Thursday, September 9, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya

Posted by shonitay at 9/09/2010 04:20:00 PM
i would like to wish all of you here Selamat hari Raya!!!
no lah.. actually, i just wanted to post a song i edited on facebook which caught many people's interest so that i will remember it 10 years down the road
(psst! they esp like the phrase in red! hahahhaha)
selamat hari raya
kepada saudara serta saudari
setahun hanya sekali (setahun mungkin dua kali)
merayakan hari yang mulia ini

dimasa bulan ramadhan
saya tak puasa sekalipun
apabila syawal menjelang
hari raya disambut dengan gembira
Happy holidays everyone!!!!!!!!
drive safely and be good!


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