Thursday, January 30, 2014

Day 30

Posted by shonitay at 1/30/2014 11:33:00 AM 0 comments

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Day 22 of #100happydays
Managed to make my cousin brother who are normally known as carnivores eat this!!! It's vege salad with that japanese sesame sauce... Yeay! He finished the whole bowl!! Good job Adam!

Day 23 of #100happydays
This unique flavour of kit kat and almond m&m's my bro got me from Langkawi!! Will keep it to try during Cny

Day 24 of #100happydays
Yay!! My order from china for chalkboard sticker reached! No more unclear labels!! Gonna find time to start rearranging the spice rack lo

Day25 of #100happydays
I found out that this special edition Nutella is so freaking awesome!! The chocolate is so smooth and liquid-enough-but-not-so liquid yet

This is so unlike the normal ones which is thick and hard.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Day 29

Posted by shonitay at 1/29/2014 11:33:00 AM 0 comments

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Today supposed to write about past few days de #100happydays but i have no freaking mood to do so!!

So so so angry and disappointed with my mom and myself! I think i am much more angrier with myself than my mom.

Well for all it may be, the cause for all this anger is my own making, having too high hopes, expecting appreciation and dumblessly naive. Wtf

Since i am in such an angry mood, i shall complain further... And the reason why i am angry will be revealed .. (Suspense..)

Hello! Lao niang here never did fail any part of me being the not favorite daughter ok!!

Higher studies no need u all to pay already lo! Govt took pity on me, and supported me through my university... (i love malaysia) Well, basic education and living is you all punya responsibility for enjoying the fuck 30 years ago lah. While every youngster i knew that time was having the time of their lives, party, clubs, travel, fancy dinners, networking....

I had to work part time to earn a living. I had to take two public busses to uni and back and had to rush to teach my wed night classes.

Weekends? What yum char? What hang out? All i did was teach whole day!!! The more i teach the more i earn..

All these hard work for rm300-400 a month!!! Oh you may think i would be rich cos i started working so young eh? No! All the money goes to my living expenses!

They gave me rm200 a month! (After i had car, topped up rm50)

That was for breakfast, lunch, bus fares, books, notes, toiletries, clothes etc etc etc

You tell me enough or not with rm200?????
Did they feel sorry for me? NO!
Did i ask for more? NO!!
Why so stupid? Because i dont want to burden them and i rather work and earn my own money!

Fast forward 10 years later...
My dad ask me to give him rm300 (my bro also rm300) every month. He say it's just fair. Just COMFORTABLE enough for him WTF. Knowing i am already giving my mom rm350, he still ask me

Like WTF!! Did you think of me being COMFORTABLE last time??? Huh?? I only got about rm200 to spend on food now everymonth, and you want me to give u 300?? I eat what? Eat shit for you to be comfortable ah???

I know i am being very very selfish by saying all this! But hello! I wasnt the one you BELIEVED IN! You did not want to invest in me, pay for my education and give me Rm1000 for monthly spending in addition to car provided with service +road tax covered WTF

Opps! Backtracked too much! The hatred i had for my dad will erupt any time de.. So anyways, inwas saying about my mom.

So i knew that many youngsters now do not give parents money when they started working. And so i found out that my cousins were in that group. Never give any money to my uncle aunties.

So i was feeling kind of proud of myself!

I actually gave my mom (never give to my dad cause he is my enemy and even when I was young also he never give me money pun.. it's always my mom sacrificed a bit of her allowance for me) money since the day i started working without fail! The whole 10 years i worked i probably missed less than 5 times only!

Amount given to her was alway approximately 10% of my nett salary. Whether i stay at home or rent outside.

My brother who worked like for 2 years already always fail to give her money, let alone pay his installment to her for the money he loaned.

So it's really natural that i hope to feel appreciated after all these years. Never the favorite one but always fulfilling what i could do best, so so much better than others.

So when t i try to gossip about my cousins to her; she said it so cruelly that i felt my heart bleed

“You also same like them what! You also never give your father money!!”

Ok! That was insulting!
It was demeaning!
It was so so so hurtfull!
She is so bloody cruel and unappreciative!

So for the past 10 years, and all my secret resolutions and effort to be a better daughter.. GO DOWN THE BLOODY TOILET BOWL!

I never wanted to admit this....
Never wanted to face this...
Never wanted to believe this....

No matter what i did, i am never going to be the favorite one. And NO ONE GIVES A SHIT TO WHAT YOU DO AT ALL!

But if you dont do what the society expects you to do, they will talk bad about you, make you feel like an arsehole and will be doomed for hell.

For those who are the favorite ones, you can just live a carefree life, not give any money, no responsibility, mess up the whole house, order them around, make them pay for you, and they will still think that YOU ARE THE BEST CHILD ON EARTH EVERYONE SHOULD WORSHIP AND FOLLOW YOUR FOOSTEPS!

“It really sucks being the not favorite one 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Day 25

Posted by shonitay at 1/25/2014 11:31:00 AM 0 comments

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Whoa!!!! One whole week just passed like that??

Feels like i was just bathing about this time last week and waiting for Pingu to arrive 

Was feeling like this when the nurse took my blood! Hahhah dramatic!

Yeah purpose of Pingu being here was to see me! Wtf. Then sun bin do other stuff (ahem) like going for a full med check up, taking his parents' test results and shopping for CNY!

I guess i will be failing really bad in my lipid profile. Talk about high cholesterol; I HAVE BITS OF FATS IN MY BLOOD!!! It is so severe that i can see it like egg white soup WTF!

Day 14 of #100happydays
Yay! Bought gifts for Pingu's parents for CNY! Its a bottle of Taiwan Alishan tea with a special teapot which i super love but was the last piece

Appropriate gift for the parents as test results were not so good so they need to watch their food intake dy. Other scary tests are all good so nothing to worry about. Thank God! So just need to eat healthy

Yeay! Spent the weekends just like any normal couple i know. No we did not play ball or went picnic but.. We watched a movie, went shopping and had awesome meals!

I love it so much when he is around... Time really flies and i treasure every moment of it!! So over right? But that IS how i felt every single time! Hahhaha

Day 15 of #100happydays
Had dim sum breakfast with one of Pingu's ex supplier whom i had not seen for over a year! Chat so long until afternoon! Then we came home for a loooooong nap

Ahhhhh had a really good rest. Probably due to over working the body the previous day by shopping too much after blood test?

Yay! Done all Pingu's shopping in 1.5days!

Day16 of #100happydays
Finally!!! Managed to convince myself to buy the Sofina bag and managed to buy it as well!!!!

These babies were selling like super hot cakes! First time sofina 2.1 went on sale, it was all gone in 30 mins. The one i bought was from the second restock, was gone pretty fast as well, less than 30 mins if not mistaken. And today i just saw news that the 3rd restock was all gone in 5 minutes!!!  that is awesome!!

Day17 of #100happydays
Brought Peter kow fu to the bank to change new notes. Before that he bought me an awesome Japanese lunch which is like super cheap for that serving!

Lunch sets as above cost RM16.90 nett. so worth it i can cry tears of happiness. Normal Jusco salmon bento set also already cost me Rm15.90

Day18 of #100happydays
Yeah this is the same pot i bought for pingu's parents but THIS IS MINE!! Hahhaha i liked it so much, was disappointed that it was the last piece sold at Parkson Pavillion. So i went to Parkson 1utama to look for it and YAY!! I found it!! (Oh and btw this could be a cheatone because i forgot what i did on Wed and when i bought the pot)

So why did i buy this pot? Cause when i bought the tea for pingu parents, i bought an extra one for myself! Hahhahahaa

So out of the two traditional Taiwan tea that they sold, this was the one that i preferred. Pingu however preferred the other one which to me it smelled milky.. Ewwww

So i will have new tea and teapot for the new year as well 

Day19 of #100happydays
Company annual dinner at Cinnamon Cafe, One world hotel

This yee sang was assembled together by yours truly. Thank you. I know it looked delicious

Sampat colleagues never failed to mess up the table during the tossing of yee sang!

Handsome picture just to show spread our love for colleagues who are based outstation that cannot join us for the dinner

Day20 of #100happydays
Opening of all hampers at office!!
Splitting it up to for lucky draw among office colleagues after reserving all expensive liquors and bird nest for the bosses.

Bosses say they are old so they need VSOP to help for libido at night.. And that they worked so hard for the company so they need birds nest to nourish their lung. Wtf right? This was made known to me after saying that they plan to impose no hamper policy. #truestory

Day21 of #100happydays
Rearranging my beauty drawer. Omg i have so many serums and i only have 1 face! I am a freaking hoarder! NO!! I am an alert shopper. I wait for good discount, i sapu a lot! This means a lot of $$savings yo!

Then i realised i have mismatched shoe-bag colour for Cny!

How ah like that? Can match ah?

Friday, January 17, 2014

Day 17

Posted by shonitay at 1/17/2014 11:31:00 AM 0 comments

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Back to office to work today! It's a public holiday and i am free and i have plenty of things to do at the office. So come to office to clear my work a bit and also can earn half day annual leave ma!

Day 9 of #100happydays

Yeah i know this is like wtf right? But the 'high'ness you feel when you hit the jackpot is like freaking awesome! Even though its from a stupid brainless game

Day 10 of #100happydays
Baking rainbow cookies with @yennee

Yay! This week is an awesome week because there are TWO Public holidays!! And i super super love having public holidays in the middle of the week! It's as if there is two fridays in a week and all working employees knows the value and meaning of FRIDAY!

Day 11 of #100happydays
Finally had the chance to make the perfect chicken salad for dinner!! Used the right dressing and it was super yummy

Day 12 of #100happydays
Spent my night with Pu Chai.

He is a MIT graduate yo!
He is strong, swift, and sharp
Hard core military trained also!

How perfect is this!

Check out that cheeky face!!!

Day 13 of #100happydays
My  will be coming to KL today!! My world stops when he is here, so that is why i faster write first! Hahahha

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day 12

Posted by shonitay at 1/12/2014 11:30:00 AM 0 comments

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Ahhhh chooooo!
Have been sneezing all day long since i wake up and also while i was sleeping!

Day 7 of #100happydays
This is for yesterday de.

Yay! Managed to buy a Polo T for pingu for CNY from the ralph lauren warehouse sale at Kl hilton.

When we reached there, there was aready a queue to enter the sale area! It took us about half an hour to enter from where we were at the picture.

As we were queuing up, we saw most people leaving the sales with a few bags each. So we had high hopes that shopping will be great!

Dafug! When we went in i was disappointed. Things were not organised, not much clothes to buy (obvoiusly mostly odd sizes) and the queue to pay was damn long!!

I don't get it. Not only there we not a many clothes, but those were really expensive too! After discount prices ranges from

Where did all those people get their money??? Print ah? Wtf

Day 8 of #100happydays
Looked out of my room through a clean, nope, squeaky cleaned window!!

No one will believe that my bro was the one who cleaned my windows and my ceiling fan. Of course i agreed to pay him Rm50 for his effort lah.

But still it was SQUEAKY CLEAN!! I dunno how he did that but i know he used my hight quality Hello Kitty tissues! Wtf right? Dunno to be angry or not! Hmmph!

Already woke up sick today, it's 3pm and i am still in my pjs at home smelling fried salted fish. Wtf.
That's from my neighbor who makes fishballs for a living. Every afternoon without fail my house will be filled with salted fish aroma. Not that bad actually, i kinda like the smell. Not that i like the smell to fill up my whole house everyday but it's just that i don't hate the smell like those rotten smelly tofu!

But in days when i have sensitive nose, the smell makes me sneeze badly. Arghh

My healthy brunch today!
Chocolate banana yogurt drink

This is so yummy i could drink that everyday! Healthy too!

Then i neutralized the healthiness with some salty nuts my uncle bought from Australia. It's so addictive!

Desperate attempt to overcome my guilt by eating Rm8 handful worth of cherries to make myself feel healthy all over again.

Fuck lah i think i am destined to be fat! Where got people not feeling well have a hippo appetite like me??? What's wrong with me i just cant stop eating!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 10

Posted by shonitay at 1/10/2014 11:29:00 AM 0 comments

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Wasn't feeling well past few days due to PMS. Got all kinds of symptoms starting off with greediness for food wtf

Then came the hot and cold moments, bloating, feverish, BACKACHES, tiredness, sleepiness, lack of appetite, depression, moodiness, self hate body moments and so on.
Hence the lack of updates.

Today just after i ate a whole pack of fruit rojak for lunch (with pineapples) red aunty decides it's time! 

Despite bleeding down there, i am relieved. So now can update Dayre

Day 4 of #100happydays gave all this away to colleague to redeem for his son! Giving is happiness

Almost completed 3 sets of these stickers to redeem a toy each from Tesco. Initially i was lack of 1 sticker to complete 2 set, but end up shop too much and mainly due to my kiasu aunty syndrom i managed to get another 3/4 set 

Day 5 of #100happydays
Went to Jusco to have dinner and found this! Now they are having pre packed salad for sale!

This is the chicken floss salad and before that i also ate the egg salad! Imagine it was so good that i ate 2 bowls!!

Then this introduced me to something that would change my life.. Forever!

Day 6 of #100happydays
Salad dressing!!!
From the Jusco salad, i realise i could accept the taste of these two kinds of dressing. I used to have to kind of suffer eating just plain raw veggies because i dont eat mayo, thousand island or just any dressing. Now i can have better tasting salad!!!

I will now have lots of healthy snacks like carrot sticks and cucumber! 

Yup the orange was a reminder for me to bring home the bottles so that i can use them over the weekend!

I realised i could even eat raw carrot sticks dipped in the roasted sesame sauce! I used to not like carrots, what more raw ones! Yuck!

And yes, those are grapes and they are freakin sweet so imma go buy more later!!

fuckI! I realised that i actually mixed up on the dates and i might have used yesterday's info for today's pic.

So to make it up for today's #100happydays....

Already explained earlier rite? Hehe

I know, it's tough being a woman.
I also know that it's hard understanding a woman.

On one hand, if u think about the bleeding, it should be damn gross and suffering right? But NO! Here i am, HAPPY REJOICING and RELIEVED!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day 7

Posted by shonitay at 1/07/2014 11:29:00 AM 0 comments

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Asked boss about extra holiday for CNY, yay!!! He said follow like previous years, means ADDITIONAL HOLIDAY FOR OFFICE!!

Super busy the whole day!! No time to properly read Dayre also! What more updating it!

But but... Just as i am about to sleep i suddenly remembered.

Yeah so here i am, adjusted the clock to the right date, updating my Dayre with my eyes half opened.


This is bonus for today! Extra happy cause these sinful stuff is heavenly.

extra love to my aunty may who cooked this for me!! 

Ok goodnight world!!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Day 6

Posted by shonitay at 1/06/2014 11:28:00 AM 0 comments

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Busy the whole morning and noon.

Woken up at 7 to bring pingu's parents for medical screening.

Last Saturday's check revealed some thing so today went for further check. Praise God. Doc briefly said it should be nothing cancerous. Thank God. Hopefully results will confirm that as well.

Since i am already on leave today, might as well make good use of my time to go buy something i wanted to buy for so long. Had to drive all the way to Ampang to get those

All the way for these!!! #100happydays

Omg! No one will understand how my heart will skip few beats when i bought these.

The though of these...

Turning to these... Make my heart beat so fast!

That ecstatic feeling is just too awesome!! #suckerforbottles

I hate messiness! I love things to be organised!

Since i found this wholesaler i have been looking and thinking of excuses just to go and buy some containers to unify stuff around my house.

This time, i bought these pump bottles in addition to the above ones for my moisturiser

I do NOT LIKE moisturizers that come in a tub form. Even i am not super particular of germs growing in there but i am aware of it. I also hate the fact that the cream always gets under my nails which will be worse.

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