Friday, May 7, 2010


Posted by shonitay at 5/07/2010 10:47:00 AM
i hate pen stealers!!! dammit!! i have a colleague here who likes to 'borrow' my pen to use all the time and i have never seen him returning it to me!!! and for all his wisdom can provide him, he only takes all my better pens and left me with those lousy pens which i dont like to use!! stupid irritating pen stealer!!!

the thing i dont understand is that why he dont just request from his company for the pens?? he is so dam selfish to only think of his own convenience but forgot that he has caused me great inconvenience and stress for hating him!


off now to grab back my last good pen cause when i peeped into his room, i dont see any of the previous ones anymore!


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