Tuesday, July 27, 2010

coffee maker

Posted by shonitay at 7/27/2010 03:38:00 PM 0 comments

today i want to share a secret with you
i believe if something is not widely known, then it deserves the secret status

fact: i do not know how to make a cup of coffee or tea with milk!
reason: i don't drink coffee (any variant) or tea with milk. i think i am lactose intollerant
problem: my seating position is always in front of boss room and/or my job requires me to sometimes make drinks for visitors

there's story to tell... it all started when i was working with a legal firm
and i was seated right infront of the boss/partner/lawyer's room...
his name i still remember vividly.. jeffrey wong... big guy always joking around
jw: SHOOONI... can you make us coffee? (there were 2 visitors in his room and they were the house agents)
me: errrr.... i dont know how to make coffee one wor.... Milo can ah?
jw: WHAT?? how can someone dont know how to make coffee?!?!? i dont care.. go and learn and make for us now!
me: ok....
then i rushed to the pantry and took a long time to figure out how to make coffee...
i simply added some nescafe in and some sugar...
then i even asked my collegue how to make it and it turned out they did not know how to make too!OMG!
finally after adding nescafe and sugar one after another to try to make it drinkable, i brought them their coffee!
they took a sip.. and put down the cup.. the visitors kept quiet...but
jw: WHAT IS THIS? is this coffee? if it is then THIS IS THE WORST COFFEE I have ever drank in my WHOLE LIFE! i can make better coffee than this!
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA..in the end, a sip, the first sip is all they took... HAHAHHAHAHAAA
itulah balasannya... not that i did that on purpose, but i really dont know how to make coffee ma..
from that moment on, no one in the office ever did ask me to make coffee anymore!

when i was with SAAG then, they had tea lady's to make drinks for visitors... lucky me i thought!
then one day, our consultant, Mr. Ricky came to our office and wanted a cup of coffee
and the tea lady, aunty keetha is no where to be found... i told him countless time that i do not know how to make coffee
and it will definately turn out horrible!
nope! he did not believe me! and so i had to make a cup for him...
and of course, to his horror, I WAS RIGHT!!! he only took the first sip and history repeated itself!
so one day, this Ricky was at our office again together with the Sub con's Gary, Lee and Alan for a meeting
and as usual, aunty keetha always disappears when she is needed
me: would you all want to have a drink? i only know how to give you plain water or chinese tea..
(i was kind enough to pre-warn them)
Gary Lee and Alan did not believe me and joked about what i said...
then when Ricky told them that my coffee is not for consumption, they finally laughed and believed me
from that moment on, when they see me, and when i asked them, they would chose plain water..
and tease my coffee expertise! HUH!

TODAY!!!! *tong *tong *tong (bells ringing for important announcement)
AND... i still don't know how but i just add everything that i can see according to the ratio that i thought it is right..
how my heart bloomed with pride and my joy burst out like firework
when i saw THE EMPTY CUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wahahahhahahahh!!!! i finally made my first successful cup of drinkable coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
woohooo!!! this is a reason to celebrate!!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

stone age

Posted by shonitay at 7/26/2010 09:47:00 PM 1 comments
its another week now,
frankly, i find my daily routine kinda boring.. or kinda 'old'
not much of entertainment and nothing exciting..just like or even worse than soon to retire people FML
wake up morning go to work - after work eat dinner - T____T - talk to baybee - sleep early
T_____T space is yet to be filled with excitement!

i go home, all i see is 4 walls... if have internet, at least still got extra one called 'firewall'
i feel lonely...not much human interaction.. i think i will turn into a stone one day FML
the star front page "girl turns into stone staring at ceiling" WTF
temporarily, i go for alternate hairwash days... and fyi, i've just signed on a whole treatment package! how to save money like that???? when i get my salary, i'm gonna sign a 6 months hair wash program so i can go wash my hair every day!! *fighting for spot under a bridge to beg for money to spend at salon* FML
and like now, i shamelessly hang around at cafe to go online and blog of my sorrowful situation while waiting for my 'beloved brother raymond' to fix up internet at my rented fucked up place that could not use broadband!

does anyone know any part time courses at night that i can sign up for nearby puchong????
thought of putting my brains into good use while it is still functioning
*gasp* or has it turned into stone? FML!!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

i'm your superwoman!!

Posted by shonitay at 7/21/2010 11:49:00 AM 0 comments

the day before i had a dream...
i dreamt that i was like a superwoman...
not that i had superficial powers to fly and wear my bra and panties outside..
but i had the courage to save others.. by fighting against the evil forces!Whoa!!

it started with me driving Ping's car.. something like 4WD..
then as i drove like an aunty along the road, i saw the evil person
riding a huge superbike like motorbike with wings of blade that slashes everything it touches into half!
so many vehicles was destroyed

OMG! then i noticed that evil thing spotted me as he passed by and i panicked!
he U-turned me and came to attack me...
For heaven's sake i stepped the accelerator real hard so that i could go as fast as possible
my heart was thumping so hard.. it almost flew out
i was really scared that he might slash me to half and then i will die instantly! wtf
so i drove like crazy... over mountains and rivers,... in the city and desert..
i know this sounds illogical but i can't control my dream to be logical ma
the scene just keep changing and i was like driving so madly around..
so many close calls and i proudly overcame it!

then finally, i managed to 'pit lat' the evil person.... fuh!! *sweat
after i could breathe normally, i got furious when i saw him still destroying other people's vehicle...
so i chased after him and knocked him dead. YAY!!!!

~~~~then i woke up! WTF!

FML! i cursed! why didn't i continue dreaming of people rejoicing and celebrating my victory over the evil forces and
me crowned the 'fantastic girl', superwoman, or just be a crown princess... (the celebration theme could be pink!)

then.. i looked at my phone! fuck shit! I AM LATE FOR WORK!!!
got my ass up real quick and went to work...late :(

Monday, July 19, 2010

new look!

Posted by shonitay at 7/19/2010 04:49:00 PM 1 comments
hello everyone!
like my blog new look or not?
you better do!
well, i don't know where to source for nice blog headers anymore..
so this time i thought i might just as well try out a new theme..
introducing the 'kiddie blog' theme.... *gasp!! awwwwesomely cute!
thought of getting something pinkish.. but can't find any cute enough for my eyes...
so, finally decided to settle for something plain and cute!

sometimes, i do wonder why am i so childish...
i mean for my age now i should go for some sophisticated and cool designs
but instead, i chose the 'kiddie' theme...
in a few days time, you will witness another prove of my childishness in my selection of something else.
ooops! i guess it is right time for me to change the theme to match my new found love! *bliss

OMG!! mentioning it made me feel so excited!
i'll be able to caress it in a few day's time!! woohoo!!
i have been drooling over it for quite long....
pretended to wanting to buy it for countless times....

tales of old and new

Posted by shonitay at 7/19/2010 11:30:00 AM 0 comments
Edit 2:
Used convetional method with blogger and still failed 2-3 times. I pre-typed this post in Ms Word 2010 and i cant seem to just copy and paste into blogger. Everytime i 'copied' there will be formatting details that tagged along and made me cant post! FTS! make my life so mah fan only!
Had to copy into notepad first before i copied again into blogger! WTF!
FAILED NOT ONCE BUT TWICE.. trying to use yahoo mail to send this post using my newly thought way.
Tried using yahoo mail to directly send a post with pictures, but failed because I don’t know how to! How sad!
But I am brilliant, immediately I thought of a way, and tadah! U are reading this post WITH pictures!! Hahahhaha!

What the hell is that??? Look carefully, study the surrounding, and you would finally realize that it’s a flower vase! That the one on the right and on the left is a small glass… the liquid inside is obviously not vodka!

Few days ago, I went with yennee to my ex-boss’s food tasting of her newly opened café called ‘mBUJI CAFÉ’ at Sunway Giza. It was really a joyous occasion as I see a lot of familiar happy faces and the anticipation of free food! Mmm….. I felt a sudden warm feeling of familiarity.. and that was just about it… As I left, I wasn’t sad or unhappy at all! As I thought I would when I just entered. I was happy to say goodbye and go home to sleep!

A little about the café in case anyone wants to give a little support.. Patrons there go through a coffee adventure as they spend time slurping on good quality coffee imported from Africa… and there’s where the sacred rock called mBUJI is located, hence the name of the café. From what I understand, you would be able to choose from a large variety of different coffee beans and choose how you would like your coffee be made. Just pick what you like and you would get your very own design! There would also be a sandwich bar, just like Subway style and the bread are freshly baked in-house. There will be also an extensive list of menu to choose from anytime of the day. So far, I have not seen any of the above except for the extensive menu because during the tasting period, it was really full house and the food ran out rather quickly! So I shall go back another day and will write a proper review here.

Well, the big vase is my glass of water while others are the usual small size ones! HAHA! The reason why I got such a big one is due to my not-so-soft-volume when I talk! I was complaining that I did not get any of my orders, NOT even my plain water to my ‘table mates’ when the staff there heard me! And he quickly brought me this! HAHAHHA! The wonders of having not-so-soft voice!

Was wondering, would I be the one who would serve people the big vase if I would be still attached with my ex-company?

Last week also I tried to buy things from my company’s site www.lelong.com.my and got myself a ‘dress’. Why in inverted commas? Oh.. when I tried it on, it reached only to my waist! HAHAHHAHA!!! I think I ‘expanded’ the dress horizontally too much that it became short! So I’m gonna sell it off!

Then there is this special Wednesdays go crazy thing on www.superbid.com.my where items are auctioned off starting from RM1. So I ‘made’ Ping to get me this!

Aren’t they lovely? Such a sweet couple.. everytime I see this, now hanging in my room, it reminds me of him and my ‘missing’ him feeling would escalate sky high!

And oh oh… btw…I’m going to see my baybee tonight!!! Yeah yeah!!!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

something's good

Posted by shonitay at 7/14/2010 05:41:00 PM 0 comments
i am so excited... something's due on the 7th August
it'll be so pretty.... and it's gonna be mine...
i'll show it off and treat it well...
and i'll definately show it off here...!
and it'll be from someone related to Mickey ;)
i guess it's just not only me...
someone else who's gonna read this post would be too!
or... already is excited! HAHA!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

a night at Kluang

Posted by shonitay at 7/13/2010 04:42:00 PM 0 comments
last saturday, after being my mom's free labourer again.....
my mom and i went to Kluang, Johor to visit my grandpa who was sick at the
when we reached at the hospital at about 10.30pm, my gong2 was outside his ward
playing with my little cousins..
so cute.. he missed them so much.. kept on wanting them to 'stick' to him..
the next day, when my mom went and brought him some food for breakfast, he was
all ready..to go home!
he said the doctor said that he's alright already and can be discharged.
he packed his own bags and walked out of the ward full of semangat to go home...
leaving my mom, the driver and my grandma clueless at the ward
i almost teared when he told me at home that he was looking for qian2 when he
was sleeping the night before
he said, i missed my grandchildren.....i want to stay at home..
he's is now in kl.. for an appointment with HUKM's doctor...
i pray and hope that his stomach will not cause him anymore trouble...
that he will listen to advice, be a good boy and not simply eat like he's still

Saturday, July 10, 2010

bomber girl

Posted by shonitay at 7/10/2010 10:17:00 AM 0 comments
if past lives do exist, i guessed i might have been a TOILET BOMBER at Kuala Terengganu!
for the 2 weeks or more that i was there, it really seemed like the 'toilets' are taking their very own sweet revenge on me. WTF!

Disclaimer: the rest of the story is kinda disgusting. READ at your own RISK.

the whole series just started with me super 'needing' to urinate. So baybee stopped at a public toilet for me. i rushed to the toilet without thinking much when i saw a man in the other toilet so i went into the 'ladies' washroom...
there's a picture of a girl wearing skirt ma...well, baju kurung to be exact! Haha... then when i came out, the man was seated there at the counter, then i realised i need to pay for using the toilet. So i told him i will get the money from the car for him... he was looking at me weirdly and did not say anything...he just nodded. he had a really peculiar look on his face like he'd never seen a human before! wtf! so i went and took 30cents and then went back and paid him. Just as i paid him, to my horror i saw this:
WTF!!! FML!!! that was why he was looking at me weirdly!!!!!! FML!!
i went into the fucking wrong toilet!!! it wasn't a baju kurung! it was a baju melayu!!
i felt so embarrased and ran away as fast as lightning!
and that bugger was in the ladies toilet, obviously everyone will think just like me... given the 'situation' i was in!
u guys must be wondering where i took the pictures of the stupid signs from.. hahahah
i went back another day, use the toilet again... (this time the baju kebaya one).. whipped out my camera, and took the picture lor!!

then secondly was when i was at Mydin, just before i went shopping.
After my business, i needed to use the water hose... so i turned right to the max and cleaned up my mess.
btw, it was a squatting cubicle. i put on my pants and stepped down to turn the tap off.
so i turned maximum to the left really fast.... and..
WTF!!!! the whole hose came alive due to the high MAXIMUM water pressure and sprayed water all over my face, body, cubicle and i think some outside from the top! FML!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i quickly turned the tap again and i discovered that to off it, it should be positioned at the middle!!
my whole body was wet, and i was wearing WHITE blouse!! that was fucking embarassing!!
i dared not go out of the cubicle in fear those who got wet outside might scold me! so i waited a while before i dared to step out! Two packets of 3 ply tissue also not enough!
i had to use the hand dryer to 'dry' my clothes!!
i got really pissed off and i really looked like a messed up crazy mad wet woman!!!
then i continued with my shopping. wtf.

the third incident was also at Mydin! i think Mydin hates me!
this time, i did not use any hose... i just did a simple business, then stood at the side of the squatting bowl, and flushed. that's it! everyone does it right?
FUCK! it was fucking wrong! i did not realised that the toilet bowl was broken at the back where water was supposed to spray out from! so instead of the water sprayed to the corners of the bowl, it sprayed all over ME!!! I was WET all over my pants!!! FML FML!!! and the worse thing is i could not stop the water from spraying out until the whole tank's wiped out!

now u agree why i said i guess my last life, i was a t'ganu toilet bomber!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

new work, new room... new knowledge!

Posted by shonitay at 7/08/2010 03:12:00 PM 1 comments
Hurray!! now i am another step ahead in blogging world!!
I can post via email!! *sombong face* i can rant all i want nao!!
i was worried that i would have to abandon this blog because i cant blog during
work hours and my new place is more ulu than Raub! FML!! talk about that later

Today is Thursday so it means its my fourth day at work!
I know everyone is concerned about me and my being able or not to adapt in my
new work environment
(i hope so...)..(u guys better be concerned!) thank you thank you! *touched*
i am fine and alive... quite free these few days as i dont know what to do and
my boss dont know what to give me to do and my superior dont know what to pass
to me to do yet.. fuh... now i am done with the long explanation one one whole
breath! *sweat
my collegues are all so nice and friendly!!!

i would need time to adapt to the culture here... really different from where i
was previously....
-here people do work for the solid 8 hours... i dont see anyone on personal
-people here don't chat during working hours, no one talking around and loudly
on the phone... i think everyone here have a voice of a mouse!! they dont talk!
to me they are pratically whispering all day long! FML! once, i answered a call,
and i felt like the whole office could hear me loud and clear and i felt so pai
seh! FML FML!!!
-seldom i hear personal calls and i dont hear anyoine's handphone ringing at

OMG!! this is the most akward thing for me because i am too used to having my
handphones ringing most of the time and i used to be so proud of my korean drama
songs!! now i am ashamed of them and it did cross my mind for me to use the
standard 'ring ring' tone. WTF!! but i thought i will missed them so i decided
to put my phone to silent mode during working hours!
-i have many chinese collegues here.. so during lunch time we all go makan
sama-sama in a big group 7-10 people! seriously i am not used to this because i
was eating chap fan alone all these years!
that's about it for work....

at home....
as you all know or...if u dont know yet, i have moved to puchong
moved to a very nice place, master bedroom, with aircon and water heater as
this new place have swimming pool... and very very low density...
i loved it very much.....except when i discovered that this new place have no
3G and broadband coverage!
WTF!!! FML!!!! and when i tried with my digi broadband yesterday, holy shit!!!
it was worse than when i used it in Raub!!! kampung got better lines than
bandar!?!?!?!? @o@
i thought my life was meaningless T_______T

now, i have a new mission, to live my life without facebook games..!
my hotel would be infested by roaches and my crops would be stolen and then die
off!!! *heartbroken* T________________T
maybe i should start to go shopping for swimming 'gadgets' and can start to swim
or i could boil tvb dramas... there's a pirated DVD shop just below my office

we'll see....

testing testing 123

Posted by shonitay at 7/08/2010 01:46:00 PM 0 comments
i am trying to post via email so that i can secretly blog while working!
~~evil laughs!!!! HAHAHHAA

Friday, July 2, 2010

one world ATTACK!!!!!

Posted by shonitay at 7/02/2010 09:38:00 AM 0 comments
Ping, his two business partners and me came down to KL for a one day business trip on 22nd June...
and since i have not much chance to stay in a 5 star hotel, let me commemorate this once in a blue moon occasion with the following photo...
ahem! pardon the jakun me
the bed was super nice to sleep and there were lots and lots of pillow! *loves*>
i had a big urge to steal the boltster back home! if it wasn't for the business partners, i wold have squashed them in my bag and take it home with me!
the bathroom was so nice... they had so so much of toiletries to the extent of different kind of soaps and even loofah!! OMG! and the shower, there was rain shower, normal shower and side shower... like you don't need to move your hands and you get squeaky clean!wtf
i tell you a secret... i called up room service the next morning and requested for extra loofah and dunno-what-but-very-special-uncommon-type-of-soap!! hahahah...
so i took home two of each cause i prevented Ping to use the existing one! *brilliant!

The next day we went to UMW Heavy Equiptment Factory to view... heavy equiptments! WTF!
The machines were really gigantic and that place looked like some action packed movie shooting scene where the machines would come alive and attack human kind!
I am not joking nor exaggerating okay! its true!!
and the Evil Master is me!!!! WAHAhahahaHAHAhaahaha!!!!
I can nao drivez a mechine!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

how i spent half a month in a kampung

Posted by shonitay at 7/01/2010 05:39:00 PM 2 comments
Well, as it seems, KT is a 'kampung' to me.. just like what Raub is... but in fact its actually quite big and modern (in building terms) and is on par if not better than Ipoh.

The first thing that i noticed when i spend my first night there was that my nose did not get blocked and for the rest of the 17 days i spent there too!! Perhaps it's due to where i stayed; which is deep in the jungle about 40 mins of 4WD. Hahaha.. i told Ping that people pay a lot to experience the drive into jungle over terrains and slippery muddy hills.. and i was experiencing it for free!

Second is the beautiful night time sky view! it was totally awesome.. my camera could not take any shot for me to prove it here! you have to really got to witness it yourself!! EVERYNIGHT (except when it rains) there will be THOUSANDS of stars.. no no.. MILLIONS of them shinning brightly in the dark sky! when you see them, no matter what, you'll definately smile! i supposed if i lived there during the time when i studied astronomy in school, i would have aspired to be an astronaught and would have been to the moon already! WTF

Third is the benefit of living in jungle is that you would have plenty of natural food! Me calling it natural means it is super duper fresh and healthy! this is where i saw about 30 frogs caught in a cage and ate the most gigantic pair of frog thigh i have ever seen! i have been avoiding this froggy since my mom once did an utterly disgusting smelly froggy soup which haunts me till now..but i tell you, fresh is the KEYWORD! the meat has springy texture and there's no fishy smell AT ALL...nyums...
oh! this is the fish tail.. which belongs to a river fish which was still swimming around in the river some 30 mins ago! wow! super fresh and nice okay!! you feel safe knowing the fact that it lived in the wild and wasn't fed with chicken inner parts!
Fourth is what i do everyday other than eat and sleep! i work.... ah yes, you did read the right thing.. I WORKED at ping's company's office helping them to sort out the company accounts and teaching and guiding Siti, the clerk the hired. I also worked as an 'escort'! HAHAHHAHA!! Day in day out i teman Ping run his errands, going to Terengganu everyday... including of going to morning markets to buy fresh vegetables EARLY IN THE MORNING!! i could not believe it myself also that i managed to wake up early in the morning in time for the early batch of partons of the pasar pagi! now i am a certified HEALTY person!

This is me camwhoring in the car while waiting for Ping to buy stuff and then the sunset captured my attention. Nice right? taken inside the car only.. imagine if u have a DSLR and at the seaside....
Fifth is knowing one unique 'event' that i believe only happens in Terengganu which in my opinion is the stupidest thing someone could ever do that brings no benefit and waste money and pollute the environment!

Every weekend evening, there will be a huge group of malay youngsters that will ride their motorbike in ONE BIG WHOLE BLOODY GROUP around a few main road FOR NOTING!!!POINTLESS!!! WTF!! it causes traffic jam cause these bunch of people are positioned above the law... they don't follow traffic lights, the turn illegally and the do all sorts of 'performance' with their bikes! OMG! from the beginning of the herd of bikers till the last one, you will need to wait 20-30 minutes for them to pass by.. i think there should be about thousands of them!
Six plus three is nine! There are 9 beautiful puppies at Ping's workplace and the are OMFG damn cute okay!! always want to come find u to manja manja!!
this is the fattest among all its siblings ..damn cute
and it's baybee's favorite!! everytime also kena bully wan!! look at its pitiful face! hahaha
not only its the fattest, but it is also so huge that it looked like a bear +lion compared to the others!
ok... the end...
continue next day with a post of 'lak seh' things happened to me..

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