Tuesday, November 23, 2010

before & after - intro

Posted by shonitay at 11/23/2010 12:14:00 PM
i'll have a series of entertainment post for your enjoyment...
all posts will have the subject header of 'before&after'

Disclaimer: even though the persons are real but the facts revealed are all fiction and my own creation for entertainment purposes only. I hope the people involved will look at it with a light heart and enjoy the laughter... should you feel offended or depressed, please do let me know. i will remove it as soon as i can. TQVM


welcome to my newly launched slimming centre ..."before&after"

the success rates are super high and most of my 'clients' have remarkable results like this one below

i'll show the rest of my 'clients' in the next following post...

and of course, the prettier and handsomer my 'clients' are, the more of their pictures you can see!

see you in the next post!!


y3nnee on November 23, 2010 at 3:05 PM said...

tipu punya!!! lol

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