Friday, September 25, 2009

Long weekend

Posted by shonitay at 9/25/2009 11:03:00 AM
How i spent my long Raya weekend....
-1. Pre raya - went to Penang for work. Ping came along.. too. Yitpong brought us around makan makan!! so nice of him right? On the way back, we stopped by at Ipoh to have dinner with Fredonia.
0. Didn't have much hampers to wrap this year.. mom wrapped 5 for my company and i wrapped 2 for Ping.
1. Friday afternoon, we were given half day off by my company! yay!! so what i did was i went for a market research session to earn some pocket money!
2. Went home to Cheras to spend the night and do some farming @Farmtown...duh..
3. Raya eve, Ping came to fetch me with his new car. Then we went to watch G Force... the movie was quite entertaining. Went back to Raub after dinner. I think i twisted my back, either during my sleep or the new car was just not comfortable enough for my fragile body... the pain was terrible and as of now, it is still painful... *sobs *sobs... i think i am OLD already...
4. Spent the whole day at Bentong as Ping was fixing accessories for his car.. tinted windows, 'banana leaf', back cover, lock, etc. I spent the time wisely be first going for a hair wash and then watch TVB fav!
5. Spent the afternoon drying laundry and helping Ping clean his house porch.. Then at night we went to his grandma's place for dinner together with his cousins.
6. The same night, we went to visit his second sister. As usual, we all woke up so late that we only had our first meal of the day at 5pm!! Then we went home to Cheras as i wanted to shower before we go for a movie.
7. The movie we wanted to watch was sold out. Then we decided to bring my mom out for dinner.

That was how i spent my Raya long weekend.


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