Friday, April 9, 2010

seeking batman

Posted by shonitay at 4/09/2010 10:24:00 AM
I'm going for a holiday tomorrow!!
H>O>L>I>D>A>Y >>>>>>>> HAPPINESS!!

i received some good news YESTERDAY...
and i'm gonna make it complete TODAY...
and will celebrate it TOMORROW!!!!

(sings song)
I AM HAPPYY~~~~ yeah!!!!

oh yah.. i heard that the place have slimey stuff there...
OMG when i heard that I FREAKED OUT!! DAMN GELI okay!!
i went and search about online and i'm going to share with you guys here

credits to

6 Ways to Prevent Leech Bite (Just pick one)

1. Tobacco Sock
Leeches hate the smell of tobacco. Spend a few dollars to buy some grinded tobacco leaves from the tamu or pasar (local market). Put it in a container and add some water (but not too much). Soak the socks in the tobacco+water overnight. The next day let the socks dry out. If you wear it, the leeches won’t dare to crawl on your shoes.

2. Dettol
Heard this from the villagers in Long Pasia. During World War II, some people was wondering how the Japanese soldiers can bear the leech bites. Later they learnt that the army applied Dettol on their hands, necks and legs. The strong smell kept the leeches away. However, if you do jungle trekking, I won’t advise you to do this coz your strong smell will also scare away all the wildlife hundred feet away.

3. Stocking
I heard from someone that there is a scientist in Danum Valley. He enters the forest frequently for research and seldom got leech bite, though he wears short pant. His secret is to wear the stocking (yes, the one used by lady).

4. Leech Sock
The most common way of preventing leech bite. In the begining, I thought this sock contained special chemical to scare away the leech, so I spent RM15 to buy it (expensive!!! Better use my Xmas sock). No, it is not. Basically it is just a long sock that you wear it normally and tie the other end, only to cover the opening of your sock and jean. If a leech crawls on your sock, then you can see it and get rid of it.

5. Insecticide Sock
I got this tip from a friend who works for a lumbering company. Just got a long sport sock, like the one wore by ah pak (old uncles) for jogging. Wear it all the way up to your knee (also cover the opening of your jean). Then spray Baygon brand insecticide on the sock. FYI, other brands such as Ridsect does not work well.

6. Insect Repellant
Thanks to Emily. The easiest way is to buy a Mosi-Guard (60ml costs RM26, 100ml RM28) at Guardians and spray it on your skin. It is an insect repellant but its eucalyptus extract can prevent mosquito, as well as leech attack up to 6 hours.


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