Monday, September 23, 2013

Annual Trip - Kota Kinabalu - Part 1

Posted by shonitay at 9/23/2013 02:44:00 PM
Hi! i'm back from our annual ladies trip! #trippingals

Our annual trip is always so awesome that we pledge to do it every year till we are old, fat and wrinkly!
hahhahhahahha oh well, probably yennee will be the fattest then! wtf

what do we do on our trip? 
we pamper ourselves, we eat, we sleep, we laze around and we talk
we talk, we gossip, we laugh, we plan for our future
PLAN??? yeah we girls can plan ok!

every year, without fail, during our annual trip, we plan for..

last year we chose Kota Kinabalu, Sabah as our destination this year
where we spent half of our time by the beach...
and the other half in the highest mountain on SEA!!

here are some of the pictures to show how awesome our trip was..

Part 1: Beach Edition

This is our Master Guide, Mr Zeke!

oh, did i mention that we stayed in a 5 star resort at Manukan Island?
though the breakfast and food there is not up to expectation, but the service was quite good
and yeah, we got free VIP boat ride to and back from the hotel

when we checked in we got welcome drinks and gift!
a yellow beaded traditional necklace :)
and when we checked out, got goodbye fruits also! hahahhaha

 this is where i slept for the two nights..
so nice and cosy hor.. 

the island had a Sun Set Point for us to view sunset, of course!
it was a 30 min walk they said, but to me, it was a 30 mins HIKE!!
so bloody tiring up and down the terrain in the jungle
then when we reach the point °O°
the view was mindblowing... on a cliff somemore

hahahaha mike and gigi dare not go further from where they are in this picture

God's magnificent creation! 

and oh, we also had VIP escort services to the sunset point..
only for us as one of the staff Shahrul was jogging then end up he became our guide and bodyguard!

we left pretty early as we want to avoid walking in the dark jungle at night

so we continued our sunset watching on the jetty

next morning, we woke up for breakfast, then we laze around on the beach 
(yeah i know! that bloody mozzie sucked up my blood!)

Manukan Island is open to public, but they had a section of the beach reserved only for in house guests

nah... bigger in case you cannot see how VIP we were

what do 4 pretty girls and 4 smart phones do??

we do awesome poses

and take awesome pictures

the next morning we woke up early to take pictures at the jetty before any intruders come to the island

it was peaceful and calm, relaxing of course!

after breakfast, we had to do some exercise!

then we had some pretty photo shoot again :)

then in the afternoon we went to the pool
also for in house guest only!!
they had this romantic day bed for siesta.. 

and this super deep pool where i cannot swim at all (even with life jacket)

 obligatory picture of the entrance

group picture on a tree

the last night, we had our dinner in the only restaurant on the island, Perahu Restaurant
food was mediocre, like 'meh' only 
my recommendation, bring in instand noodles! 
we enjoyed ours the first night in our VILLA 

again, VIP, the only customers sitting indoors

our ride back to mainland, ahem, VIP ride again!! hahaha

and i shall end part 1 with the awesome view of the jetty @ Sutera Pacific


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