Monday, September 20, 2010

its not about laziness

Posted by shonitay at 9/20/2010 11:45:00 AM
i ♥ omgfacts!
they have just proven my daily routine is perfectly fine...
even though people have been telling me its not!
well, they dunno about omgfacts and i dont blame them...
here's the post that made me smile and proud of myself!

reseachers have proven that...
Not making your bed is actually better than making it!!!!!
hahahhahahhaha I DID RIGHT!!! dun nag me for it!!

check out the BBC News article here to believe your own eyes!

When you make your bed, it makes a more safer environment for the dust mites living inside you bed. An unmade bed's warm, dry conditions are harder for the dust mites to handle.

Leaving your bed unmade cuts down on the amount of moisture in your bed, so the mites dehydrate and die. This is good because dust mites leave allergens in your bed that trigger asthma and other allergies.


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