Friday, August 6, 2010

sweet pink

Posted by shonitay at 8/06/2010 04:36:00 PM
yennee's sister mei yun said...
"perhaps her obsession to pink items is because it sounds like Ping"
the most fong mau reasoning ever!

anyway, i have been in kiddie modes these days...
perhaps i am growing old already = getting childish FML
remember my post about my blog's new look which i mentioned about my new found love?

THIS IS IT! my new love! LG GD580 Lollipop!!
sweet as the name, sweet as the colour ♥♥♥♥♥
the applications inside are all so so so cute!!!!
i cannot resist looking and touching it so that it lights up and makes my day!!

its my birthday present this year from baybee!!!!! ♥kiss ♥kiss

i designed a twin love for the front lightning and make it light up whenever my love calls me!!
so pretty!! the ♥♥ will appear from top to bottom! joining both hearts together...

and while i am so sweetly talking about my love... i need to introduce someone here..this is fatbear.... my beary bank!
Ping bought for me to encourage me to save... such noble intention of him...*touched
aww...look at him... so fat and chubby... how can i resist to add more 'fat' to him!
i know i am a terrible person ignoring this cute fellow.... but i have always not enough to eat myself! KAKAKKKAKAK
fatbear begging me to fill him... but... FHL
I have also played my part... to encourage Ping to save...
Note: we're both kids.. we need physical money banks to keep cash
and he did successfully for so many times until he see fatbear also kesian him...
so just the other day, he filled up this fatbear until overweight already!
hahahaha.. so now fat bear is happy and contented being fat! KAKAKAKKAKA


something irrelevant...
Ping ordered this cup of cappucino from a cafe in IOI...
wah.. so cute! first time i see a drawing in a cup of coffee
i cant draw even this nice on a blank piece of paper FML
dunno what is that but it looks like a cat to me.


y3nnee on August 6, 2010 at 5:26 PM said...

that beary bank damn cute la.. i want!! lol

see.. i told u.. it's not me who associate u with fat and chubby stuff. it's pink2x. ops. ping2x. wahahahaha...

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