Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Itchy eyes

Posted by shonitay at 4/29/2009 10:31:00 PM 0 comments
Ran out of red onions.
So went to buy it at Carrefour.
End result.. is a whole trolley load of stuff… (do red onions cost RM110??)
including this:

Was wondering…why do they always have holes in the middle??
I remembered, when I was younger we always go to a coffee house to buy this chiffon cake.. (called it sponge cake).. and I used to finish half of it on the way home! Oh ya! And I remembered, it was DOUBLE the size now…

Monday Blues

Posted by shonitay at 4/29/2009 08:27:00 PM 0 comments
I saw this!! How did it happen!?!?!

Zoomed closer .…

Broga Hill and Fast & Furious 4

Posted by shonitay at 4/29/2009 11:53:00 AM 0 comments
25th April

Me: Baby, I’m going hill climbing tomorrow! Yeah! But I need to wakeup very early! And it’s SATURDAY!! Saturday are ‘sleep late’ days!!!
Ping2: Are u sure you can get up on time?? You sure you are going to climb HILL!?!?? Please be careful ya.. I will be very worried of you der... Watch your steps ya… Sleep early tonight, kay??
Me: Hey!! What!??!?! U think I cannot wake up?? (tak mau kalah!!) I’ll prove to you!! (yeah right!~!~!)
Note: Yennee got up at 5a.m….. I repeat 5 AM!!! And woke the whole village up!!! It was dreadful as I couldn’t sleep the whole night till it was probably 2am when I finally slept. Overly exited over the chance that I COULD watch sunrise again and worried that I COULD NOT make it to the top!

And I got this! And some on my hand too!!
How? Flat Faced DOWN!!
Result? EMBARASSMENT!! Pain… and Laughter!
Where? Right in front of my apartment
The most important WHEN? The night BEFORE!!
God Bless me!!! Hallelujah!

So to Broga we went. The sun was already coming out when we reached there. By the time we reached to the starting point, the sun was up already. So, NO SUNRISE.
It was a split road at the beginning, and we obviously took the nicely tracked one. Shinyee being the only person who had been there before took lead. And we ended up in someone’s rubber estate!!! Hahahahhaha!! Got lost for about 30 mins and found that there were two other groups who got lost together as well! Lesson of the day: To be rewarded beautifully, one has got to pick the difficult track! i.e. NOT SHORTCUT TO SUCCESS!

The track looks easy… seemed easy… but not actually easy…. For people like me who climb ONCE a year only! I was like complaining, grumbling, giving up all the way from the car to the top and down all the way also. I don’t know why, strangely I find that by whining all the way gave me the ooompphhh to carry on! The greatest encouragement my team members give me is to tell me there’s snake/lizard around when I say, “you guys go on lah.. I can’t already… just leave me here…I’ll wait for your return.”

I still made it to the top in the end! The view was breathtaking.. and the breeze… was wonderful!!! What to do when you are on a hill with nothing but lalang??

Then that night, we went to Leisure Mall to watch Pantas & Garang 4. Kind of late, but its better late than never! Dominic Toretto said something that just showed the different side of him.... It just puts Letty high above everyone!


“All starts with the eyes... She’s gotta have those kinda eyes that can look right through the bullshit... to the good in someone... 20% angel, 80% devil... Down to earth... Ain't afraid to get a little engine grease under her fingernails...”

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

TTI & Redang

Posted by shonitay at 4/28/2009 06:08:00 PM 0 comments
16-20 April

Missed him so much!! So I flew there JUST to visit him!! :) awwww!!
Ok. I lied. Yeah I did really miss him.. a lot.. but I flew there not just to VISIT him… haahhaa… going for a beach vacation @ Redang…WITH HIM!!

This trip was organized when we were just FRIENDS… hahaha.. it explains why there was supposed to be four of us… One pretty girl flew the kite! So, left the three of us..

Nevertheless, we still went on with our trip, which is a gift to Shinyee for her birthday, which falls on April 26th.
Off we went on Thursday night. We flew there with Firefly…one cute buggy style plane… They serve light snack and drinks too!!

While waiting for ping2, we were bored… obviously.. so that explains the following:

We played cards once we finish cleaning up and filling our tummy with delicious ikan bakar near our hotel. And then I realized… that either I was bad in response or I am plain dumb! Why?? LOOK AT MY FACE!!!!! It’s just few round of Snap!! I just don’t know why my brain just can’t match the number said and the number shown on the card!!! I always seemed so SLOW!!! It’s like my BRAIN can’t connect my EARS with my EYES! Damn!! Why?? Why??? And they treated me like a clown! They enjoyed all the time spotting my face with baby powder!! Sob sob!!

The next day, we had some real lousy breakfast at the hotel and after that ping2 went off to work. So we two ladies went on our way to discover Kuala Terengganu Town on our own. The town was basically a boring town with nothing much to do. So we decided to go to its latest attraction, Masjid Kristal. In our mind, we had a picture of a mosque, that’s all.

Never did we know, the place that the RM15 taxi trip took us is called Taman Tamadun Islam (The Waterfront Heritage City). It’s something like Window of the World in Shenzhen, except that it displays a collection of unique monuments of famous Islamic architecture from all Islamic world. The place is awesome! I didn’t expect so see such beautiful place there… I thought it was all just ‘kampung’.
They had this intereactive puzzle in a few of the miniature mosque and i found out that despite my lacking of coordination between eyes and ears, my EYES and HANDS fare pretty well! i can solve the puzzles magically fast! hahahhaha!! i AM good at SOME things!! yeah!

So we spent the whole day snapping pictures and waiting…. Waiting for the park to re-open as they close for Friday prayers…duh… Once we’re done enjoying the beauty of the park, we planned our return. Neither of us wanted to pay for the taxi again! So we thought we were so clever, and planned to take a bus.. (booklet says it costs RM2 per person). On our way out, BEHOLD! We saw a cute thing! The bus! It’s not like any other normal bus you see around town…

The attendant helped us ask the driver to wait for us… So nice of him that he waited for us to exit the park and even bought our nasi lemak and drink from the food voucher that we got when we purchased the ticket. Thank you Mr.Bus driver!

Frankly, we had no idea where the bus is taking us… we just hopped on cause we thought it was cheap. Then when we reach the destination.. somewhere in town… everyone just got down… we were wondering…where to pay??? So, being some kiasu people… we just hopped off the bus… pretending like we’ve paid! (Found out later from Haji that the bus rides were actually provided FREE OF CHARGE!!) Both of us finished the packet of nasi lemak at the park.. Picnic style… asked for directions and waited for the sun to set a bit.

Then off we walked ALL the way back to the hotel. We passed by the famous Bukit Puteri, Pasar Payang…and conquered the whole Jalan Kampung Cina (Chinatown). Shinyee dropped by a temple for a short prayer located just opposite the Redang Reef Resort management office. We showered and did some masks… got sunburned!! Night time went shopping for ping2’s clothes… he did not have enough… oh my poor darling! Found out that men’s department is not fun. Boring. All the same saja. No earings! No necklace! No sexy lingerie!

The next day, we got up late AS USUAL.. and we didn’t realized it. When I proceed to check out, shinyee and ping2 went and took breakfast. After gathering all edible food.. they realized that we’re running very late! I loved the look at ping2 eye when he realized he had NO time to eat the nasi lemak he just took!! Hahaha!!! Off we went to meet up with Uncle Chua. Instead of following the car, we had to fetch uncle and took the lead!

At the jetty, we made some friends… a group from Cameron. Girl: Lisa, Guys: Fei, Joy, Wong. I’ve got a formula how to remember their names ONLY…(doesn’t include matching the names to the face!)

Redang was beautiful…. The beach is awesome… The view is fantastic…

We made friends when we asked them to take a picture of us at the Marine Park. Then the next day we watched sunrise together. Loyce was an avid photography fan thus he was snapping around.. and snapped our picture. So we told him to email us the pictures. Then, I ‘sms’ed my email to his phone. He suddenly said… “The name sounds so familiar lah…” so I replied happily thought I met someone I knew and I have forgotten. “ Is it?? Where did u see my name??” (thought it would be in facebook or something good) He replied “oh… yesterday I saw someone wrote this name on the beach! It was like so big, all over the place!”. Instantly, I hid myself behind ping2 and blushed… well, I don’t need to answer him and everyone laughed at me!!!!!!!
Then that night, we were like strolling together along the beach and came across the outdoor beach party. Initially we were lying under the stars.. Watching the whole sky filled with diamonds! I thought I saw a shooting star though.. Then we ended up hanging around near the loud music… we were dancing by the beach… swinging here and there.. shinyee even gracefully landed on ground in style! Then tiba-tiba, ping2 and I excused ourself! Those fellow must be thinking we’re up to something naughty!!

How does it feel when u are at the beach, sitting by the table watching ppl dancing and…. Suddenly, a cake lighted with candle appeared in front of you! muaks! You got a kiss! Happy birthday! That was shinyee’s early surprise! Hahahaha!!
**More pictures to come...**

MAPEX Exihibition

Posted by shonitay at 4/28/2009 09:23:00 AM 0 comments
9-12 April 2009

Went to Kuantan for this even... it was purely WORK, WORK and WORK... i find that i am just so rajin that i seem to LIKE to work over the weekends.... why? weird it may seem... cause practically i find that i have nothing much to do over weekends... and its NOT fun at all... and.. the most important is that i can claim TIME IN LIEU... its calculated on hourly basis… so silly it may seem… I worked 10-10… I can claim 1.5 days back! so I liked the feeling that I worked ONE day and get MORE THAN ONE day back!! hahahahhaahaaa…

When we checked in into the hotel, we were surprised that our room was so beautiful.. so comfortable!!! The last time we went, the blanket expecially was so thin… just the normal brown layer thing ONLY! This time, we had something like a THICK comforter!! With small pillow as decoration on the bed some more!! Later, we found that rupa-rupanya, they put us on EXECUTIVE floor… at no extra cost! No wonder the look on the boy’s face when the supervisor at the counter there select the room us! Hahaha!

Ok.. back to topic.. I went there with a purpose to PROMOTE our housing project in Kuantan.. never did we know that we actually could SELL houses!!! Omg!! We end up taking booking money for not ONE, not TWO but FOUR HOUSES!!! Can you believe it??? Frankly we are now such good HOUSE AGENTS!!! Hahahha WE CAN SELL!!!

So the first day when we reached there… we had nothing!! Practically, we were not prepared with anything... the other developers were so WELL prepared with all their equipments and stuff… all we had were our brochures and name cards! Itupun, the brochure were just completed the night before… we pasted stickers over the existing contact details… to make sure OUR phone numbers appeared there…

So I called up the organizer guy, Mr. Yong, asking him to send me a table to put my show house… then we used the bunting as our backdrop.. and the brilliant ME used MY laptop to create a slideshow of pictures of our site and houses… (with music)… isn’t it fantastic?!?! We were the ONLY one having such HIGH TECH display on!! Hahahahaha…everyone envied us… I can see from their eyes… when they passed by our booth when they when snooping around for ideas…(I know what’s in their mind.. cause I also did the same thing!! ouch! Terkena sendiri!) Now, I feel I can be an EVENT ORGANISER already! Hahahahha!!

They had the Pahang SUK coming over to officiate the exhibition and he even came over to visit our booth.

Just take a look at how beautiful was our booth! Please consider that we had NOTHING with us… but of course we did rob some stuff from the show house lar!!!
On Sunday night, after the event ended… we went for ikan bakar@tanjung lumpur!! Enjoy the FEAST before we head home the next day!!

welcome welcome!!

Posted by shonitay at 4/28/2009 09:18:00 AM 1 comments
the first post would obviously be a welcome post!
so.....HI EVERYONE!!!!!
after saying hi, what do u say?
BYE and SEE YA!!
fai wa!! oh.. ignore me!

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