Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Great day! wtf!

Posted by shonitay at 6/03/2009 10:48:00 AM
Yesterday I went back home for a while to see my grandpa and my little cousins… the youngest one so cute! Check out her photos!

Then on the way back to PJ, along the Connaught Highway, I got stopped by JPJ Operations somewhere near the exit to Mid Valley. I knew the speed limit was 80km/hr and I am pretty sure that I did not exceed 90km/hr. *Confident*

But I still got panicky. My heart was thumping fast and hard as I was turning my car to the side of the highway, queuing behind another car.... to the second police officer standing there… waiting for me.

So stressful… so many things were going on in my mind. I only had RM4 in my purse! Should I pay them duit kopi??

But I was afraid. I was afraid they might turn back and catch me for giving bribe cause I only had RM4! Was it enough????

So when I stopped my car and winded down my window, the police officer went and look at my car plate number. Then he looked at his list again. Then he looked at my car again and stared at it for some time. (Bare in mind, I was left there all alone….ignored.. and stressing myself up! One moment i thought it was because of my missing signal light

He then went over to his colleague, whispered something to him, came back, looked at my car plate number again, then his list, then he went over and spoke to another colleague again!

WTF!! I was left alone, ignored and stressed for so long! like 5 or 10 minutes!

FINALLY, he came over, and told me this: “Amoi, lajulah… 95…”

I was like…, “Huh?? mana ada???”

“Tak apa lah.. you balik, tunggu saman pos. RM300 tau!”

Shocked. “Hah?! Errr… okay” Blur….

“Ok. Jalan. RM300 saman pos” Then I left. What the hell!?!?!

Just like that?? I mean it was OBVIOUS that they stopped the WRONG car!!! JUST SAY SORRY LAR!!! Tunggu saman pos wor!! If there will be saman pos, then what are they doing there??? WTF.


Reached home. Finally! Safe from weird policeman. Back to my sanctuary.
Unlocked wooden door as usual.
Pushed open the door widely.
Fuck! Regretted action.
Locked myself out! What am I thinking???? Must be the policeman! *blames*
Called for James’s help. GOT IGNORED!
Rang the bloody loud door bell. GOT IGNORED!
Nice housemate I have got.
Got in after using the so-hard-to-reach-umbrella to pull the door closer
and stretching my not-so-long-and-fat-arms between the grill to get the key!
Great life!


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