Monday, March 15, 2010

ma brather...

Posted by shonitay at 3/15/2010 09:30:00 AM
Previous Sunday, i was lazy at home... nothing to do... till i suddenly realised something strange!
Have you noticed how guys seemed to be so anti-PINK? as in PINK, the colour???
I saw my brother fully clothed and accessorised in PINK!!
shirt, pants, highlighter...and also my book near him! (and i made the pix border PINK too!)
I said to him that it is an amazing sight so i whipped out the camera and took a picture!
that bugger instantly covered his face like a criminal!!!
HAHAHAHA betrayer to all MEN on earth!!!!
so while he was doing his revision, he had some snack. he always do. the size explains all! WAHAHAHA....
back to the snack... the satay fish OMG has reduced to an unbelievable size and its so inconsistent! in one whole packet there were some normal sized ones and mostly tiny bits of them! and they claim its all plus/minus 6gm!
after snacking, he had some tea... directly fromt the teapot!! WTF!!!!!!
somemore so PROUD of himself!! now i know that it is dangerous to drink from the teapot at my house!! so disgusting!! WTF!! WTF!!! beware everyone!


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