Wednesday, August 11, 2010

smell and senses

Posted by shonitay at 8/11/2010 10:53:00 AM
Last Friday, when I did not manage to see my items from minimaos, I was actually at a fair at Mid Valley for the SME fair… time flew so fast and I realized how much I missed…TALKING! WTF! Hahahaha!! I am serious here… I have this huge problem of not talking at work! FML! I don’t mind not talking when I am down or sad or having those FML moments… but when I am normal and happy, I love…no...I NEED to do some verbal exercise!
Right opposite us was perhaps the most famous booth at the fair. The reason because, they give out FREE FOOD!! There were sotong bakar, otak-otak, popiah, keropok, drinks etc. HOW many Malaysians will resist not visiting the booth??? By all means I had my good share of unlimited food supply there, as well as the ‘good’ smell all day long!


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