Thursday, January 28, 2010

the drama unfolds

Posted by shonitay at 1/28/2010 10:25:00 AM 1 comments
yesterday when i reached home, this is what i saw on my bed
WHAT IS THIS??? i thought...
ooooooooo... its Piggy...
What is it doing under covers?????
OMG!!! watching PORN???
no lah... its actually a RAPE SCENE...
Jumbo, the rapist raping Pooh!
Poor Pooh, kena raped by the BAD JUMBO...
Pooh was sad and crying after that
So Piggy comforted Pooh and made him felt better..
Life's not over after getting raped by a stupid gay JUMBO
So, being motherly to Pooh, Piggy set to make life miserable to JUMBO
Here's the akibat for hurting Pooh!
Skinny Jumbo got squashed by Piggy's big butt!!!!
Piggy and Pooh lived happily ever after since the crushing of Jumbo
~the end~

The casts:
Sanju - my beloved piggy girl... she became the big sister when baby Pooh came into our lives
Baby Pooh - my darling... always naughty and cute.. the jewel of our hearts
Blue Jumbo - Fifi's precious one... always cheeky and like to pose around
The directors:

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

of bumps and reds

Posted by shonitay at 1/27/2010 09:43:00 AM 0 comments
Greetings everyone!! CNY is just around the corner!! yay!

To greet the new Tiger year... (it should be an okay year for me some prediction from some feng shui si fu said....)i have prepared myself in some small ways to boost my new year's luck!

1. got myself new clothes, new shoes, new pyjamas, new lingerie.. its for the FENG SHUI okay! cause there's red and yellow in the midst of the new stuff..

2. did my hair... can u see?? hahahahha.. can't see it here.. can't really see it in real life too... its like drak brown + RED... so its for LUCK also... but the haircut a bit cacat.. didn't think the fringe look good in me so i kept it long and yesterday, it got chopped off again... haiz... but for the price i am paying for hair colour, treatment, and cut...and the experience a student gained (some more from same kampung de)... wokay lah...hahhaa
FML!! look at the big ass bump on my cheek highlighted in GREEN(i hate green colour)!! I HATE PIMPLES!!! *prays hard that nothing pops out during CNY
3. i have set alarm for the 4th of February to wear red and bank in money to my account! feng sui master said so!! then i shall have GOOD LUCK all year round and EVER flowing money to me for the rest of the year! Please remind me yah!
Now i am all geared up for the whole new BLESSED year ahead!! :)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Woooooo Hooooooo!!!

Posted by shonitay at 1/22/2010 09:12:00 AM 0 comments
i am still so excited about this!!
yesterday i just posted my 'items for sale' and yesterday itself, i sold 3 out of the 4 items i put on sale!!!!!!
double woot! woot!!! *lan si face*
wakakakkakakakkaa... could not contain my happiness as i have secured my FIRST business transaction!!

and oh... ya.. imma gonna change my layout today to match the current season.. and my life
its Spring time.. that's when flowers bloom and beetles come out of the cold to kiss them!
its CNY... reason why the flower look like some Chinese blossom...*use your imagination!
i like pink... cause i like pink.. so that is why i changed the background to pinkish colour..
pink is the colour of love... cause there's Valentine's day this season and our aniversary too
<3 <3 <3

Thursday, January 21, 2010

~Items for Sale~

Posted by shonitay at 1/21/2010 10:32:00 AM 0 comments
Due to my intense shopping extravaganza lately, i'm in need of some cash...
Thanks to my dearest Angie, i got the idea to sell of some of my things...
So these are the good ones i'm offering here to you guys... before i put it on

All items are NEW ITEMS... and contact me for arrangement of delivery...may or may not charge for it

SK-II Sample Set including:

~Signs Treatment Totality 5g - RM20
~Facial Treatment Clear Lotion 11ml - RM8
~Facial Treatment Essence 11ml - RM20
~Facial Treatment Cleanser 5g - RM5
~Advance Eye Treatment Film 3g - RM15

Purchase the whole set *free pouch* COMPLETE SET PRICE - RM35

Status: SOLD

SK-II Powder Buff - RM3
Original Price RM10


SK-II Signs Eye Mask (one pair) -RM10
Original Price RM238/14 pairs
Status : SOLD

SK-II Signs Dual Treatment Mask (one set) - RM40

Original Price = RM348/6pcs
Status: SOLD

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Back @ home ; bored @ home

Posted by shonitay at 1/20/2010 05:29:00 PM 0 comments
I missed the shopping!!!
There’s something magical in shopping that makes me magically energetic to be able to walk the whole day…
do you read it? It means I’ve EXERCISED THE WHOLE DAY!!!
Talk about me being lazy! Huh!!

So here’s the list of my purchases @ Bandung and @ Jakarta for myself only… (not inclusive of those I buy for other people)

1 set kain lace
1 set kain sutera
1 set kain biasa
1 set kain chiffon
1 knitted overcoat
2 shorts
1 sleeveless blouse
1 working long pants
2 t shirts
1 sleeveless tshirt
1 dinner dress
1 jacket
1 working blouse
1 skirt
1 blouse
2 bags
3 panties
12 POP mee

The list would have been longer if not for Mangga Dua to be FLOODED!!*damn shitty wan lor
I wished we had more time there… missed out the cream bath, missed out buying DVDs etc etc…
Damn the Jakarta Works Dept!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

blue eyes

Posted by shonitay at 1/13/2010 04:26:00 PM 1 comments
dont get all jealous and heated up okay!
dont miss me, dont call me, dont disturb me in fact!
cause this weekend, i'll be BUSY with the girls...
okay.. its yennee, angie and mei yun
we'll be SHOPPING!!!!

omg!! i am so excited!!
the JOY of finding, selecting the item, spending money and receiving goods that i like in return!!
this is like a bright light shinning at the end of the dark tunnel...

owh.. my life nowadays is so mundane, dark and gloomy..
1. the 'colour of my life' has gone to t'ganu to work T___T ~why does the sun go on shinning~?~?~?
2. i miss my old roommate... now that i am being left all alone off and on..i feel the impact! why??? why??? why??? why must God keep us apart after all these years?? *emo
3. ATM to my life is all always 'NOT IN SERVICE'.. adoi! wtf! i wanna change bank dy!! don't care!

Friday, January 8, 2010

7 year olds???

Posted by shonitay at 1/08/2010 10:58:00 AM 0 comments
Yesterday I received a phone call. It pissed me off the moment I heard from the caller about some issues which then leaded to an emotional me. I proceeded to make a phone call to a relevant party to which I got an assurance that I will not be affected by any issues that happened.

It’s my belief that if there are problems in your parents’ generation, the problem should not be continued and affects the next generation. It’s their problem and it is all up to them to solve among themselves.

Got a word just for them… can’t tell them but needed to release it out!:
Hello senior generation, why bring us, the younger generation into the picture and punish us for the wrongs we did not do? Hello!! You are all now called parents and all of you guys are no more a bunch of 7 year olds! All of you are successful adults and GROWN UPS now and you guys should know what are the right things to say and what not! You can’t say one thing now, and later regretted your action. If you ever do, perhaps the best way is to apologize and repair the damage done. You have no right just because of the ‘elderly’ status to say whatever you want, give ridiculously selfish instruction and expect people to forget about it when you actually realized it is wrong. Is it that you want us to carry on the hatred and bitterness of your generation to ours? Come on, GROW UP!


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Saving Mother Earth

Posted by shonitay at 1/05/2010 04:47:00 PM 0 comments
For a few weeks already i have been using MY OWN tupperware as my lunch boxes instead of food polystyrene box ones from the shops which is harmful to our planet.
WOW! amazing isn't it that i have taken the first step into conserving our planet.
well, my first step could be and amazing leap for mankind ~!
it's not too late yet if you haven't... better late than never..

and oh btw... those are my fav food... CHAP FAN.. with one of my fav dish, STEAM MINCED PORK!!!
yummy....!!! slurppssssss!!~~!!~!

day 0

Posted by shonitay at 1/05/2010 09:58:00 AM 0 comments
this is my first post of the year! and i am so excited.
its 38 days more for me to see him again!!!! la la la la.....

for the past 5 months i have been enjoying having him costantly by my side.
now its back to the situation initially...arghhh.. LDR again...
but its okay...we'll be able to go through this together..

this 38 days will be easier to pass...because:
1) i'm going BANDUNG for SHOPPING!!!!!
2) got 2 series of TVB drama for me to boil
3) got an 'outlet' for me to sweat it out
4) always got him on the line... need to be thankful that he is not somewhere with 12 hour difference!!
5) CNY year songs everywhere...OMG.. i am all so excited!!

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