Monday, September 13, 2010

Crossing over to Golok

Posted by shonitay at 9/13/2010 12:14:00 PM
ok. this is the last post for our trip up north.

the next morning, Baybee and Lee out of curiosity said they wanted to check what was offered for breakfast. End up they came back and told us they wanted to eat there.
The guys end up bringing food outside and ate together with us…
so we had FREE breakfast too!!

me and my morning cannot open eyes look with the teh tarik river
us complaining about the dirty river.. hahhaha i look like i wanna initiate a fight!

after breakfast, we started our journey up north to Rantau Panjang, the major border crossing between Malaysia and Thailand for the East Coast of Malaysia. The town on the Thai side across the Golok River which forms the boundary between the two countries is Sungai Kolok.
passing the malaysia immigration... and getting our passports scanned
then we drove across the Harmony Bridge that linked the two countries
we also drove past the Customs and went straight into Thailand, Sungai Kolok

opppps!!!!!Something is NOT RIGHT!!!
Yeah… we did not get our passports stamped!
cause we did not pass by any area for the stamping of passports!!!
Later only we found out that we’re supposed to park by the side of the road and get out passports stamped instead of just driving through straight. So troublesome, right?

a visit to the Toh Moh Goddess Shrine..
Baybee and Lee did some prayers
Lee is so funny here! he looks like he's dancing with the joystick!
after visiting the temple, we walked around the town a bit to buy some souvenirs
which basically consist of food only... specifically, SNACKS!!! read: FATS!!!
the pink scooter above is so cute!
imma buy one next time for me to go cruising around in the evenings for long kai!
after shopping around, we went to a temple for massage. It was recommended for us to go for a massage in a temple as there will not be any hanky panky going on and the masseur will massage properly. We paid Rm25 each for two hours of full body massage. There was a herbal sauna at the place too at RM3 per person but the weather was too hot and none of us was interested to get ourselves baked.

We had some 2 hours to kill after that before dinner time so yennee and i went for a hair wash (hair got oily due to the head massage earlier). The hairwash cost us RM10 each.
Good enough to kill time… but it killed the health of my hair too!
First, the lady massaged CONDITIONER onto my SCALP! Where got people do that one??? That would mean blocking my pores and making my scalp oilier.
Secondly, I just wanted a normal blow dry for my hair, so when she asked me if I want to flat iron my hair, I said no.
WTH! So she used the hairdryer to blow my hair for so so so long till my hair became super dry and straight till the effect of flat iron! My hair became dry like twigs!
My local saloon girl almost fainted when she saw my hair!

When we’re done, the guys came and joined us and we left for early dinner. Baybee wanted to eat pork knuckles but the shop was closed. So we just ate at another halal restaurant.
That was the best Thai food I ever tasted!!! yums yums!!!!
I don’t normally see Baybee going for second helping of tom yum but he did this time!
It was so good, we cleared everything out! and btw, the prices are reasonable too!

After dinner, we went to complete our tidbits shopping before we headed home. We were worried that the customs might tax us for the fragrant rice, so we hid it nicely.
We left the border safely again, without anyone checking our car or stopping us as well!
something really wrong with the immigration system there!!!!

That’s the end of my long awaited merdeka trip. I wished it never had to end… but its ok.
I’ll go there again some other time to see Baybee!
I missed him already as I am typing this too!
I truly enjoyed this trip as I loved the company I was with and it was truly relaxing!


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