Monday, November 25, 2013

taking blogging to a whole new level

Posted by shonitay at 11/25/2013 02:12:00 PM
hahahha the title sounds so dramatic and important!

actually, yeah i know i have not been blogging as often as i said i would, 
and also as often as i should heh..

but.. but.. i have my reasons/ excuses..
cause i have no computer at home and i am kind of busy these days at work

so now, there is a new app called Dayre which is super awesome!
i can blog directly on my phone whenever i feel like it..
so, YAY! 
Cheers to more post and meeting one of my resolution this year!

you can download Dayre and follow me on

once a while when i am free, i will try to learn how to manually put up the post on Dayre here..


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