Thursday, September 30, 2010

beach activity

Posted by shonitay at 9/30/2010 11:59:00 AM 2 comments
last Saturday, raymond, yennee, lee and surprisingly me! went for a uniquely beach experience...
had to wake up super early at 6.30am some more!!! how sacrificing!! everyone knows that i cannot wake up early wan!! but for this i dragged my ass up and comforted myself with not one but TWO McD's chicken sausage breakfast!!!! *my true love!!!!

so there we were... on the beach... early in the morning
(forgot to take pic so stole the next two from google)

behind there as you can see is the magnificent Golden Palm Tree Resort...5 star
but if you're going to ask me, i'd say there's nothing special there so better go PD
hahahahahahhahaa.... here's the bird's eye view btw for your reference if you by any chance dont know how a palm tree look like. WTF
below are our tools for the day! any guess what we did there????
no no no... we did not go for swimming...not anything that is linked to worldly enjoyment!
HAH! i knew it! no one will believe me if i have no proof!!!
we were there to do a BEACH CLEAN UP!!
it was a spiritual enjoyment for us! wtf to come in tune with nature and do good things!
not that i'm saying that i was expecting good returns... but for a minimal fee of RM10,
we get a tshirt, body shop goodies bag, lunch and a chance to DO SOMETHING GOOD!!!
that is my hand holding the pencil pretending to write on our rubbish collected scorecard as i was the sexytary of the day! hmmmm...
and the other hand belongs to a local bangla called lee.. who is in charge of rubbish bag and smelly gloves! HAHAHHAHAHAH
btw, it was supposed to be yennee's surprise for lee's birthday if it was not for me, the loud-mouth to bocor the secret on our way there as i was gossiping
hahahhahhaha.. the tshirt they gave was like so small..
this is Raymond wearing XL same like me!! he looks like some gay gym instructor kan??
me and yennee posing after we put on the tshirt
bro sister team... we're a team cause we both had sunglasses on, and wear the same tshirt size and both look stunning! HAHAHAHAHHAH *shameless
lazing around while waiting for the others to arrive...
we were ON TIME but end up feeling like we were there earlier by 1.5 hours!
Malaysian time as usual.. we tried to change, but the environment was not supportive enough!
proof that i was there with the backdrop
after collecting 15 kilos of rubbish....
(12kg of dead jelly fish and 3 kg of rubbish!!! *fails)
we proceeded to the Golden Palm Tree Resort banquet hall 1 for our BUFFET lunch!!!
initially we thought they will only give us a packet of nasi ayam each!!
at our table waiting to have our lunch
NAH! proof to u in case u cannot see clearly...
Ocean Conservancy: International Coastal Cleanup

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Air Asia Premium Customer Line

Posted by shonitay at 9/28/2010 03:42:00 PM 0 comments

Premium MY FOOT!!!!

This is my email, FB Note, and Online feedback to them

and wtf i had to "like" AA in FB before i can link them! FML


Dear Air Asia team...

As a customer of Air Asia, i was very proud that airasia have a PREMIUM CUSTOMER LINE for us as an improvement for the HORRIBLE existing customer service helpline. However, the premium service is at a charge of RM1.95 per minute. That is a hefty price to pay for prompt service but to me, if it gets thing done, fast and efficiently, i am WILLING to pay for it.

From my recent encounter with this line, it is a HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT!! and it just gives me the impression that Airasia is sucking money from the customers! (OF COURSE COLLABORATING WITH THE TELCO OPERATORS) once the call have gone through, i had to listen to some voice recordings for some announcement before promping us to press 2 to speak to customer service.. and that has taken up 30 seconds i.e. rm1 just to listen to crap!

after pressing 2, I was brought to listen to the music.. la la la..."thank you for waiting, our customer service executive are currently busy. Please continue to hold or feel free to call us back later. Please note that this call will be charged Rm1.95 per minute." la la la la la.... and this continues for 17 minutes and 30 seconds before AA staff picks up the call!!!! The call cost for WAITING alone is RM34!!!!

PLEASE TELL ME IS THIS WHAT AIR ASIA DEEMED AS PREMIUM CUSTOMER SERVICE LINE???? the other line is for self help menu, so u dont get to speak to the customer service so that leaves me no choice but to call the so-called PREMIUM line...

I needed to do my changes to the itinerary online but failed due to error message;


[1259:InvalidStationCode] At least one entered or selected airport code is invalid.Please verify the airport code(s) are valid and try again.

WHAT HAS AIRPORT CODE GOT TO DO WITH ME??? to request a change of itinerary, the only OPTION i get to change is just the DATE.

When i asked the customer service, they say it is a common error code which will appear if the lines are congested. her advice???

CALL THE CUSTOMER SERVICE, we can do for you!!! oh yeah.. CALL AND PAY SOME MORE LAH!!!


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

are you one of the lucky 5?

Posted by shonitay at 9/22/2010 12:09:00 PM 0 comments
me? nope, but raymond was one of them!!!! CONGRATS!!!! *clap clap

he was one of the lucky 5 winners who won an Osim Udream Massage chair from the Acer - work smart, stay comfy contest!!! he was entitled for one entry when he bought his acer notebook!

when he told me the news, i couldnt believe it and got over excited as though i won it myself!
when the letter came, i still had doubts but already my excitement was like sky high cause its not like everyday that i hear news of people around me winning things like this!

if i would have won it myself, i guess the news alone could cause me to take a day off work to absorb the shock and happiness and excitement alone! ahahahhaha LOL

so yesterday i accompanied him to Acer's office in Menara Ambank, Jalan YKS for a prize giving ceremony... in hope to be able to sell the chair off...MONEY earned from the sale can be put to better use as my house already have an OSIM chair. BTW, i think my family is some big time OSIM supporter..(perhaps that is why OSIM repay us by letting my bro win the chair) my mom has the OsIM chair, some leg massager, i have the Osim uZap...
prize giving ceremony with Acer dunno-what-Manager - Grand Prize tau...
then as today is Mid-Autumn Festival, they gave each winner a box of mooncake too..
wah the moon cake is from Equitorial Hotel and the packaging was like so extravagant... comes with miniature fork and knife too.. hahhaha the taste wise, i dunno cause i din eat yet and i forgot to ta-pau some....
the mooncake box exterior packaging... i like the box so much and imma gonna make it mine!!
so big and spacious.. i sure will be able to find something to put in there! hahahhahaha
after the prize giving ceremony. raymond make me hold the cardboard all the way to the car for the punishment of not believing the fact that he actually won the chair...even as we're on our way to the office!
the card board have been put to a very good use... on my house's wall!
no one will be able to miss that! ahahahhahahah

Monday, September 20, 2010

its not about laziness

Posted by shonitay at 9/20/2010 11:45:00 AM 0 comments
i ♥ omgfacts!
they have just proven my daily routine is perfectly fine...
even though people have been telling me its not!
well, they dunno about omgfacts and i dont blame them...
here's the post that made me smile and proud of myself!

reseachers have proven that...
Not making your bed is actually better than making it!!!!!
hahahhahahhaha I DID RIGHT!!! dun nag me for it!!

check out the BBC News article here to believe your own eyes!

When you make your bed, it makes a more safer environment for the dust mites living inside you bed. An unmade bed's warm, dry conditions are harder for the dust mites to handle.

Leaving your bed unmade cuts down on the amount of moisture in your bed, so the mites dehydrate and die. This is good because dust mites leave allergens in your bed that trigger asthma and other allergies.

Friday, September 17, 2010

trampling on cotton candy

Posted by shonitay at 9/17/2010 02:48:00 PM 0 comments
ok. it was miserable for the last two months.

heavily indebted=still surviving
yeng chai got broken into=additional cost
bloody robber stole TAG=no chance to zoom past toll gates and show off to TnG users!
rigorously paying off c/c debt=so not spending money
no spending money=no fancy meals, no entertainment.
no lifestyle=eat chap fan and boil dramas

but in life we must be positive....
so i drew up a budget and maintained to follow it!
i could manage to slot in a trip to KT, pay off insurance installment
also hair treatment package and wedding favours!!!
oooh oohhh....and also for the payment of RM180 for the ji mui's dress!!

owhhh.. not all from my salary alone...
then?? how???

Difficult times are like dark clouds that pass overhead and block the sun.
When we look more closely at the edges of every cloud we can see the sun shining there like a silver lining.

so we all much open eyes BIG BIG so that can see the sunlight!!!! thank God for big eyes... (positive thinking if compared to sepet eyes)
Every cloud has a silver lining means that you should never feel hopeless because difficult times always lead to better days.

i tell you i really couldn't believe myself that God really loved me that much!!!

the TnG value in my card was refunded by the company PROMPTLY!!! exactly 1 month
my insurance payment for the broken window received also in the same time!!!
although i dun see it in my account yet, but the news of it is good enough!
JESUS LOVES ME TIS I KNOW!!!! i♥jesus too!!!

then i get big angpow which is good enough to cover the ji mui dress ♥my aunty!!
then my bro received the laptop that TM is giving free for student
which i am going to sell it off and will get him to buy me a hard disk which i really wanted and NEEDED
and also some secret mission we're doing!! which makes me so damn happy!!! hahahahhaah ♥ my bro!!!

and baybee who has been always supporting me with whatever decision i make and loves me so much!!! ♥♥♥

so my life is full of colour now!! all alive and well... but still chap fan cause i ♥ chap fan and i can pay off c/c!

Monday, September 13, 2010

life puzzle

Posted by shonitay at 9/13/2010 04:42:00 PM 0 comments
i am in a 'messed-up' stage again..
was just talking to fifi yesterday night

i asked...
was i too pampered when i was in a relationship with my 'first love'?

apparently NOT

we had good share of sleepless nights; nightmares;
stressful days; screamings; scoldings;
overtime; early mornings; on the road adventures;
sacrifices were made; paid vacations were pushed aside

but we had the FIRE... the desire... the push...
the eagerness.. the happiness.. the excitement
to wake up every morning....
the rush to office... though most of the time late
to meet the faces i love to see
and speak to heart to heart

now in a new relationship
i tried
i tried
i tried
and i could not find the fire, the desire, the spark, the push
my heart in not going along with my body mind and soul...
and its tearing me apart.. breaking me.. weakening me

i realized i need to do something
something to save myself
something which might look silly or maybe it is after all
but i just need to do something
people might talk, people might scold
people might think of say things that will hurt me a lot
then i thought and told myself that
i dont live for people; i live for myself

no point living a life unhappy so people don't talk
i rather live a happy life... and dont care what people say
to make a turn at a junction with hope that it will be better

will i regret it later?
i dont think so... its part and parcel of growing up
right or wrong turn, there's always something along the journey
the pieces the the puzzle of my life

Crossing over to Golok

Posted by shonitay at 9/13/2010 12:14:00 PM 0 comments
ok. this is the last post for our trip up north.

the next morning, Baybee and Lee out of curiosity said they wanted to check what was offered for breakfast. End up they came back and told us they wanted to eat there.
The guys end up bringing food outside and ate together with us…
so we had FREE breakfast too!!

me and my morning cannot open eyes look with the teh tarik river
us complaining about the dirty river.. hahhaha i look like i wanna initiate a fight!

after breakfast, we started our journey up north to Rantau Panjang, the major border crossing between Malaysia and Thailand for the East Coast of Malaysia. The town on the Thai side across the Golok River which forms the boundary between the two countries is Sungai Kolok.
passing the malaysia immigration... and getting our passports scanned
then we drove across the Harmony Bridge that linked the two countries
we also drove past the Customs and went straight into Thailand, Sungai Kolok

opppps!!!!!Something is NOT RIGHT!!!
Yeah… we did not get our passports stamped!
cause we did not pass by any area for the stamping of passports!!!
Later only we found out that we’re supposed to park by the side of the road and get out passports stamped instead of just driving through straight. So troublesome, right?

a visit to the Toh Moh Goddess Shrine..
Baybee and Lee did some prayers
Lee is so funny here! he looks like he's dancing with the joystick!
after visiting the temple, we walked around the town a bit to buy some souvenirs
which basically consist of food only... specifically, SNACKS!!! read: FATS!!!
the pink scooter above is so cute!
imma buy one next time for me to go cruising around in the evenings for long kai!
after shopping around, we went to a temple for massage. It was recommended for us to go for a massage in a temple as there will not be any hanky panky going on and the masseur will massage properly. We paid Rm25 each for two hours of full body massage. There was a herbal sauna at the place too at RM3 per person but the weather was too hot and none of us was interested to get ourselves baked.

We had some 2 hours to kill after that before dinner time so yennee and i went for a hair wash (hair got oily due to the head massage earlier). The hairwash cost us RM10 each.
Good enough to kill time… but it killed the health of my hair too!
First, the lady massaged CONDITIONER onto my SCALP! Where got people do that one??? That would mean blocking my pores and making my scalp oilier.
Secondly, I just wanted a normal blow dry for my hair, so when she asked me if I want to flat iron my hair, I said no.
WTH! So she used the hairdryer to blow my hair for so so so long till my hair became super dry and straight till the effect of flat iron! My hair became dry like twigs!
My local saloon girl almost fainted when she saw my hair!

When we’re done, the guys came and joined us and we left for early dinner. Baybee wanted to eat pork knuckles but the shop was closed. So we just ate at another halal restaurant.
That was the best Thai food I ever tasted!!! yums yums!!!!
I don’t normally see Baybee going for second helping of tom yum but he did this time!
It was so good, we cleared everything out! and btw, the prices are reasonable too!

After dinner, we went to complete our tidbits shopping before we headed home. We were worried that the customs might tax us for the fragrant rice, so we hid it nicely.
We left the border safely again, without anyone checking our car or stopping us as well!
something really wrong with the immigration system there!!!!

That’s the end of my long awaited merdeka trip. I wished it never had to end… but its ok.
I’ll go there again some other time to see Baybee!
I missed him already as I am typing this too!
I truly enjoyed this trip as I loved the company I was with and it was truly relaxing!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

a visit to Kota Bharu

Posted by shonitay at 9/12/2010 10:17:00 PM 0 comments
we started our journey late in the afternoon as KB town is nearby to Thailand border
as we were driving, baybee saw a pekan ramadhan and stopped over to buy some tea break
this is me, feeding baybee ayam percik as he drives...
look properly and you will notice that i have no more chin!!! FML!!!
i have put on a lot of weight recently and i think i have excessive eating disorder! wtf
our first stop was this food court in the so called Chinatown of KB.
we had this unique chee cheong fun where the noodle was made very skillfully...
but the sauce was like diluted rojak sauce and some satay...
we then proceeded to check in to Grand Riverview Hotel for Rm140/night for 1 breakfast only
Satu malaysia spirit! wtf

Baybee kept on wanting to eat Thailand food so we searched on the net for ‘good food thai kota bharu‘ and came across this page which recommends Golden Leaf Restaurant at Jalan Kebun Sultan. It sounded more convincing when yennee’s colleague also recommends the same! So we went to the restaurant to have our dinner. Then we found out that, the chef who cooked the dished recommended by the website had just recently resigned! The new chef newly reported to work just the week before. So whatever we ate wasn’t cooked by the same person who cooked the food for the blogger and yennee’s colleague. My opinion, the food there was mediocre and tasted more on a salty side. It wasn’t really good though and there’s nothing special.

tomyam fish
3flavour chicken
kangkung belacan
again if u see, i dont have chin anymore!!!
yennee was like on a mission to capture all my ugly fat eating moments
FML!! *cries my heart out and felt better after eating

Saturday, September 11, 2010

never go to KT during puasa time!

Posted by shonitay at 9/11/2010 09:32:00 PM 0 comments
why? because you have no food to eat other than in Chinatown!!!!!!
so Chinatown is where we had our lunch before we start our touristy mode
other food outlets even like fast food are not allowed to open before 3pm!
should be nothing so shocking to see this sign right????
wtf! i wonder when they company do projection of income every year,
will they project loss during the fasting month?? hahahhahaa
we dont look so retarded, do we?
hahhahahhahaa... he looks like a happy preacher!
that suit really suits him! i think lee looks so good in this pic!
fooling around the Crystal Mosque compound
u see what i mean by fooling around???
climbing up the stairs to the biggest museum in Malaysia
which has practically nothing interesting inside and bloody hot and boring!
sorry museum lovers, but i think i am a museum hater! hahahhahaha
i never liked old ugly stuff.... btw, i saw some dead dolphins and dragon fish in there..
i prefer the outdoors, where i found some interesting things....
i'll be posing with one similar to this which belonged to day
she always wanted to fly.. i supposed owning one herself would be good
and yennee will be fooling with my golden rolls royce...
i'd be so rich and live better than a real princess ...going for balls whenever i wish to
and travel anywhere anytime i wanted with a bus load of servants to serve me! HAHAHHAHHA
oh yah.. if you did not know already, kereta lembu used to require a license too in the early days!
not just simply some wooden lousy trolley like u think!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya

Posted by shonitay at 9/09/2010 04:20:00 PM 0 comments
i would like to wish all of you here Selamat hari Raya!!!
no lah.. actually, i just wanted to post a song i edited on facebook which caught many people's interest so that i will remember it 10 years down the road
(psst! they esp like the phrase in red! hahahhaha)
selamat hari raya
kepada saudara serta saudari
setahun hanya sekali (setahun mungkin dua kali)
merayakan hari yang mulia ini

dimasa bulan ramadhan
saya tak puasa sekalipun
apabila syawal menjelang
hari raya disambut dengan gembira
Happy holidays everyone!!!!!!!!
drive safely and be good!

Tasik Kenyir, Terengganu

Posted by shonitay at 9/09/2010 09:25:00 AM 0 comments
On the 26th, we went to Lake Kenyir which is the largest man-made lake in Southeast Asia.
Stayed a night at Lake Kenyir Resort and Spa. The place was beautiful and relaxing.
while waiting for the buggy to come pick us up from the car park...
the resort's area is huge so there are buggys provided to ferry us around
yennee on the buggy..zooming to the reception
OHIYO!! my fireboy came along with us this trip as well
this place is so pretty and tranquil
my chalet room entrance
the room interior... see fireboy laze round already!
OMG! the bathroom was huge!!! i think almost same size as the room!
what you see here is only half of it!
i ♥ fireboy!
romantic setting above the pool for dinner
we had the ramadhan buffet there
the dessert spread were amazingly good and the cakes were fantastic!
Me and yennee had a good time picking a piece each.
after dinner we went back to our rooms for games.
not much games we could pic from the games and recreation shop
so we settled for Monopoly...the set had no dice so the sent us a mismatching pair
game in progress... BTW, I WON the game!!!!
i seldom win in games but i WON BIG this time!
the next morning, we woke up and enjoyed the wonderful view
how i wish to wake up every morning to a view like this!! ♥max!
then we went for breakfast... pagi pagi buta had to exercise and walk up hill
cause they said wanna be healthy rather than ask buggy fetch!
good girlfriend! me! morning mix coffee for baybee ♥♥
chilling by the pool
imigine, the drive back to my home had view like that...
i swear i will start walking everyday for exercise! hahahahha
nah! told you i will be here kan?


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