Tuesday, January 5, 2010

day 0

Posted by shonitay at 1/05/2010 09:58:00 AM
this is my first post of the year! and i am so excited.
its 38 days more for me to see him again!!!! la la la la.....

for the past 5 months i have been enjoying having him costantly by my side.
now its back to the situation initially...arghhh.. LDR again...
but its okay...we'll be able to go through this together..

this 38 days will be easier to pass...because:
1) i'm going BANDUNG for SHOPPING!!!!!
2) got 2 series of TVB drama for me to boil
3) got an 'outlet' for me to sweat it out
4) always got him on the line... need to be thankful that he is not somewhere with 12 hour difference!!
5) CNY coming....new year songs everywhere...OMG.. i am all so excited!!


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