Thursday, March 15, 2012

i have a dream

Posted by shonitay at 3/15/2012 05:16:00 PM 0 comments
i want to travel all around the world to SHOP at the local supermarkets there!!!!

not just to visit all the interesting places, but to go to the local TESCO, 7-eleven, pharmacy!!
i want to have 2-3 days just for me to shop in all these wonderful places!!!
as i was chatting with my collegue the other day, i noticed i always do one thing whenever i go anywhere, i will definately SHOP!

i do not shop for big brands... but i just like to buy everything under the sun!
all small and cutesy stuff.. things that i use everyday... personal beauty items and LOCAL FOODSTUFF!!

i have been to a few countries and i always find that there are always something that you can buy from other country's local supermarket which is either unique and/or cheaper than malaysia.
let me list of some personal/home/food stuff that i have discovered so far:

instant/cup noodles (tomyum, PORK!!!!!@@), PORK cubes for soup, cheap shampoo (sunsilk etc), sanitary pad (laurier ultra-thin is super cheap lor), Lays potato chips, those chicken/pork floss+rice cracker snacks, atapchi, dried longan

elipse hair oil (so much cheaper), pirated DVD (up to rm2/pc! ZOMG!), instant noodles (goreng/soup), POP mee, kicap manis ABC

skin care, hair care, 100 yen shops(not the shop, but its a must go, so i put it here) cutesy stuff

that's all i can think of so far... if you have any list, please add on ya..

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Personalised Gift

Posted by shonitay at 3/13/2012 09:58:00 AM 0 comments
AWWWWW... so cute right???

it feels like it was made just for me... which in fact..


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

pink obsession

Posted by shonitay at 3/06/2012 05:28:00 PM 0 comments
these days.. something weird happened to me...
i seemed to have a big crush on pink stuff
and also find hello kitty...cute...

all these started when i saw this mouse on one of those group coupon buys..
and i made yennee buy for me as my Christmas gift!

it was super cute lor!! and then i got addicted!
when i saw this on sale in one of those coupon buys... i did not think twice...
i just bought it immediately! btw, its mosquito repellant if you must ask

and so, i have been craving to buy a calculator for myself....
to be used in office... and maybe at home too, i went and search high and low for it...
saw it in night markets, in hello kitty shops... but i was too kiamsap to buy it...
and then when i had the chance to buy this beauty at a good rate, i bought it right away!!
it was pure esctasy!! like pure sense of achievement!!

and then when i bought the calculator, i could buy some more things at really good prices, i bought this!! hello kitty car shade... as you know, i have just changed car.. and i thought this was really worth it !

Friday, March 2, 2012

JAPAN 2011 My Trip Report

Posted by shonitay at 3/02/2012 10:06:00 PM 0 comments
We're back from our long awaited trip... This trip was basically tailored with one idea on our minds:
"Japan is expensive and we'll only be able to save up enough to go there ONCE"

and oh boy how WRONG we were.. its DOable! Everyone CAN/MUST go to Japan and experience the wonderful country and people and culture and food... So, just to note, this trip arrangement is ideal if you plan to go to Japan only ONCE. and if you need my advice/share my itinerary with you, do let me know.. :)

So after saving for about 2 years, we finally took the plunge and bought our flight tickets to Japan on 11 March 2011! The date seemed like a familiar right? yeah, it's the day Japan was strucked with the Great East Japan Earthquake 8.9 magnitude ok! and to clarify further of our gung-ho-ness, we bought the ticket AFTER the news of the eathquake just because the price of the ticket was cheap (during pre-earthquake time)! We also told ourselves, Japan is a great country and the people there is strong! Earthquake and Tsunami is like monsoon season in Malaysia!

Little did we expect that the situation would lead to nucklear leakage... and so on... we PANICKED! and decided to pull out and tried to change tickets! Part of me was scared of dying unknowingly due to nucklear exposure and another part of me insists of not letting go of our dreams just like that...

i read many touching stories how Japan people keep strong, how the whole nation worked together to overcome the difficult period and HOW THE WORLD CAME TOGETHER (incl Korea & China OK!) for Japan... This... made me decide that we should keep our tickets and pray that by November it would be declared safe to travel to Japan.. I knew, the tourism industry in Japan needs me (albeit just a smallcat) to play a part to help build up the economy of Japan. And so WE WENT TO JAPAN and made our dreams came true!!!!!

Highlight of the 14 days 14 nights spent in the Land of the Rising Sun:

Day 1: Asakusa Temple

Day 2: Shinkansen Nozomi

Day 3: Momofuku Ando Instant Ramen Museum

Day 4: Osaka Castle

Day 5: Universal Studios Japan

Day 6: Cycling around Kyoto

Day 7: Disney Resort

Day 8: Disney Sea

Day 9: Disneyland

Day 10: Tokyo Tower

Day 11: Hakone-Machi

Day 12: Mt Fuji

Day 13: Tsukiji Fish Market

Day 14: Narita Airport

Stay tuned for the detailed summary of each day.

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