Friday, July 31, 2009

raymond's graduation

Posted by shonitay at 7/31/2009 03:11:00 PM 1 comments
Last Sunday, I woke up VERY EARLY just for my brother's Graduation Day...

He wanted something big and unique.... so i got up early in the morning and rushed to Petaling Street to buy him a BIG bouquet of sunflower... Bright and cheery; bold yet comfortable.

Uncle Peter was there together with my mom early to be seated in the hall. Look at him... sooo cute!

Hahaha!! Looks as if mama is wearing a mini graduation hat too!!!!! Talking about hats... check Raymond's one out! Hahahahaha!!! Problems that 'big heads' have...The hat could not fit!! He had to hold it together with pins!!!!
There...i was there in time to hand him the big bouquet.... and for being UNIQUE... the big sunflower behind us! It was supposed to be yennee's... well, its plastic.. so we recycled it! Everyone was looking and staring at us... definately unsual!

Yennee was there too... she brought the sunflower and went around TARC to seek memories...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

don't drink and drive

Posted by shonitay at 7/29/2009 11:02:00 AM 0 comments
funniest picture of the year!!!

my housemate showed this to me yesterday night...
and i can't stop thinking of it.
i stole this from his facebook post... enjoy!!!
Location: just outside my apt gate... at 3 a.m. in the morning
he miracleously managed to park his car right infront of the gate

i wonder how would he feel and what will he think when he woke up later??

Friday, July 24, 2009

i'm a child

Posted by shonitay at 7/24/2009 09:35:00 AM 0 comments
saw a specialist yesterday regarding my knee
found out that... i have XXX
today i searched about XXX...
and i found that that is a common thing for CHILDREN! wtf!
not for adults! nothing can be done to correct it except surgery...
which should only be done when necessary...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Handsome doctors are useless!!!

Posted by shonitay at 7/21/2009 11:18:00 AM 0 comments
Went to visit the doctor a HAPPY girl and left the clinic a pissed girl! Damn!

I had this pain on my knee for more than 3 weeks already. So I panicked. I am afraid that I could not walk. Scared that it might have some long term effect. So I went to the doctor, in hope that he will ease my anxiety and perhaps give a professional solution to me.

In I went and told him about the persistent pain in my knee especially when I go down the stairs…and without even touching my knee or asking any further…
he said, “YOU HAVE A TORN LIGAMENT!” wtf!

Then I asked, “What can I do? Do I need to see a specialist or what?”
Doc said, “Nothing. Just let it rest for 6-8 weeks, it will heal by its own
My reply was, “ummm… ok..”

He then continued and that began to piss me off! “In the era of IT, you could search for solutions through the net. You know you can use yahoo or google to search for information like this. You can read about it there”
Fuck him! What are doctors for? Hello! My company PAYS you!!!

Well, since he said that, I asked him about something my boss told me about the possibility that my knee had lack of cartilage in it. Guess what he answered??!!?!?!?

“Actually knowing a little is a dangerous thing. You think you know a little bit about something and you think and assume its something big like cancer blah blah blah…”

You asked me to go find information, and that is what I found!
I asked for your professional knowledge, and you asked me to refer to INTERNET
and now you say it’s a DANGEROUS thing to know a little bit of information!

What? Do you expect me to know everything completely like you (maybe) do??

Monday, July 20, 2009

pronounce this...

Posted by shonitay at 7/20/2009 02:01:00 PM 0 comments
Kaspersky Anti Virus..

some pronounce it as "Kas-per-skye"
some "Kas-per-skee"

today i heard a special version

~~"Krispy Kee"~~


I think he must have missed Krispy Kreme Donuts a lot!

Friday, July 17, 2009

singapore trip

Posted by shonitay at 7/17/2009 04:12:00 PM 0 comments

We're supposed to enter singapore on the 9/7 but had to delay one day as Ping was down with fever and cold... So we spent the day at his sister's house. He practically slept the whole day...Had to make sure he had enought liquid to cool down, ate some food before medicine...

We left to singapore the next day when he felt better... and it was my turn to feel itchy at my throat and my nose got runny.. Sayang him too much i guessed that the virus transffered over to me! haha! Luckily no fever. Otherwise, sure kena stuck and quarantined.

Singapore's custom so strict. Immediately once we reached the border, there'll be people with masks carrying polaroid camera looking machine. I was in the car and this cute kid came knocking on my window. I lowered the glass only to see him snapping for my picture. wtf. Nolah.. its a heat detector machine. Only after that they start checking the stuff you bring in... etc. Later, I heard from yennee the machine is valued to the price of a Toyota Camry! omg!

Stopped at Melaka for dinner. Wanted so much to have exotic, hot, nice, sweet delicious food...
but we're both not feeling well. Ended up eating chicken rice ball at Famosa Chicken Rice. Not as good as the famous one during the afternoon at Jonker though.

This is Le-Le. Ping's eldest sis second daughter. The mischevious, naughty and cheeky one. Our photographer of the day. My first meal in singapore (picture inset) was taken by her. Not bad eh... with angle and etc.. hahaha

When Ping's brother in law returned from Thailand the next day, he brought home toys for the kids!!! so I joined in and the first thing i created was this. Its a FLOWER okay!!! that was what i knew how to do when the other kids could do so many magical items which i dont know why i could not think of. Baby even did a helicopter for them!!

Later that night, he brought us for the famous Singapore Chili Crab!!! Super duper yummy delicious!! Although we were sick-lings... but we didn't care.... eat first; then think later!! hahahhaha!!.

hahhahhaha... i wasn't bad after all... after few weird creations like the CROOKED LADDER and HAPPY FAMILY HOUSE... with my flower turning into a windmill.. i finally created my masterpiece.. Chuan2 posing with my ~~TRAIN!!! so cute okay!!! got yellow flower umbrellas for each cabin! clap* clap*
Qi Qi was the beautiful gardener... She was so sweet to decorate the house with flowers to surprise her mom!
Finally, after staying at home for the past two days, the last day before we left, we went out together! yeah! We went to Sentosa. Ping wanted to try the 4D experience.

I was bored queuing at one of the attraction so i was busy snapping pictures of myself... notice the big red pimple on my cheek!!! then i said; "i think my face look good ( I meant THIN) at certain angle especially if its taken from a higher point."

"Yeah meh???"
SEE!!!! He agreed in the end... hahaha!!
but i think my rabbit teeth seems more obvious! oklah.. this is what we call lack of self confidence...
Hahahahaha! Look at baby's hair!! CuRLy~~ HAHAHAHAHA

While waiting for bus... going to the beach..

In the bus with a whole big bunch of Indian tourists. Saw some wearing saree...OMG!! i wonder how they could stand the heat and walking everywhere so flimsy...

At Siloso Beach. People was all waiting in line to take picture with the sign..and one Japanese lady got impatient and began get pissed off... started grumbling.. and NO ONE BOTHERED! haha!!

Went to Singapore Flyer, the world's largest observation wheel later at night. Ping promised to bring me there a loooong time ago...
Had the whole godola to fit 28 people all to ourselves!!! Cool!!!
In his promise, a meal was supposed to be included. The illegally smuggled in char siew paw was eaten at the height of 165m above sea level...Hahahaha!!!

After that, we headed to Clark Quay for a stroll and ended the day with a nice drink by the Singapore River.

stupidest department of all!

Posted by shonitay at 7/17/2009 12:34:00 PM 0 comments
I HATE the HR department in my parent company!!!
i am so pissed off! i hate being questioned.
it's like they're questioning and tracing my whereabouts!!!!

Hello!! i'm a project staff, not office based! damn!!
i hate those people working at the human resource department!
they are all assholes and double faced monkeys!!!

from now on, i'll go to the office, laze around all day and I AM A GOOD STAFF!!


Malaysia Boleh?

Posted by shonitay at 7/17/2009 10:51:00 AM 0 comments
One fine day I went to one of the government office to collect A LETTER. It took me ONE BLOODY HOUR AND FIFTEEN MINUTES. When I reached there, I was relieved… “ooo… no lunch break! So good! Wah… now the government departments improved their service quality already!” Then I stepped in and I saw this… I proceeded to get my number… and yeah.. I got the next one…
But when I turned my head, I saw this!

Yeah right! What they say about this??? Then while waiting, a few of the staff actually pass by me, few times…
No one bothered to offer help, no one bothered to ask, no one even bothered to smile!
What is it about service with a smile?? Smile my ass!
So we waited, waited, waited and waited… And finally… they started work at 2.10pm while I got my letter at 2.23pm!
I just don’t understand the Malaysian civil servant mentality…
If they would have written that the department is closed for lunch, wouldn’t it solve all hassle and at least I could proceed to have a munch! Why wanna proclaim that you work through lunch time when not a single soul is there to serve the customers??????????

Tell me!

After that, I went to have my lunch at Subway.. as I was enjoying my meal…
I witnessed a terrible attitude of us MALAYSIANS… and how rude some people can be! A white Myvi double parked behind another Myvi when the latter’s owner came and wanted to leave. This was a family man with his wife and a little baby boy. They were waiting under the hot sun… waiting for the owner of the white Myvi to come by and move her car.
Honked. But to no avail. They waited patiently… Honked again. Waited again for 15 minutes. Then daddy got mad and pressed on the horn stressfully making a line of uncomfortable honking music. Still to no avail. NO ONE TURNED UP!
Mummy got pissed. Went off to find somewhere cooler to wait.
After half an hour of insanely producing loud and long honks…
The culprit showed up! This LADY showed up… without a slightest sorry look or even a word of apology, she reversed her car and waited for daddy to get out of the parking lot so she can park her car. Then she got down and left. Wtf

OMG! What is happening to our people now?? What if the family had something urgent to do????? What if there is an emergency? For heaven’s sake, if that irritating lady is going to park for a long time, then why don’t she use some of her tiny brain to park at the appropriate parking place??? She could at least be slightly courteous enough to leave a contact number! Laziness and the convenience of double parking and the ignorance to other people’s inconvenience!
Malaysia Boleh kah?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Giveaway No.2

Posted by shonitay at 7/14/2009 10:58:00 AM 0 comments
An Audio FM Receiver.. just plug your SD card/pen drive in and you can play your mp3s!
It still has 5 month warranty left..
If you would like to receive this, just be the SECOND person to send me an email with the title "AUDIO ROKOK" to

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Wondering mind

Posted by shonitay at 7/07/2009 11:06:00 AM 1 comments
Moody these days.

I am feeling not right.
I can’t focus.
I can’t think straight.
My brain cannot function like it used to.
My leg hurts.
I burp.
I fart. A lot.
I think I am depressed….
Or maybe stressed.
I don’t know.

But my stomach knows. Lately, I seem to be hungry very fast…. and all the time and I am mostly filled with internal gasses, which sometimes comes out from above or below…unknowingly. It’s disgusting, I know. So, I better take good care of my tummy before it becomes severe and turn into gastric. But I can’t eat much. Due to my hurt knee. The nerves are inflamed! So I can’t eat anything I like. I love toufu, I love fuchuk, I love bayam… and I can’t eat them! I feel miserable! Life has no colour anymore when I can’t eat my favorite food!

Besides that… I am worried. I can’t focus. I think my subconscious mind is worried about something. Something that my conscious mind refuses to acknowledge. Something that I am to lazy to make a change about it. So now my conscious mind and subconscious mind is like having friction against each other. Remember the saying, “bersatu teguh bercerai roboh”?? no wonder my body is in the ‘roboh’ state. I hate the feeling that I cannot control myself. I lose control of my focus, my thinking, my attention. I am just plain lazy to make any change. LAZY! Aha! That is the point! I hate myself for being lazy.

Because I still have not figured out what to do.

Come on brain! Work together lah… I am suffering here!

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