Thursday, January 13, 2011

christmas cravings

Posted by shonitay at 1/13/2011 10:40:00 AM
i know chirstmas is over now and but i still wanna be in Christmas mood! i love christmas!!!

there is always one thing that i have always wanted for and to try out for Christmas every year but i did not get to materialise my dream until this Christmas...

Come Chirstmas, all the bakeries/shops/supermarkets will start selling cute and pretty delicious looking Christmas Logs. i never knew how it tastes like but i could guess it would be chocolate from the look and all i know is that its SUPER PRETTY!!!

so this Christmas, my brother mentioned about it and we decided to buy one for our family this time!!! now i know how Christmas Log tastes like and i tell you, its really pretty..

you can see the pictures i took and awe at its cuteness..hahaha


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