Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Posted by shonitay at 3/31/2010 11:38:00 AM 0 comments
I WISH THEY SUDDENLY BECOME THE SIZE OF AN ANT SO THAT I CAN SQUASH AND STEP ON THEM TILL THEY DIE FLAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FML FML FML FML FML FML FML!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

the nyonya attack!

Posted by shonitay at 3/29/2010 01:35:00 PM 0 comments
after shedding bucketsfull of tears, sobbing like there's no more tomorrow...
and also pleanty of heartache due to the stubborn nyonya...
i tiba-tiba felt like nyonya-lutionised.. like got influenced a bit dy...
hahahha.. so i went and buy myself this…

This is what we called Mortar and Pestle if you haven't learnt about it yet. In Malay, it's called Lesung Batu.... and to search for this picture i went on a big search for it... and my effort was fultile cause i keyed in 'polar and molar'!! wtf! they gave me pictures of polar bears!!

last weekend i was back in raub... home alone cause ping was busy working... so had nothing to do and decided to cook!

back to the nyonya dishes... kangkung belacan first.. but this version of mine is an improved one... i used the XO Sauce i made recently. it gives the dish a unique twist due to the presense of dried scallops..

next up....ayam pongteh behind the bombastic pongteh name... this is actually some chinese dish that we used to eat at home called 'tau si man kai'...preserved soy bean with chicken... anyhow, i followed the recipe and the dish turned out EDIBLE and nice too... of course with some drawbacks as this is the first time i cooked this dish. with the preparation of this dish i could understand and see the reason why the polar and molar thing.... aiyah.. lesung batu is needed! the gravy damn nice ok!

POints to note: MUST 'man' this dish long enough for the sauce to absorb into the meat/potatoes/mushroom and dont put too much the preserved soy bean paste...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

crappy international balloon fiesta

Posted by shonitay at 3/24/2010 10:18:00 AM 0 comments
ok.. this is terrible....I went for a hot air baloon Putrajaya last Saturday and
I WAS expecting this awesomeness sight...

or at least this??...for me to take photos with

or cute baloons like these love bees...

we saw this after waiting about 45 minutes BEHIND schedule.... when it FINALLY started i was eagerly snapping away pictures.... telling myself..

"the time is coming.... be ready for it..." ok.. i zoomed in after a saw a cute baloon.. with cute smile.... and THAT IS IT!!!!! OMG!!KNSCCB!!! what the hell!!!

once the balloon is fat and big enough to fly, they just take off to godknowswhere far away from this sad sad land called Putrajaya where the crappy INTERNATIONAL hot air balloon is held!! When they flew away, what is there left to see???????????????????? Malaysia boleh!!!

I was expecting the baloons to hover around the area so that i can take lots of pictures of baloons in the sky!!

but all i can see is the S-K-Y! L_A_N_G_I_T itu saja!!

these are the two balloons offering rides for the public which i heard is a total FAILURE too cause the tickets were all sold off!!! and i heard this event is supposed to be a fund raising thing for Haiti... if its so, and the response are so overwhelming, have more of it lah!! at lease can earn money(i heard it's expensive too!!) and i can take pictures with more balloons instead of TWO!!!

so with our professional photographer/director there, we took pictures with Putrajaya's landmark instead! i have this very FUNNY picture of Lee but i dont want to put it up to save his dignity lah!
so we took silly jumping pictures.. and so far, this is the best one

beautiful sunset...beautiful company = beautiful people :)
just before we decided to head back home, we saw this giant jeans...
and so this is the last baloon we saw..

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

#3 Petola Fried Egg

Posted by shonitay at 3/23/2010 10:10:00 AM 0 comments
OMG! i tasted this last week when my mom cooked it at home and i immediately got hooked to it! Just like the normal long beans fried egg ommelette, you use Petola instead! its super duper yummy i swear!!! just go try it!

~~the tips: fry GARLIC till fagrant first, then add in petola. Stirfry till soft.. add in the beaten eggs with soy sauce/salt! done! the GARLIC will make the whole dish wonderful!!

and just for knowledge, the bath scrub or kitchen sponge that some used is made from dried cucumber as i knew all this while is actually dried petola!

#2 Chillies

Posted by shonitay at 3/23/2010 10:02:00 AM 0 comments
Chillies/chilli padi specifically are sold in the departmental store in a whole packet and usually in chinese cooking, we seldom use it/wont be able to use such huge amount to be able to finish off the whole packet before the chillies become dried up and/or rotten.

~~again, put the whole packet into the FREEZER and the chillies can last u a long long time still looking fresh everytime u use it!!

yays! now that i know of this, i can go buy some so that i can add chillies here and there in my cooking cause i heard that chillies help burn fat!! woohoo!!!

#1 Super Glue

Posted by shonitay at 3/23/2010 09:54:00 AM 0 comments
I've created a new label call s-tippies to record all the tips i've got to know from anyone, anywhere for the benefit of all.

Ever felt that you are wasting money when you opened a tube of super glue/gam gajah, used a little (just because a little of this super powerful glue will just do the trick) and the balance will end up hardened and unusable?

Fret not! i've got a solution to this! the saviour to your glue is in your home!!

~~After using the glue, you just need to keep the remaining balance tube into the refrigerator specifically the FREEZER!

that will just do the trick cause the glue will be frozen before it even could become hardened!
next time when you want to use it again, just take it out from the freezer and then when the frozen glue melts, you can use it again!!!


Friday, March 19, 2010

down with aWWWWWwwwwWWWwwwssSSSSss!

Posted by shonitay at 3/19/2010 11:53:00 AM 1 comments
HELP!!! i am having big crush on Dao Ming Tze AGAIN!!!??
(no no no! this is not betrayal to Ping, but i just can't help it! hahahha!! i mean how can we easily forget?? omg!!! am i losing my mind?
since Ping's not around these days, please allow me to indulge in this FANTASY of mine!!
*evil laugh!!!*

i stumbled upon jerry yan's latest series Down With Love weeks ago and i immediately went and bought the whole complete DVD though i am supposed to be broke!
Honestly i Swear to God that i don't care who is Jerry Yan cause in my heart he'll always be MY Dao Ming Tze!! Now i allow him to sometimes be Yue Ping ge!! *blushes* awwwwWWWWWW...

how i got to know him was way long ago..... i was introduced to him in Meteor Garden and i instantly fell for him!! i dreamt of him! i drool when i think of him!! (i know its disgusting but sorry lah cant help it)....i mean he's the perfect ONE!! i have never found anyone yet as perfect as him!! nothing of my ex-crushes come near him...!! not even E-kin Cheng!!

(to control my obsession, i am very aware that this phenomenon of PERFECT GUY only applies in the silver screen saja! so i am very CONSCIOUS of it! do not be alarmed!) the way he smiles captured my heart!
the way how he looks when he's shy melts me!
how he scold's himself makes me smile!
how he does stupid things made me laugh!
how he simply scold people/do unsuspected things out of a sudden makes him damn cute!

how the fact that he is damn FILTHY rich makes me FEELS rich too!! *dreams*

so please go watch him and fall in love with him in his new movie!

he's one person i dont mind sharing with all you ladies out there!
(WOI!! all the damn gays STAY AWAY!!! HE BELONGS TO THE LADIES!!!!!)

even my roommate fifi who laughed at me when she found out that i was watching this childish MANDARIN love series now also got herself hooked to it! (Note: i dont normally torture myself with MANDARIN series with no fucking subtitles! but hey! ~love is blind ~ or maybe language deaf~!!! wakakakahahahha!!!)
fifi says (i think ME TOO!!) she loved the most was how he gave her the feeling that he would just grab the girl he love anytime anywhere and kiss her right and then!! that is just so.. how shall we say it... SEXY? no... hmmmn SHOCKING? no... dunno lah.. it's just ADDICTIVE and SWEET OVERDOSE!!! awwwwwww!!! (ok you ladies dont think i am a pevert or something cause if you honestly ask YOURSELF, i think every single ladies out there also would love that!!)

faster go watch and we can sama-sama miang together!!! hahahhahaha!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

$$$ gonna have lot of em!

Posted by shonitay at 3/17/2010 01:25:00 PM 0 comments
Remember i posted some items for sale previously?
and most of the items were sold off?? hahahha... that was quite a cheat one actually...
cause i sold it to yennee.. hahhaha...

then with that motivation, i posted some items on to sell..
i have some clothes i bought and i cannot wear/dont look nice on me.. since i'm going to donate it off anyway, why dont.... i thought.....and finally!!! ~SOLD~
*sense of achievement OVERFLOWS!!* my first ever online business transaction!!!
i've received the money and the product have been shipped out to the buyer!!

Thank you so much whoever you are for being my buyer!! muaks muaks!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

yang pertama

Posted by shonitay at 3/15/2010 09:34:00 AM 0 comments
Last Thursday, Ping and I went to Jack's Place for dinner at 1 utama...
I was waiting outside the restaurant for him as he said he needed to go to the washroom...
i waited, waited and waited... looked through the menu...waitress asked me to wait inside when i said i was waiting for another person... but i insisted to wait outside incase we wanna change place so i waited and waited.. then went into La Senza and browse through my 'interests'... and waited and waited till....

the waitress from the restaurant came to me and asked, "are you waiting for a gentlemen? he's waiting for you inside"....

i went in and i saw.... baybee smiling there waiting for me... HUH! i thought! made me wait so long and he just terus went in and sit down!!! *thinking sudah lama hidupkah??*

when i reached him... i saw someone else sitting at my place... MY PLACE!!!! how dare!!! WTF!
this is my food.. fish and chicken combo... they used sambal sauce instead of the usual standard sauces... quite unique taste.. and makes you feel so malaysian in a western style restaurant
this is beef and chicken combo... baybee said the sauce quite nice and unique... but the potato thing is not nice at all... so hard and tasteless!!
so this is the one who conqured my seat!! hahahha!! i was like shocked.. and so paiseh.. cause everyone was looking when i walked in cause they are watching/enjoying themselves in anticipation to my reaction!
ohiyo to all!! this is Fireboy!... why that name? cause we were looking at a candle when i asked to name the bear and so Fireboy came into our mind and it sounded so 'man'
Never bothered to give good first impression.. and started his hunt for food!! and so, now we know he loves food after ME!

ma brather...

Posted by shonitay at 3/15/2010 09:30:00 AM 0 comments
Previous Sunday, i was lazy at home... nothing to do... till i suddenly realised something strange!
Have you noticed how guys seemed to be so anti-PINK? as in PINK, the colour???
I saw my brother fully clothed and accessorised in PINK!!
shirt, pants, highlighter...and also my book near him! (and i made the pix border PINK too!)
I said to him that it is an amazing sight so i whipped out the camera and took a picture!
that bugger instantly covered his face like a criminal!!!
HAHAHAHA betrayer to all MEN on earth!!!!
so while he was doing his revision, he had some snack. he always do. the size explains all! WAHAHAHA....
back to the snack... the satay fish OMG has reduced to an unbelievable size and its so inconsistent! in one whole packet there were some normal sized ones and mostly tiny bits of them! and they claim its all plus/minus 6gm!
after snacking, he had some tea... directly fromt the teapot!! WTF!!!!!!
somemore so PROUD of himself!! now i know that it is dangerous to drink from the teapot at my house!! so disgusting!! WTF!! WTF!!! beware everyone!

Friday, March 12, 2010

the best medicine

Posted by shonitay at 3/12/2010 05:11:00 PM 0 comments
Me : Bang, you punya computer guna Windows apa??
Boss: Hmmm (looking at CPU to get answers).... "DELL"

Boss: **shys**

WTF... i feel bad, but that instant, i just lost control and laughed out really loud!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

oreo truffles

Posted by shonitay at 3/11/2010 11:56:00 AM 2 comments
-i read in a blog about making oreo truffle
-i dont know what is truffles and how would it taste like
-so me and yennee decided to make some as our weekend project because it looked simple enough to make
-got our recipe from the internet and i went and buy the ingredients on friday night
-went to yennee's house on the sunny saturday afternoon after i wake up
These are the ingredients you would need for making the truffles.

Firstly, we had to crush the oreo cookies. I was lazy to wash the polar/molar so i lined it with cling wrap! how brilliant!!
then we mixed the crushed oreos with cream cheese, roll in into guli sized balls and freezed them while we melt the cooking chocolates. After that we dipped the balls in the chocolate and decorated it.
our peanut flavoured choc balls
original recipe oreo truffles...i think i can be a professional photographer dy... this pic so nice!
me and yennee made ferero roche for ourselves. only two in the world.. one for each of us... but hers was later stolen by lee!! HAHHAHAHAAHAHH!
got some comments after few people tasted it.. so if anyone interested to make some more, here's some tips:
1. do not over crush the oreos... should leave some big pieces in it so that there'll be some crunchiness when eating the truffles
2. for peanut flavour, don't add peanut butter, add crushed peanuts instead
3. VVIP (very2 important point) if you can afford it, use better quality chocolate for coating cause it seems to be the biggest complains i got...
4. can try with different kind of biscuit too!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Bandung trip

Posted by shonitay at 3/10/2010 10:48:00 AM 0 comments
long awaited photos from my bandung trip...the thought of it makes my heart salivates....bliss!!! yeah i wrote about the trip earlier but i only got hold of the pictures last weekend
here's some for memories....
me and Gigi in an 'angkot'. We boarded this to Pasar Baru once we reached Bandung. It took us on a long ride for some initial introduction to Bandung town and it only cost us Rp2,500 per person! and this is the only angkot ride which is to me, the most WORTH it among all the other cheating angkots we rode on during our stay! Because of being unfamiliar to the place makes us good victim dishonest angkot drivers!! We hate them cause they made us pay so much and end up walking even further the distance than we rode!! BAD PEOPLE! This was taken at the entrance to Rumah Mode. While we were waiting for Gigi. All of us shopped quite a bit here except Gigi in the beginning, but at the end, she also ended up with a bag of goodies for herself!
Shopaholic pose with the Rumah Mode sign....we were so happy with our purchases... and oh.. one of the T shirt I bought there is now officially my favorite Tshirt already... i wear it everywhere i go cause its just super comfy!! yennee and mei yun got the same one too!! ;)
Obligatory group picture where we asked a lady to snap for us! of course i am deeply thankful for her to snap our pictures, but why wouldn't she used some brain and snap together with a bit of the surrounding which obviously in this case the Rumah Mode sign? ahhh.... that's the use of tripod or.. or.... maybe one day when i am rich enough, i'll hire a personal photographer that follows me everywhere i go just to snap my beautiful pictures! *dreams*
oh yah! this is the flood at mangga dua! :( this is the reason why my shopping spree was STUNTED! dammit! i would have shop loads more if i get to go in the building but we were damn kiasi to take the risk... as our flight home was that same evening! we were also kiasu enough to wake up damn early to reach there so that we can have maximum time shopping! *depressed* *heart broken* made a U turn back and waves goodbye to paradise!!
To cure our heart break and heart ache, we decided not to be so miserable to go home and sleep but to continue to pursue our initial plan to shop! We changed location and went to Ambasador Mall. End up buying some things there too... Gigi bought like 40++ of DVDs!!! cause its dirt cheap like Rm2.50 per piece only!!
While walking around, we saw this sign and was tempted to try sampai we PUAS and SEGAR! an hour of massage i think is less than RM20 only... some more guaranteed till i PUAS and SEGAR.... hahhaha... at least 2 hours lah.. only can PUAS!!! but we didn't try cause we kiasi tak dapat shopping ma...

so these are the result of the damages we did to our bank account!!
Next year plan to go somewhere for shopping again for CNY 2011!!!
Bangkok is on our minds!!! wooohooooo!!! come on AA.. gimme free tickets!!

no shit

Posted by shonitay at 3/10/2010 09:55:00 AM 0 comments

At work, I have the whole world asking me something which they ASSUME I would know and the fact is, I know NO SHIT about it! and I would want to know too!

At home, I have a roommate who would conveniently ‘forget’ to inform just because she is TIRED and called the next day to ask for food recommendation.


The only comfort is to know that my life is not that miserable after all compared to The Little Nyonya. Damn! I cried buckets!!! It was heart breaking to watch but at least it made me thank God and appreciate my life more and not complain about itsy bitsy stuff that irritates me. WTF

Monday, March 8, 2010

this is how i feel today

Posted by shonitay at 3/08/2010 11:36:00 AM 0 comments
colourless, meaningless, hopelessness, haiz............
my heart is shattered, my hopes are dashed, and my confidence level is..... non existent!
all i see now are money signs flying everywhere.... AWAY from me!! WTF

Thursday, March 4, 2010

where is the colour??

Posted by shonitay at 3/04/2010 10:13:00 AM 0 comments
come to office, not much things to do
cannot go on facebook, not tweeting or rather kaypoh on other people's tweet
life is so colourless... where's my rainbow???

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Posted by shonitay at 3/03/2010 04:42:00 PM 0 comments
I was planning to cook this XO sauce one day after i tasted in in Jakarta. So last weekend i set off to work after a heartful karaoke session with yennee and lee.

XO sauce can be eaten with many type of food. Something like the sambal belacan kind.. except that XO sauce is so much more expensive. I had always thought that XO sauce has got to do with the XO alchoholic drink till lately when i found the truth. You can learn about it more from here.

while cooking..bored at waiting so i took pictures

After simmering till the concoction is dried, here's the outcome.. had to let it cool off first before putting into smaller containers
ok.. if ever you guys wanna try it out, here's the recipe. i've tasted the outcome and it was GOOD!! d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s!!! but comments were that if less shrimp were used, it will be easier to taste the goodness of scallops.


10 fresh red chilies
15 dried chilies – soak in hot water
200g dried scallops – soak overnight until soft (reserve water)
2 head of garlic - peeled
10 shallots - peeled
160g dried shrimp – soak in hot water until soft (change water 2-3 times)
150g Chinese ham –I used the normal supermarket ham
3 tbsp oyster sauce
2½ tbsp sugar
½ tbsp coarsely ground black pepper
Salt to taste

1. Drain scallops, tear them into find shreds, pat it dry on paper towel and set it aside.
2. Drain, dry shrimps and chopped if finely and set it aside. (Optional to use blender to blend it for faster processing, drain and discard water after blending)
3. Put the shallots in food processor and chop it finely. Do the same to the garlic too, remove and set it aside.
4. Remove the steam and seeds of the fresh chilies and dry chilies. Blend it with the reserved scallop water, sieve and set it aside. Reserve the water for later use.
5. Next chopped the ham and set it aside. (Optional to slice into tiny strips)
6. Heat up about a cup of vegetable oil in a frying pan or wok over medium high heat. Add in scallops and frying it until crispy and lightly brown. Remove and set it aside.
7. In the same oil, add in garlic, shallots and dried prawns. Stir constantly and cook until lightly brown.
8. Add in ham, and chilies. Lower down the heat and continue to fry for another 10 minutes. Add more oil if necessary. Stir constantly as it may burn easily.
9. Add in the oyster sauce, sugar, salt and pepper and lastly add in the fried scallops and the reserved scallop chili water. Continue stir fry until it is completely dry.
10. Remove from heat and let it cool. Transfer to sterile jar and keep in the refrigerator.

TA-DA!!! Finished product! can open shop sell and EARN MONEY DY!! one jar for RM30!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

no title

Posted by shonitay at 3/01/2010 01:03:00 PM 0 comments
he's back! so eager to see him again! ^_^

When I miss you, sometimes I listen to music or look at pictures of you, not to remind me of you but to make me feel as if I'm with you. It makes me forget the distance and capture you. I miss the way you used to hug me, I miss the way you used to kiss my lips, but most of all I miss the way you held me and my heart. I miss you...
copied from James & Jo

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