Monday, January 10, 2011

what's in store for me in 2011

Posted by shonitay at 1/10/2011 09:01:00 AM
here are SOME of my plans and to-do stuff for this year..
2010 is an average year for me and i hope 2011 would be a great year for me..
my complete list of my 20 resolutions for this year will be available in my WIP photobook which i have already paid for but not done yet till i get a permanent laptop to work with due to reasons i rather not mention again which could cause severe depression (FML)

1) Get a job that i love and loves me!
2) reduce debt and improve savings
3) maintain a healthier lifestyle, have proper time management and improve myself
4) take responsibilities of my actions
5) party out on a cruise with my girlfriends aka yennee, angie and mike
6) improve relationships with everyone
7) buy my brother his 21st birthday gift...(i am such a nice sister ♥)
8) pamper myself and listen to instrumental music
9) do some charity by giving away my old/unused/unwanted stuff that others might need
10) VVIP (the most important of all!!!!!!!)

JAPAN TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOOHOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Ohiyo!! Arigato!!

those are some of it only and probably i combine many into one but the idea is there...
so my dear friends, please watch out for me and ensure i do what i resolve to!!!

now, how about your resolution?
come share share... maybe i can edit mine and improve it too??


y3nnee on January 12, 2011 at 12:43 PM said...

1) I already got new job
2) And clear all my debt *lansi


Yes. I guess my wish would be to have more $ to travel more places. Can't wait for the cruise and Japan trip. Faster pray hard we can hv enough savings for the trip and extra savings for the Burberry stuff. lol.

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