Saturday, March 30, 2013

My new travel companion!

Posted by shonitay at 3/30/2013 10:15:00 PM 0 comments
She loved to be caressed, squeezed and snuggle...
Cause she's a lady!
Her name is coconut...
Cool and refreshing....
Hahaha so irrelevant....

Friday, March 29, 2013

MIVVA beauty box - March 2013

Posted by shonitay at 3/29/2013 10:30:00 AM 0 comments
My second MIVVA box!
so far my favorite in terms of product choice!!!
and packaging

it's nice of the team to have a theme each month...
and this month is Know Your Skin...
notice the cards? they are so beautiful and pretty 
<3 p="">

vouchers! number 76 saloon.. the one cheesie and audrey and bobo goes!
but i check liao.. quite pricey lor.. so i doubt i'll use it...
anyone who wants can have it :)

awesome products this month!!!
all also i super love

Organic Argan Oil... 
loved this!! i use it to put on my cuticles...
just when i had the mood for pedi/mani these days..
and i read that it's good for hair ends too!!

Beautymate Nano Lotion...
they gave the toner last month
and this is the perfect match!! 
i will definitely try this when my current one finishes :)

Esllon Bio Gel Eye Mask
haven't got the chance to use this...
but will definitely use it one day.... and i heard its good wei..

Murad's Hybrid Skin Perfecting Primer..
i got another one of this from the previous box...
but still not yet use cause have yet to get the chance to make up..

Uriage Hyseac cleansing gel
this is meant for oily skin and i totally loved this size de item
it gives me the chance to properly try and see if i really like a product or not
and i will use this when i go for my beach vacations...

MIVVA team always surprises us with a little gift every month
and this time, i got a pink doggie towel!
until now i also mm seh tak dismantle it...
so cute leh the doggie...

so far, i repeat, i find that MIVVA box is the one most worth it!
so i will encourage everyone to subscribe to it
just visit their website

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Redang Trip May 2012

Posted by shonitay at 3/26/2013 11:29:00 AM 0 comments
i must post this up before it hits ONE year anniversary!!
that is what i told myself! 
so i uploaded the pictures, and now, after 3 months.. i am only posting it wtf

we went for our ladies trip last year to redang!
with the perfect idea to feast our eyes on sexy hot guys on the beach...
maybe gigi and mike could hook up some..;)
but too bad... the place we booked ... was so faraway from the main redang beach!
super suitable for a quiet and peaceful beach holiday! - not what we had on our dirty little minds

one of the late mornings... see.. beach totally no people at all... all too peaceful... 
the sand here are quite coarse, some thing like small small stones... 
i prefer the ones on the main beach, those are like baby powder!

Redang Kalong Resort...
awesome place for divers and peace seeking people

we even had time to figure out how to climb on this coconut branch to take pictures..

the trick is walk backwards, upwards!

can act as superwoman some more!!

 super love this picture on the jetty with gigi

us... just like old times on the tennis court/the apartment nearby with all the food from pasar malam!

girls talk!! damn nice lor this picture... my hair looks nice!

first time tried kayaking... scary at first... but later when i got the hang of rowing... it felt quite good..
still scary though.. when i think of 'what if i fall in the sea?'

another picture of the resort.. papan tanda before we leave...

then we went back to Kuala Terengganu town... for another day before our flight home...
we did some touristy thing there.. like visiting the Taman Tamadun Islam...
which i went before.. so this time.. i went as... A TOUR GUIDE.. with a china slang! 
HAHAHAHHHAAAA.. there were some indian tourist around... i dont know why but just that china slang came naturally and damn funny lo....
like i don't know what is mosque in mandrin, so i just 'mandrinised' the word became mo-see-ke.. HAHAHAHHAH rotfl

a complimentary picture of some mosque... just because there was a terengganu flag there :)

great trip with my besties!!
am looking forward for our next trip this year!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Wonderbox March 2013 CNY Edition

Posted by shonitay at 3/19/2013 06:07:00 PM 0 comments
This wonderbox came just after CNY ...
inside were some brochures, product card and a card explaining all about Wonderpoints!
its a point system reward to claim free boxes in the future
very generous system i tell you!
this is CNY theme, so that is why you see some pink flowers all over
this month's box is all about facial products and only one nail item
frankly, i was very happy cause i fancy facial products more than make up..
1. Murad VITALIC T-ZONE Pore Refining Gel
this is to reduce pore size  for T zone area.. it smells good but i felt it is not so powerful
2. Murad Energizing Pomegranate Moisturizer
i love this moisturiser!! since i am looking for a day moisturiser, i was so happy to receive this famous brand!
i am using it on a daily basis, and i kind of liked it...
smells fruity sweet and the texture is liquid...
comes with SPF15 so it's all good!
3.Jacqueline Burchell Nail Lacquer
this tiny bottle of nail polish is so adorable!!
the colour i got is something like metalic grey
texture wise, it's a bit thick... but i only need to apply one coat to get full coverage
4. Clinelle Moisture Booster
this came at such an awesome timing...
when i was thinking of changing my night moisturiser and planning to try Khiel's MR
i can put this on before for added moisture!
i was using this some time ago, i stopped.
initially because of price, then later i found ANR serum.. 
5. H2O+ Marine Toner and Oasis Dual-Action Exfoliating Cleanser
super loved this!! heard of this brand before and i have been wanting to try this but have no chance
sample size is great as well cause it can be used as travel pack!
this is definitely on my next-try-list
overall, i really loved this month's Wonderbox..
i loved facial products a lot!!
and i hope to receive more of it!!

to subscribe to this wonderful box,
click here

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Lilac Box - Box I - Valentine's Box

Posted by shonitay at 3/13/2013 08:07:00 PM 0 comments
This is the most anticipated box this year...
it was finally out last February, just in time for Valentines Day!

the only premium brand beauty box in Malaysia

it was sold out within 3 days of opening sales!
OMG! so happy that i managed to get one for myself...
and convincing yennee to buy one too!!
i heard Box II is on the way.. should be out mid-March 2013
and i will be stalking them on facebook to ensure that i get my hands on it!

so the box came wrapped in another box...
sturdy plain brown box <3 font="">
tied in lilac polka dot ribbon

the items included are:
1. Max Factor Nailfinity  nail polish
2. Burberry Beauty Fresh Glow foundation
3. Kerastase Ciment Anti Usure conditioner
4. Kerastase Bain Force Architecte shampoo
5.Roberto Cavalli Body Lotion
6.DECLÉOR Aroma Cleanse set

the inside of the box cover was a note..
to re-use the box, put something in, and give a gift to another person
~spread the love~
this gave me the idea to make beauty boxes from the items that i have and give a gift to someone else
brilliant idea *lightbulbmoment

Monday, March 11, 2013

MIVVA beauty box - February 2013

Posted by shonitay at 3/11/2013 07:11:00 AM 0 comments
 i think i am beauty box addict! 
i subscribed to 3 boxes! OMG!
MIVVA box was the awesome-most as i decide to subscribe for a half year package right after THIS first box!

so this is how the box look like...
i know i know.. this picture do no do any justice to how beautiful is the colour
super sweet peachy pink *mad love 
 i swear i will take better pictures once i get an iphone..
now surviving on ipad or my hello kitty phone only..

inside, are all the goodies, wrapped in classy black sugar paper!
and the theme for Feb is "Love is in the air"
aptly for Valentines Day...
and also there were angpows! for CNY!!
see how thoughtful is the team?? *adds point
inside the angpows are some activity for subscribers to do..
we're to take picture with our BFF and tag MIVVA on facebook!
 TADAH!! here's my first box!
Lots of goodies right? All for just RM39.90 per month! 
Let's see what's inside:
1. Nature's lab body whip - this is heavenly! non greesy, smells fantastic and definately moisturizing enough
2. Skin79 White set - there are 3 sample sizes inside: Solution, Softerner, Emulsion 
3. Paul Penders Natural Cream Lipstick - i haven't used it yet, but i am keeping this for myself because i totally love the slightly pink nude colour! will use it when i put on make up! 
4. Beautymate Purifying And Brightening Nano Toner  - this is such a full size product and i totally loved this. i will be in need of a toner soon, and i was thinking of what to buy until this came along! now, no need to buy dy and i can use this! i believed it will suit me very well, purifying and brightening, what more can i ask?
5. Murad's Vitalic Pomegranate Exfoliating Mask - This mask is super awesome! smells so good, sweet and refreshing! it gives a cool sensation when it's on my face and even after i wash it off! super love! and i think i wanna buy the full size pack since there's a RM30 voucher in the box as well! 

Bonus: besides all the awesome products, i got a flower clip too!!
pretty but a little too cute for me though.. 
so will present it so someone special ;)
and and, there's marshmallows too!!!
flower shaped so pretty OMG! 
i didn't have the heart to eat it, so my cousin did me a favour!
super love right this box! 
cheers to MIVVA team for doing such a fantastic job!

so if you are interested to subscribe to a happy box,
please do so here.. 
and i can assure you, you will start your month happy!!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

MODBOX - February 2013 + review of one favorite item!!

Posted by shonitay at 3/09/2013 12:07:00 AM 0 comments
This is my second Modbox, and i am so in love with them
that i emailed Modbox team and cancelled my monthly subscription!
hahaha i guess their heart must have broken when they saw the title to my email
then i explained that i want to change to 6 month's subscription!!

the beautiful package that made many jealous ;)

Products included in the box for me this month!

1. Shaire Dry Shampoo - or if i read properly, i think it is also call hair perfume
perfect for those times when hair washing is not possible...
and i think it suit mom's in confinement the BEST
so i gave this to my colleague who will give birth soon!!
spread the love ya..

2. Essense Smokey Eye set - did not try this though, as i already have similar colours
so i plan to give to a friend 
spread the love ya... 

3. Essence XXXL nudes lip gloss - gave this to my colleague who loved lips products too as i don't like anything on my lips! 
spread the love again ya!

4. Perkins Nail Wrap - initially i was like wow! yay! playtime!
then i went ugghhh... green colour?  hmmm.. still ok lah..
but when i read further on the instructions..
OMG! my hair can stand even as i am typing now!
need to use nail file to file it!!!
NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...... i cannot file my own nail.. 
neither will i choose to let other's file, if i can choose.. my greatest fear! :(

5. Juice Beauty Cleansing Gel - my favourite among all!!!!
just when i needed a cleanser, this showed up

lets do a short review of this cleanser which i begin to adore..
here's the back of the bottle, cannot really read though..
it's an organic cleanser which is good.. nothing poisonous or fake in there..

the smell is... uhmm.. organic.. hahahah...
no lah... honestly, it smells like nutmeg cream! hahaha..
those traditional ubat cream smell, so confirm organic lo!

the colour is like what you see on top, slightly dark brown, slightly runny...
foaming capacity is moderate; which i like!...
too foamy, means got a lot foaming chemical
not foamy, not nice, cause no clean feeling..
i am just so dumb, i know... but still..

after cleansing, i find that my skin is CLEAN....
and not dry and my skin did not pull.. means MOISTURIZING enough!

yay! so thumbs up for this cleanser... and i believe i will purchase it after i finish this bottle!
thank you MODBOX for introducing this wonderful item for me!

if you guys wanna find gems like this...
and enjoy receive monthly 'presents'...
(i am so happy every time i receive a beauty box until the courier guys also know that the box they hold is meant for me.. skip the receptionist and come directly to my table! i think they secretly enjoy watching me scream in happiness and hugging my boxes while acknowledging receipt :)) 

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