yennee and me getting ready for the boat ride to our third and fourth cave.
Wanted to be a hero so i sat in front and regretted cause my picture turned out looking like this!
but was glad i took this seat! cause i have full clear view of what's ahead! oh ya btw, on the second day i didn't wear panty hose cause i thought there wouldn't have any pacats as it was clear the day before! so i wore my bola sepak socks instead!
camwhored on the sampan while we waited for out sampan leader
at the Batu Bungan Settlement where i bought some souvenirs home
at the resting area just before the starting point to Clearwater cave.. i didn't go for this caves as we need to climb up and down approx 200 steps! my foot was still so painful after yesterday's session and conquering Wind cave earlier.... plus i was worried that my knees cannot take the pressure and might get hurt again! so i chickened out!
with the rest of the group after their tour... die die also must pose with the signage
oh! the pathetic spa! i mean the signage! i bo song so i place my foot, thumbs down and ugly face to it!
then in the afternoon after lunch, we are scheduled to go for the Long Iman Longhouse village tour..
we took a ride on a sampan for about 45 minutes and we passed by Melinau river and into Tutoh River.. something happened at the area highlighted in yellow
i haven't seen such thing before.... the experience was an eye opener... see the two colours of the river.. this is the interchange. the water does not mix because the current is against each other
back to the resort after a boring visit to a village which has nothing but dogs and dog's shit! we realised that the more ulu a place is, the more expensive are the things sold. logic. but here, the items are produced from the ulu places. so shouldn't the price be cheaper at where it is produced/made? btw, even the airport sells much cheaper items! how to membangunkan the kampung like that???
compulsory photo at the resort's logo...
i was supposed to act like the bird tried to bite my head with this expression, but this is how i look in actual fact cause i accidentaly banged my head on the beaks when i tried to position myself. yennee said FREEZE and snapped this pic
goodbye royal mulu resort!! finally i can go home!
a nice picture at the bridge at the entrance of the resort
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