Saturday, July 23, 2011

birthday post

Posted by shonitay at 7/23/2011 03:28:00 PM
oh.. i forgot to blog about my birthday.. and i found this draft.. so might as well post it lah..

it was the 23rd of June and it's the last day of me being 28!
OMG!! what have i been doing past 28 years and what have i achieved??
i kept thinking and i thought if i had accomplished any lifetime dream..
you know, it's like i'm going to hit the big 30 next year and i dont have much time left to do what i am supposed to do when my age number still starts from number 2!
and i realised that i have not yet accomplished my dreams but it's all WIP
well, i like to be positive in things like that and i rejoice in the fact that it's in WIP stage (how sad would it be if its in KIV stage! hahahaha Praise God for that)

with event like this makes me think of how i want to live my life...and what is it's current status
family wise:
~nothing much can be done... its ok to me as i am used to it all along already
love life:
~it's wonderful being in love to a wonderful man that loves me too... just that being distant is something that i hate most of the time..
social life:
~thank god for the angels he sent to be friends with me! luv 'em all!
work life:
~it's a f***ed up pile of s*** place and i hated my life every morning when i have to get my big fat a** up to slave for some money to pay off my debts!! seriously! i dont wanna talk about miserable stuff in my birthday post! argh!

so how i celebrated my birthday???
i had a 3d2n 'retreat' with baybee!
located where? at his workplace! ahhahahahahahaaa......
i thought it would be some nice romantic holiday place...
but turned out, he had work to do!
so, accompanying him working is how i spent my birthday....
but i tell you, i was HAPPY!! seriously... no amount of money spend..
and effort can get me such happiness..
basically, where ever i am, rumah ke, jamban ke, on the road ke...
i also feel happy! janji bukan opis!hahhahah


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