Tuesday, October 27, 2009

what is this?

Posted by shonitay at 10/27/2009 04:23:00 PM
Last weekend was a tiring weekend. Had to help mom shift things back to Sitiawan. Then on our way back, we stopped by at Sekinchan for seafood lunch. Not the usual ones.. this is a bit weird.
Can anyone guess what is this? The first time in my life i have tasted this and it feels weird.. the more i think of it, the more i feel geli... These are Tiger Shark MEAT!!!
The shop serves little bottles of fresh buah kedondong with sour plum drink. It is really nice and refreshing.
And that night, this special sunday, something special happened. Not to be disclosed in public but it is too heartwarming and heartbreaking that i should mention it here so that i can remember what happened.


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