Saturday, June 20, 2009

A Gift

Posted by shonitay at 6/20/2009 07:36:00 PM
Got a wonderful gift.. a really expensive one...
It is PINK in colour... ahhhh...sweet...!
I love it very very much.....but i find it very complicated...

I wonder, is it gender biased??
Thank you so so much!!!
Don't think you'll ever see this post....
But i really want to let you know that i really appreciate it!


JeanPCLee on June 24, 2009 at 2:22 AM said...

Since they have it in pink....I don't think it's gender bias lor...hahha, i'm stereotyping liao

shonitay on June 28, 2009 at 7:57 PM said...

its confirmed! i just dont know how to use that thing..until i think i got it corrupted..and now, LOCKED! F***!

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