Sunday, April 3, 2011

Start writing a new chapter, for if you live by the book you'll never make history

Posted by shonitay at 4/03/2011 08:51:00 PM
so a new chapter it will be.

tommorrow will be the start of a new chapter of my life.
after living for about 6 months leeching off everyone that i know,
its time for me to start to join back the working community.
i need funds, a lot of funds to pay off my debts,
to fund for my constant desire to own material stuff
and also my inner need to relax and unwind at touristy places...

working life, please welcome me with open arms and loving embraces...
as my body will feel the shock of a drastic time change
and my physical body will now re-face the constant pressure of crawling back home

dear God, please give me strength and take good care of me.


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