i have resumed my working life....
and i really enjoyed working at this new place...
so if u are in jalan 222, call me out for lunch! ;)
its has just been 5 days.. and i am enjoying every minute of my working time
so that was how i looked when i was there for interview...
same baju as the picture on my resume! HAHAHHAHHAHAHAH
to prove that the picture is me!!
first day of work, i did a lot of preparation...
as my mom said, like kids first day going to Standard 1...
complete with water bottle, snacks, breakfast, slipper, notebook and shawl
my breakfast on the go!!!!! and the fucked up thing was the blooody traffic!
i left home at 7.10am and i got stucked in massive jam and was LATE FOR WORK ON MY VERY FIRST DAY!!!! the first impression goes down the toilet bowl liao lah!
me! 1st day@work :)
second day at work! <3 <3 <3
was at the pantry filling up my water bottle and i curi curi camwhore sikit lor

and oh... on the 2nd day, i left earlier at 7am.. and guess what? i reached at 7.45am!!!
so i was convinced that 7am is good!

who knows, 3rd day was a tragedy!!!! i fucking reached at 10 am!!!!
ok! i hate the journey to work when i see cars pilling up in front of me!!!
other than that, i love what i do

i feel happy being able to learn new things, exposed to a total different group of people
and having friends!!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

3rd day at work only and i HATED IT

Posted by shonitay at 4/06/2011 10:23:00 AM 0 comments
my life in seriously fucked up!! bloody shit!
just to make it clear, i dont hate my office or my work at all
infact i loved it so much... i only hate the time i need to GET MY ASS TO WORK
first i thought leaving the house at bloody dready 7am is damn miserable already lah....
today its even more fucked up!!
got stucked in the fucked up jam and i only reach office NOW!!! at10AM! FUCK!
#$%#^#^*#*&^*&^*&#@^#&*^# waste my time, petrol and energy only!
why??? because of stupid assholes never finish repairing the oad near the arch at federal highway!!!!!!!!
arrrgghhhhhh#%^$**(@&@%&*($($*like i bloody spend 1 hour not moving and using handbrakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sitting there in the car like a bloody FOOL!!!!!
i wanna shift! i wanna move!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Start writing a new chapter, for if you live by the book you'll never make history

Posted by shonitay at 4/03/2011 08:51:00 PM 0 comments
so a new chapter it will be.

tommorrow will be the start of a new chapter of my life.
after living for about 6 months leeching off everyone that i know,
its time for me to start to join back the working community.
i need funds, a lot of funds to pay off my debts,
to fund for my constant desire to own material stuff
and also my inner need to relax and unwind at touristy places...

working life, please welcome me with open arms and loving embraces...
as my body will feel the shock of a drastic time change
and my physical body will now re-face the constant pressure of crawling back home

dear God, please give me strength and take good care of me.

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