Thursday, April 25, 2013

hello kitty @ McDs!!

Posted by shonitay at 4/25/2013 01:57:00 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

my super awesome 2013 holiday plans

Posted by shonitay at 4/17/2013 12:16:00 AM 0 comments
i am so so so so happy as i am typing now
when i heard the news, i went like ... WHAT??? 
really??? sure??? is it true???
dun lie lah ok???
then my hands and feet turned icy cold.. 
my heart was beating super fast

anyway, the ultimate surprise was...
that i could go for an all expense paid trip in APRIL
did u read properly??

how awesome is that right?? this is madness lor!!! 
but this trip got long story de....tell next time lah...
i think i am damn hang fuk hor? 

the rest of the places planned shall be a mystery..
guess yourself lah!

 in JUNE... for yours truly's birthday....

 in SEPTEMBER for our annual tripping girls trip!!

in NOVEMBER for our annual couple's retreat

and for the rest of the months not specified

 no lah! think i so mou liu meh? every other month go visit mosque!
actually my destination is .....
this! hhahahahaha damn boring hor?
sorry!! not at all lor... 
i have the adult version of this baby to feast my eyes on all day!!

when you are reading this now, i should be on a flight to Tokyo already...
so it'll be too late to ask for souvenirs!! muahahhahahaaa

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Kitty-fied angpow

Posted by shonitay at 4/11/2013 07:29:00 PM 0 comments
this cute cat bring happiness to so many people in the world! 
can all angpow printers suggest designs like this to the banks?????
instead of the common boring designs, no need to crack head or anything lah...
just use hello kitty designs on all the angpows lah! 
guarantee there will be more happy people on this planet

and since i got so lucky this year receiving ONE hello kitty angpow, (the other one was salvaged from Pingu)
i shall start a new label - hello kitty, and start to post more pictures of where to buy hello kitty stuff
all around KL, Malaysia or the world, if i am lucky enough...
and also to post pictures of my hello kitty stuff to show off...muahahhaha
FYI, i am quite a stingy person, so i won't spend money on orginal Sanrio merchandise, which we know very well where to get it from... unless its like a colaboration or some the previous Guardian sale that i didn't manage to get my hands on the handwash! :(
so wanna make sure that i dont miss it again, and i hope i will help other kaki kitty as well


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