Sunday, February 9, 2014

Day 40

Posted by shonitay at 2/09/2014 11:37:00 AM

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Good morning!!!!
Uhuhuh although its in the afternoon already but i got up much earlier and was just lazing on my bed

Going out for lunch with fifi. @wyennee ffk us because she finally took over my piggy queen throne! Hahhahhahahahaha

Day 36 of #100happydays
Ok must commemorate these two angpow packets from fifi
1) this is her first year of giving angpow, so it's DOUBLE HAPPINESS 
2) i need to wish her the correct greeting to receive these hHahahaha the correct greeting is what she like to hear i.e. to be pretty always lololol
3) this would be the last CNY angpow i get from her. Next year get married dy cannot receive anymore huhuhu

Wedding in December!!!

I think the reality is sinking in...
No excuse anymore.. And neither can i just Pffftttt this issue away!!

I dont want to be a fat bride!!

Desperate attempt to a healthy living. (Ahem!) to lose weight la actually!!

I dont take oats! To me it taste horrible and smells yucky!!

But i need to start early and get used to a routine to slim down in time for gown fittings!!

My manicurist once told me she super slimmed herself down for her wedding because the wedding shop people told her that no nice gown can fit her and the only way was to slim down! How terrible!! And hurtful too!

So she DID!
And got the gown she wanted! 

Yup! Crazy aunty me bought all these! And i will buy some more!

Well damn worth it! Already cheaper than my regular pharmacy, some more get RM30 voucher! 

Some more get 30 points to redeem product! Plus sign up 30 points! WOW!! Why so many goodies de???

Some more got bonus link point and i used my Amex card, so it's 5 times points!!!

Wah win so many ways hor.. #ultimateauntieness


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