Sunday, June 28, 2009

Giveaway - No.1

Posted by shonitay at 6/28/2009 06:49:00 PM 0 comments
A Sony Car connecting cassette with 3.5mm jack
Anybody who want this can email me at with the title "SONY CAR". You just need to be the FIRST to get it.

Baby Pooh's battle for life

Posted by shonitay at 6/28/2009 03:47:00 PM 0 comments
When i opened the big box... there i saw him!
Isn't baby pooh lovely!! he's just so adorable!!! so cuddly!!!
I love him so much!! Thank you Baby!! *muaks*
Then I left pooh alone with baby in the car while i went to collect some things....
When i came back... i found baby pooh like this....
boys...will always be boys......
but my brother, the evil Raymond, will forever be a devil!!!
i don't know what is it with him that he will never ever leave any of my soft toys in peace...
years ago, he once broke the neck of my favorite doll, Christie i had since i was 2.
i cried like crazy... its like my christie had died!
and today, history repeats itself! his evil fangs had caught up with baby pooh!
he tore open my pooh and all the inside kept gushing out like white blood!!!
it was such an awful scene.... i was like screaming for him to save his life while cursing him for hurting baby pooh!!
For Christ's sake, he's just a baby.. why does the evil Raymond want to hurt him???
why did he ever find the heart to do such a thing to a baby bear?? is he really a devil?
This is what left of baby pooh!

When i saw the devil raymond emptying the insides, i couldn't stop my tears..
Then, after the devil Ray finish emptying, he looked at me and asked;
"Do u want to sew it back or do you want ME to do it???

Do i seem to have a choice???

After i have done stiching up baby pooh, the devil Ray start filling baby pooh back!

In the process of everything, much of the insides were strewn everywhere.
I was worried that baby pooh will lose weight in the end, so i destroyed one of the small pillow gift i got from some credit card company to add to the polystyrene amount.

The devil at work!

Finally, after a complete 30 minutes full body surgery...
baby pooh is back to life!!!
Yeah!! yeah!!

Baby pooh seems to have grown fatter!! chubbier!!! must be the added polystyrene!
Then i put baby pooh to rest... it needs to restock its energy to love me!!
Have a good rest dear!

Friday, June 26, 2009

thanks for the wonderful time

Posted by shonitay at 6/26/2009 06:20:00 PM 1 comments
The best'est of the best birthday that I ever had in my entire 27 years living on earth!
Had many sweet memories and surprises too!
1. Baby came back and celebrated with me. Yeah!
2. Boss approved leave application... got angpow from her too!
3. Had a surprise early birthday celebration
4. Got a gift unexpectedly
5. My MOM called to wish me! unbelievable!
6. My uni lecturer called too! Thanks Mr. Hen!!
7. Got a blogpost written all about me and me ONLY! :)
8. Received so much of wishes, love, kisses and balloons, flowers, presents...
at Honeymoon Cafe @1U for teabreak
It's 12.00am 24th June 2009..and I was sleeping!

Baby woke me up singing happy birthday and presenting me my 'cake'.. haha!
Birthday lunch @ Bukit Tinggi Resort

I saw white swans..

and black ones too!

at the waiting house.. can't they wait at the actual house?
the fishes seem to be scared of baby!
he must smell like someone who's going BBQ them and turn them into satay koi!
see? all the fishes get attracted to pretty ones only!
i like this flower i saw along the path.. HAD the urge to pluck it!
i did not! yeah! i am an environmentalist!
then... i saw these two cute little pink flowers...
and forced baby to pluck it for me!
what is it with girls and flowers? we just love them!
the next day, baby surprised me with lovely roses!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Souvenir from Langkawi

Posted by shonitay at 6/21/2009 06:13:00 PM 0 comments
Mom's whole big family went to Langkawi for a short holiday. Got many souvenirs including wine, choc, peanuts, cigarettes(i don't smoke okay!) and this...from Reena...... am I one?? hahaha

Saturday, June 20, 2009

A Gift

Posted by shonitay at 6/20/2009 07:36:00 PM 2 comments
Got a wonderful gift.. a really expensive one...
It is PINK in colour... ahhhh...sweet...!
I love it very very much.....but i find it very complicated...

I wonder, is it gender biased??
Thank you so so much!!!
Don't think you'll ever see this post....
But i really want to let you know that i really appreciate it!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Early Surprise!

Posted by shonitay at 6/19/2009 03:29:00 PM 0 comments
I came back from work on was supposed to be Pizza Day!...
when i reached home, i got a BIG BIG surprise! There were balloons!! and they are for me!!! *control tears*

I found out that I was still afraid of balloons! hahhaa!!
My birthday surprise!!
Best'est ever chocolate banana cake!
and Ribena Kat! no lemon, no lime, we only had 'kat cai'

Gigantic pizza!!

The ultimate gluttons! hahaha!!

I have LOVELY and HANDSOME friends! Thank you guys!! MUAKS!!!!

Cycling day

Posted by shonitay at 6/19/2009 11:47:00 AM 0 comments
Last Saturday, in conjunction with the grand visit of Mr. Kok to KL... (although the main purpose was not to visit us). Amist the hazy morning, we went ahead to the plan as we have not met up for a loooooooong loooooooong time... The whole team of international cyclist

We had breakfast ready for us once we opened our eyes. Thank you Yitpong! The 6 of us (Yennee, Lee, Michele, Yitpong , Jean and Me) finally reached Taman Pertanian after getting lost for half an hour; thanks to a big lorry! Minli and Angie was already there, waiting...
First stop that brought us to a lake
Bridge over calm waters
Nice shot while waiting for Yitpong
Water, water in the pond, who's the fairest of us all?
Trying to strike a miang post! hahahha!
When the going get's tough...
The tough get going! hahaha!
Why are they swimming in circles?
They had nice scenery at the dam.. it was serene...
So we smiled for the camera... and left a gap for the
Then there were sparks of fire.... not so friendly kind
Until some of us decided to take matters into our own hands...
Friends.... "fine" they said "we'll do it together!"
On our way back, it started pouring cats and dogs...
Last but not least, the many faces of Angie... why did she have a special picture here, alone??
because she grow horns... hahahha


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