Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Back @ home ; bored @ home

Posted by shonitay at 1/20/2010 05:29:00 PM
I missed the shopping!!!
There’s something magical in shopping that makes me magically energetic to be able to walk the whole day…
do you read it? It means I’ve EXERCISED THE WHOLE DAY!!!
Talk about me being lazy! Huh!!

So here’s the list of my purchases @ Bandung and @ Jakarta for myself only… (not inclusive of those I buy for other people)

1 set kain lace
1 set kain sutera
1 set kain biasa
1 set kain chiffon
1 knitted overcoat
2 shorts
1 sleeveless blouse
1 working long pants
2 t shirts
1 sleeveless tshirt
1 dinner dress
1 jacket
1 working blouse
1 skirt
1 blouse
2 bags
3 panties
12 POP mee

The list would have been longer if not for Mangga Dua to be FLOODED!!*damn shitty wan lor
I wished we had more time there… missed out the cream bath, missed out buying DVDs etc etc…
Damn the Jakarta Works Dept!


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